Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Walk Of Pain

 I bet you thought I was going to complain about my aches and pains. But no! I am actually taking you on a tour of our Pain Clinic at Christmas time.

The first thing you will see upon entering is their receptionist, Scully. Scully works part-time, and only appears at Halloween and Christmas.

He brings along his little dog.

Entering the waiting room, you will find this man in the corner. He is wearing all the latest medical equipment. But I bet you thought it was various torture devices. They do look like they would cause pain rather than relieve it!

This is getting rather creepy, so let's proceed to the exam room. Take a seat. But watch where and how you sit, you would not want to put undue stress on your bones or spine.

Time to go. And maybe get some ice-cream and take a short nap so we can forget all about our visit.

“Behind every beautiful thing, there’s been some kind of pain.”

 Bob Dylan


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Oh my goodness, Ginny, that is quite the welcoming crew! I must also thank you for your warm "welcome back". It was so very lovely to hear from you and to visit your sweet blog! See you again soon. :)

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Oh yes- and thank you for the compliment on my poem too!

My Tata's Cottage said...

The pics are great. Makes one smile. It is nice to see you here. I have been on a break too long. Thanks for stopping by. My friend Lyn sent those things t me and I was enjoying reading them and chuckling. Thank you again for stoppping by.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you for the tour, and it's so good to have you back! ❤️

Ann said...

It looks like they have a lot of fun decorating for the holidays. Scully is quite a greeter. I'm not so sure about the other guy though. He doesn't look quite as friendly.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great quote. you header shot at first I thought the spine was donuts with carrots decor. ha ha.. owie on all the pain devices and sorry you had to visit the place, even though there was much to entertain you and us out here in blogland

Chatty Crone said...

That was kind of funny - I think. Interesting. And the quote - no pain no gain. I guess good things do come from pain and struggle.

Shug said...

Wow Ginny. this place is very creative with their out of the box thinking. I love it!! What an awesome way to take their patients mind off of their pain for a bit. This is great!

Mari said...

Funny! I think they have a great sense of humor over there!

DawnTreader said...

Yikes... Not really sure it would make me feel better!! ;-)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Your neighborhood and community, even the pain clinic know how to have a good laugh. Sounds like a fun area.

photowannabe said...

What a creative way to talk about pain. Giving smiles is great medicine too.
I too thought the first photo was bread slices or doughnuts..haha..
I do like the ending quote too.


Buen sentido del humor, para afrontar los problemas médicos, que se presenta.
Que tengas una buena semana.

Carla from The River said...

VERY CREATIVE .... thank you for sharing.
How are you feeling?

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Some very creative folks must work there.
I quite like Skully, but his dog has a very ferocious look.

LC said...


DeniseinVA said...

I love this! Someone has a great sense of humor. Skully looks like a barrel of laughs. Thanks for the smiles Ginny, great quote too.

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