Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Primroses & The Fairies

 Come and walk down the primrose path with me. It only a few blocks from home. Primroses also come in yellow and other colors.

A superstition about Primrose flower and the fairies is that you might see one if you eat the flower. Primrose flower’s taste mostly reminds you of lettuce. People in the medieval age used to eat the flowers if they needed some help of the fairies.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have heard of primroses my whole life in books and people talking about them, as far as i can remember these are my first to see. of course the memory is gone, I tried to microwave my coffee in the fridge today... these flowers are gorgeous

Shug said...

Oh wow, they are putting on quite a show. so very pretty

Martha said...

They sure are gorgeous, but like Sandra I've always head about them but don't think I've ever actually seen them before. I, on the other hand, did not try to microwave my coffee in the fridge lol!

Carol said...

Such pretty flowers, but I did not know that they were associated with fairies.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I will leave the eating of them to others, but they sure are pretty to look at.

L. D. said...

I like your pink primrose. I prefer yours over my yellow ones. I may have to go shopping.

Hootin Anni said...

Good thing I don't drink coffee!! I didn't know you could microwave it in the fridge...wonder what Sandra does with the coffee grounds...keeps Bob busy cleaning the pool?

There are primrose here, everywhere.

My Tata's Cottage said...

Those are lovely primroses. I do not think I have seen them in person. Thanks for always being a kind heart.

Debby said...

Beautiful primroses!

Mari said...

They are so pretty!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Ah! How lovely and charming those are! I wonder if they like a lot of sun? I would like to plant some! xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

They are beautiful flowers. I would like to plant some in my yard.

CheerfulMonk said...

I had heard about them but like Sandra these are the first I've seen. Thank you!

Reanaclaire said...

Summer is really blooming .... very nice and sweet primroses there, Ginny!

Ann said...

These are really pretty. Fun facts about the superstition behind them.

George said...

These are beautiful primroses. They look too pretty to eat.

Jeanette said...

Those are beautiful! Probably would make a nice addition to a dandelion salad!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Ohhhhhh, such a pretty blog look!!!!!!

The flowers are delightful.

Didn't know they come in yellow.

Nor did I know the lovely story, of eating some, to see Faeries!

Might have to try that! I'd love to see Faeries!!!


Chatty Crone said...

I have actually been to some places that put eatable flowers on my plate - never ate them tho.

Ida said...

This is such a delicate shade of pink. The plant however is a type of geranium (see link)

Still I think they make a lovely statement in the garden. I have a purple one like this.

photowannabe said...

I do love these pink primroses. They make me think of my folks. They always had some blooming in their garden.
I never heard the story about eating the blossoms for fairy guidance. Interesting.

Carla from The River said...

I enjoy the superstitions you are sharing with us. The photos are fantastic. Thank you!!!

DawnTreader said...

I did not know those flowers were edible! (well, I'm not sure I'd be able to identify them anyway, so perhaps better stay on the safe side...)

DeniseinVA said...

When I visited yesterday I forgot to mention this quote also. Lovely!


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