Monday, June 7, 2021

Trumpet Vine Tuesday

 Behold the Trumpet Vine, beloved by many long-beaked birds. Here are some in our neighborhood. Have you ever grown any? We have tried, but were unsuccessful. Come look with us!

“You hear a blast to end all blasts from a trumpet, and in the time that you look up and blink your eyes—it’s over. On signal from that from heaven, the dead will be up and out of their graves, beyond the reach of death, never to die again.”

1 Corinthians 15


Chatty Crone said...

This is too coincidental - I was just reading some in Revelations and it has the same information in it. We must be ready!

CheerfulMonk said...

They're beautiful!

Ann said...

They sure are pretty. I've never tried to grow one but I can tell you that if I did it wouldn't have survived.

Hootin Anni said...

We had one here from seed I planted. Now, we're trying to get rid of invasive.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these trumpet vines are part of bob's kill that vine list. but now that i see yours, this is the first time ever we don't have trumpet vines blooming. our drought has ruined our yard. i can count the blooms in our back yard on one hand. even the weeds are not blooming.. this is gorgeous and is good for where you are because it will die back in winter and not grow year round

DeniseinVA said...

Your trumpet vine photos are gorgeous Ginny! It is a beautiful flower. I have never had one in our garden but have enjoyed them elsewhere.

Reanaclaire said...

Those must be your and Phil's shadows there, Ginny! Nice flowers, now I know they are called trumpet vine because you told me so. LOL>..

Martha said...

They sure are beautiful!

Nancy Chan said...

I like your shadow shot. Beautiful trumpet flowers. They sure beautify the place with their red flowers.

NanaDiana said...

How pretty. I have never tried growing it but now I want to...pretty sure that would be an annual plant here.
I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday-xo Diana

George said...

This vine has beautiful blossoms. It's too bad it is so difficult to grow.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Nope, never grew them...

But wonder if they are a distant relative of Morning Glories, which do grow here.

Gentle hugs,

photowannabe said...

Such a pretty but invasive plant. I love watching the hummers dipping their beaks into them.

L. D. said...

Our neighbors had one when I was a kid but never owned one. They are fascinating.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I've certainly never grown a trumpet vine but I find them fascinating and I love to take their picture! xoxo

Mari said...

They are certainly pretty! Good verse too!

Carla from The River said...

Great verse Ginny!!!
And I like the vine.

Ruth Hiebert said...

They are very pretty. I have never grown them.

The Feminine Energy said...

Very very pretty!! I have not tried to grow one but maybe I should! ~Andrea xoxoxo

Inger said...

Just gorgeous! And I can see a bird would need a long beak for these flowers.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Anne Robinson said...

You share some of the most delightful photos. I am grateful I am here seeing this. Have a terrifiic end of the week.

Jeanette said...

Beautiful! Love it! My husband and I have taken several shadow shots!

Ida said...

Gorgeous trumpet vine. The people around the corner from us have one that winds up a telephone pole and I enjoy walking by it.


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