Monday, January 22, 2024

Gone To The dogs

 As one who likes to keep up with the latest new thing, I thought I would inform you about the next big thing. Dog beds for people. Some even have gel cooling memory foam.

I'm not kidding! Just look on Amazon, where there are many for sale. Usually about two or three hundred dollars. These photos are from the web, as I have no desire to sleep in an oversized dog bed. I would never be able to get out of it. Can you spell CRANE?

“A dog is so often the answer — when you're lonely and need company, or when you're tired of company and need lonely.”

~Robert Brault


roentare said...

It is hilarious to sleep in dog's bed though it does look comfie

Ann said...

It does look like it would be comfortable but I can't see me getting anything like that. Like you, I would never be able to get out. Maybe if I rolled out on to the floor and then found something to hold on to for leverage to stand up. It's giving me the giggles just picturing it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sign me up for the next one to use the crane you need. ha ha.. humans never cease to amaze me. these people need to rememember. "if you lie down with dogs, you will get fleas" bra ha ha.... next lets see you get in a cat bed. ha ha ho ho he he... or maybe a paper bag..

Mari said...

Ha! That is so funny! You're right, getting out would not be easy.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my word, that is too funny.

Shug said...

Oh Goodness. I would say this would not be for ME. Not sure who would want to give up a nice bed to sleep in an expensive dog bed. Have a great day Ginny.

Chatty Crone said...

I would love one - if I am dreaming - and I would love a dog to cuddle with.
Reality says no. lol

George said...

I think I'll stick with a bed made for humans.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

The black lab looks like my Laydee.
To each his own. We allow our dog on our bed and sofas. She’s family! So no need for a human dog bed. Anyway it would be the cat that would take ownership of it. 😀🐈

photowannabe said...

I'm with you Ginny...I could never get back out of that thing, especially down on the floor!
Love your ending quote too..Perfect sense...

Red Rose Alley said...

I don't think I'd spend money on these beds, but they do look comfy. That last picture is cute....her sleeping in her dog bed with her dog haha. I like the quote too. So many unique things you can find on Amazon.


Jeanette said...

Why not! They sleep in our beds, right? It sure looks comfy!

HappyK said...

I think I'll keep my bed! :)

DeniseinVA said...

Maybe this will be a flash in the pan. I can see young ones enjoying these and saving money on a bed when starting out. For me I would have a hard time getting on the floor and up again. I don't think we are in their line of sight for buying these things. I love your header by the way, the black dog reminds me of our Bridgette. I should tell some stories about her on my blog on day. She was our joy.

CheerfulMonk said...

As I recall Kaitlin and Torben slept on their dogs' beds when their furniture moved before they left. Those beds are big and comfortable and don't have the sides. It's still funny. Great post!

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