Sunday, June 27, 2021


 This is our local Italian restaraunt, Scotto's. It is owned by a real Italian family who live nearby. It has been here for maybe over 50 years.

They only recently had these murals painted on the building. They have now closed down because they cannot get any help. Restaraunts all over are having this problem. I don't know why. Our daughter-in-law says that wait staff only make $3.00 an hour plus tips. And why do that when there are other jobs around that pay $15.00 an hour. How are the restaraunts doing where you are?


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Tried sending you an email to answer you question but it bounced back. Have you changed it?

Ann said...

LOVE those murals. They're fantastic.
I just read about a local restaurant that is only doing carry out because they can't find enough help. It's not just restaurants though, everyone around here is hiring and no one is applying. Our last new hire worked 3 days and never came back.

Hootin Anni said...

As far as I know, our eateries are doing okay.
Love the murals.

Nancy Chan said...

I like the murals. Due to the lockdown and no dine-in, many restaurants are struggling to survive and many have closed down leaving empty shop lots and restaurants up for sale or rent. Many are left jobless.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Bob's daughter married an Italian and we went to dinner at his Nana's house. oh my word! two tables growning and she expected us to taste everything on both tables. we could not eat for days. we are having the same problems here with wait staff. the water front resturants make a lot more than 15 per hour, but the in town, like this restuant the tips are not good. the high in resturants get good tips, the family resturant gets poor tips. and who could blame them for not working so hard for less money. i love the drawing on the wall and your blog looks super good to me, I like it like it is

Martha said...

I love the murals but sad they had to close. I hope it's temporary. All businesses seem to be having problems getting help these days.

George said...

Most of the restaurants around here are struggling to find the help they need. So far most of them have managed to stay open, but they have signs stating that service is slow because of the lack of workers.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Our restaurants were only open for take out since March and last week patios were allowed but it was windy and rainy so not much fun on a patio. On Wednesday we go into next phase with limited indoor dining. And as all over the globe many restaurants are out of business. Only those who have a huge following were able to get by with take out. It is hard to assume tips will give staff enough wages. A minimum wage is a must. Just need less staff to enable it.
The murals are delightful.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

What a shame!

Yes, it is happening all over!

Because our miserable Liberal, Woke Government, is paying so much unemployment. So these unskilled workers do not want to work... When they can sit on their A** and collect Government Unemployment.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I repeat, since no one seems to know...

Because our Liberal, 'Woke' Government, is paying so much unemployment. So these unskilled workers do not want to work... When they can sit on their A** and collect Government Unemployment.

photowannabe said...

I was going to say the same as Beside a babbling one seems to want to work.
Every kind of business has signs in their windows.."Now Hiring"..many have closed. It truly is a sad situation. The Mom and Pop places go under rather quickly.
Hope that Italian restaurant can open up again..sad after so much history.

Shug said...

fun pictures. So sad for the restaurant business. There are "Now Hiring" signs in front of most all the eating places in Tyler. It is very sad when you walk in and even though the restaurant is half empty, you still have a 45 min wait because they have no servers. This "FREE" money is ruining our Country.

DeniseinVA said...

Restaurants are having a hard time everywhere it seems.

Ruth Hiebert said...

It’s too bad that these places can't make it. Our restaurants have just been allowed to open again. I am sure it is difficult for them.

Mari said...

The murals are great!
I'm sorry they've closed. Many restaurants here are having the same issue, along with other places. I've heard a lot of this is caused by the big money they are paying for unemployment, and people would rather just get the money than work for it. Sad times.

Carla from The River said...

We are having the same problem here in our area. Many restaurants have cut back hours or have decided to only open Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Chatty Crone said...

We have the same problem here in GA.

It is just not waitresses - it is help everywhere.

They make $3 an hour because of tips. That is quite normal.


Jeanette said...

After 50 years it's such a shame they had to close down. Hopefully it's only temporary! I bet their food was really good! All the restaurants here can open to 100% capacity now but a lot of them haven't because they don't have any help either! Every single place that I go is looking for help! Seriously they need to stop giving people extra money on unemployment and make them get back to work! This is ridiculous!

Hena Tayeb said...

$3.. wow that is sad.
While we haven't been going out to eat much we try to order take out and support our local businesses.

Jenny the Pirate said...

That number is hard to believe but if it's true, that is a shame. Our restaurants seem to be thriving but you wait longer for service (at a few of them) because they're obviously short staffed. The government needs to stop paying people not to work. That is a disgrace. xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

Andy and I don’t like eating at restaurants, so I can’t say about that. I know our grocery store is short-staffed.

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