The two youngest grandchildren have been in tennis camp for a week. And the other day we got to pick them up. Here is a sign at the place.
We got there early to watch, but we had to look through a fence.
Here they are, all done with the lesson and tired.
Our oldest, Anne Marie, came out to see us with news. She had just returned from her final driving test, and got her liscense! Nowadays kids have to go in front of a judge when they get their liscense. Apparently he gives them a stern talk, and tries to scare some safety into them with grisley stories of what he has seen. This is not a bad idea. In my day, you didn't go in front of a jugge till after you had a wreck.
“Tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love, the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence because every match is a life in miniature.”
Andre Agassi
Having a judge warn them is a great idea!
Your grandkids are growing up very fast. I think it is a good idea to have a judge giving them stern warning when they get their license. Hope the new drivers will drive carefully and safely.
Tennis camp sounds like fun. Of course I don't have the energy for tennis any more.
Congratulations to Anne Marie on getting her license. That's a good idea going before a judge.
I hope the girls had fun at camp...and wish Anne Marie annaccudent free life in driving.
I remember years ago, in Savannah, they made them watch a scare you to death video of what happens in wrecks. the judge is a good idea. I still have trouble believeing she is now old enough to drive even though I see her with my own eyes. now she can pick them up, right?
Congratulations to your granddaughter! Going in front of a judge is a good idea but I personally think they should show new drivers pictures or videos of the aftermath of bad accidents. I know it's gross and I wouldn't want to scare them into not driving but a visual is definitely more real!
What a GREAT idea about appearing before the judge. I think that genius! Your girls are so beautiful, Ginny!! ~Andrea xoxo
Congrats on Anne Marie getting her license.. Safety first is always the way to go. I like Andre Agassi's quote too. Its very true.
I'm sure they had a grrrrreat time!!!!
And Congratulation on getting her driving license. A biggg step.
Good idea about the Judge and his talk. Trouble is, the ones who need to hear it, won't pay any attention. Those who don't need to be scared, will be careful, anyway.
It is good to learn how to play tennis for when they get older!
Also, congrats on the driver's license. If the parents don't have gray hair now, they soon will. lol
Sounds like a good idea having a judge talk to new drivers.
Congratulations on her getting her license.
I took one tennis lesson years ago and the instructor told me I'd better stick to badminton! :)
Congratulations to Anne! The girls look happy, lovely young ladies. They made it through Tennis camp great experience in team work and improving skills
Your granddaughters are lovely young ladies. Congratulations to Anne Marie for getting her license. Interesting about the judge.
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