Monday, June 21, 2021

A Walk On The Wild Side

 Or maybe a DRIVE on the wild side. We happened to pass the local furniture store, and spotted this groundhog on their grassy patch,

Driving into their parking lot to snap him, we noticed that there was a semi wooded area behind the store. We decided to investigate. Sure enough, this was a good idea.

Oops, busted!

A little further on, we saw that he had a neighbor.

Get a  load of those EARS!

We did not investigat any further, as we saw they had a lookout on duty!

Disastrous beauty shone out —
a halo of spirit — wild and brazen and dainty…
~Terri Guillemets


Nancy Chan said...

Great find on your drive. Cute groundhog and its neighbour the rabbit. Beautiful blue bird. Have a great day, Ginny.

Reanaclaire said...

Yes, I agree with Nancy, you have very sharp eyes, Ginny.. always find fascinating animals or stuff to show us!

Hootin Anni said...

Great critters Ginny. Love the bluejay (we don't see them here!)

Ann said...

Wow, no telling what else you would have found had you looked further. Great pictures on all three of these.

Martha said...

Fantastic critter shots Ginny, they are all so cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

So glad you stopped and found these wild Critters. Critters are my favorite thing even those that are guarded by a blue jay. For the Jays around here get loud and attack crows and other birds and are sometimes entertaining. Wild clapping for your photos today

Inger said...

I'm so glad you are taking these rides and sharing your adventures with your friends on the blogs. I loved this nature adventure. This year looks to be the year of the rabbits for me. It varies, sometimes very few, other years a lot. I have cottontail rabbits, the ones with the white puffy tail, and also Jack rabbits, similar to a hare.

Jenny the Pirate said...

Awesome critter captures, Ginny! Isn't it great to spot them right among us? The bunny rabbit is precious. xoxo

Hena Tayeb said...

We used to have rabbits in our backyard but we don't see them anymore. But we have tons of blue jays.

Linda said...

You have great eyes for spotting adventures of all kinds!!!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

My compute* will print the lette*, only randomly.
But I have read here, today.
😏 💻 😏 💻 😏 💻 😏 💻 😏


Jeanette said...

Looks like your exploration of the wooded area paid off! I love blue jays but every time one comes to our feeder all the other birds get in a tizzy!

L. D. said...

When I spent summers in Minnesota, we would often see groundhogs out eating grass.

CheerfulMonk said...

Neat! ❤️

Chatty Crone said...

Looks like you had a drive on the 'wild' side.

Ruth Hiebert said...

You just never know what can be found until you poke around in lesser known areas,.

Tanya Breese said...

I think groundhogs are so cute!!

Mari said...

You got some great critter pics! I like those groundhogs!

DeniseinVA said...

Loved these photos, sweet critters!

Ida said...

what fun to see the cute wild life.

LC said...

Wonderful urban wildlife shots!

Red Rose Alley said...

These are wonderful photos of critters in the wild. You know, I see squirrels every day since I moved to the mountains, and I have to say that I'm a bit scared of them. Always try to shoooo them away. But love taking pictures of them. ; )


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 Sitting in front of the grocery store, I marveled at how beautiful the marbled effect of their sign was. Isn't it pretty? But wait! The...