Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 This house about ten minutes away has a nice large lawn. And they always mow words in it!

The year is divided into four seasons: Shoveling, seeding, mowing, and raking.

 ~William D. Tammeus


Linda said...

Now that is so clever!!

Reanaclaire said...

Innovative! Takes a lot of patience to do that too...

Nancy Chan said...

You live in a very nice and interesting place. And the people there are very creative too. The lawn is so neat and well maintained.

Ann said...

That is pretty cool. Are the words different each time or always the same? The letters are so perfect. It would be interesting to see them actually doing this.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

agree it takes talent and patience but not for me, it offends my OCD self.. like a crooked painitng on a wall.

photowannabe said...

What does this one say?
So interesting but sort of peculiar. Lots of work involved.
You always find interesting things to see in your town.

Martha said...

People are so creative around there. What fun! :)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Wow, never seen such!!!!!!!

He has a lot of time and determination!

🎨 🎵 🎨

jp@A Green Ridge said...

How in the world do they get from letter to letter???? You need to find out for me...PLEASE, Ginny...can you see the Pres reacting to me doing that...???...LOL!!...jp

Chatty Crone said...

Love that - did it say ok home?

Mari said...

You sure do find lots of fun things around your home! This is a good one!

Red Rose Alley said...

Hello Ginny, I was on Martha's blog, Seaside Simplicity, and noticed your comment that you go back to the friend's blog and answer their question. That is what I've always done, and I thought, "hey, I'm gonna check her blog out." So, here I am, and you have such a lovely blog with beauty and simplicity. And the name of your blog caught my attention right away because shining our light in a sometimes troubled world is very important. I saw your blue jay photos. They are lovely, and read a little bit about them that I didn't know. It's one of my favorite birds, and see them sometimes here in the mountains. Nice to meet you, and have a sweet day. : )


Ruth Hiebert said...

That must take a lot of extra work to do that.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Well THAT'S clever! I would love to do that but I'm far too lazy. My hat is off to them. xoxo

DeniseinVA said...

That’s a creative person who did this.

Jeanette said...

Takes the boring out of mowing the lawn I guess!

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