Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Thru The Wires Thursday


When sets the sun, and day is done, and peaceful eve hides all our care,

When screech-owls cry and brown bats fly

Through the flower-fragrant evening air...……

~ Richard Wilbur


Reanaclaire said...

In front and at the back of my house, the wires are hanging from one end to the other. Sometimes Paul and Peter, the sparrows will linger on the wires, chirping to each other. LOL..

Hootin Anni said...

Love the poetry today...and it's been far too long since you posted thru the wires...beautiful.

Ann said...

WOW, the colors in this sunset are amazing and beautiful.

Martha said...

Wow, the colors are amazing Ginny!

The Feminine Energy said...

Soooooooooo beautiful, Ginny!!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

George said...

With a sky this gorgeous, who cares about wires?

MadSnapper n Beau said...


Nancy Chan said...

Stunning sunset. Wires add character.

Chatty Crone said...

When I see what God created and then look what man created - the wires - I see that God is a much better artist.

photowannabe said...

So lovely Ginny.
We haven't had a show-stopping sunset for quite a while.
Makes me enjoy yours all the more.

Jenny the Pirate said...

I love clouds and power lines in the same picture. xoxo

CheerfulMonk said...

Beautiful. 👍😊❤️

Inger said...

Your skies are so incredibly beautiful. And a lovely poem too.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is spectacular color. So beautiful.

Mari said...

Wow! I usually try to avoid power lines, but they are perfect here. Amazing color!

Jeanette said...

Beautiful sky pictures!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

WOW! That just hits you in the eye, when you click on this page!!!

You should have a *Warning*! -smile-

Just lovely...

🌺Oil rises to the top...Like Truth🌺

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful! The color in the sky is amazing.

My Tata's Cottage said...

The colors are so beautiful. You always share the best photos. Hoping you are getting to enjoy this beautiful day.


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