Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Covid Lights

 Last spring and summer, this area was lit up with lights as dusk began. All my photos were taken in the summer! As you can see by the flowers in my first photo.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continued to escalate, people found a creative way to stay positive: digging out their Christmas lights.

Social media was calling for yuletide decorations halfway through March, and Twitter users were urging others to put lights up outside their homes as a sign of hope in this dark time for so many. 

This little guy comes out in the evening to eat, and the lights must have confused him.

In order to cheer up kids who had not been in school in a long time, people in dinosaur costumes, one with a ruler to ensure safe social distancing, paraded around the block in Milwaukee. They organized a social distance dinosaur parade with several inflatable dinosaurs in an effort to give people a fun break from being cooped up inside due to the coronavirus.


This little girl brought out her own toy dinosaurs to watch the parade with her.

“As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”

 – Mary Anne Radmacher

“We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine.” – Dwight L. Moody


Reanaclaire said...

The pandemic will still be here and we have to get on with our lives regardless. Just have to protect ourselves with mask if possible. LOL...

DeniseinVA said...

This is so heartwarming Ginny, thank you for sharing how people come together in the darkest times to help and bring hope to each other. This is what it is all about. I smiled all the way through your post. Every photo was a treat. I loved the dinosaur parade and the little girl with her toy ones. Powerful quotes too, loved them!

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you so much for sharing these photos, the story behind them, and the quotes. I especially like, "Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine." Amen to that!

roentare said...

The dinosaurs costumes are hilarious to look at

Ann said...

How wonderful. I don't recall anyone doing anything like that around here. It would have been nice to see all those Christmas lights.

Mari said...

I love the cheerfulness of the lights. The dinosaurs are so funny! I bet people really enjoyed that parade.

Shug said...

This is good ...Light is a gift from God and it is awesome how light shines in darkness and the darkness does not overcome the world. I have party lights that surrounds my backyard. I love walking outdoors at night and seeing them light up the area.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the small drooping tree, with the blues and pinks lights, like a Easter tree. I think you town might have been hit by a decorating houses virus. Ha Ha... and we know you have the Camera Bug to show us the results of the Decor Bug

Chatty Crone said...

I am shocked - I didn't know any of this. We were not called to do anything. I bet that did make them happier.

Sandy said...

I didn't notice any extra things in the neighborhood during the pandemic with decorations beyond people making chalk pictures in the driveways or sidewalks. I don't recall any messages of encouragement for people to decorate. Your area might have been unique in that regard. The dino's on parade is adorable.

DawnTreader said...

Can't recall anything like that here, but then again, our isolation rules were never quite as strict as in most other countries.

photowannabe said...

What an interesting and creative area you live in. Fascinating that they did these things during the Covid times.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Not surprised your area did this.
My area didn’t do any of this. All they did was complain. It was not a good time. Individually I’m sure people did their own thing. I have blocked out a lot of those years. The only good thing that happened in 2020 was my son got married on leap year day! And that was before the you know what, hit the fan! They almost got stuck in Hawaii- that was mid March. Then came home and had no toilet paper! They couldn’t find it in the stores. Crazy time.

LC said...

Loved the creative and humorous reaction to restrictions! LC

Carla from The River said...

I still have to pinch myself that we survived the Lockdowns and more.
It was a crazy time... remember the toilet paper!!!

HappyK said...

A couple of people put up lights around here.
I'm sure the kids loved the dinosaur parade.

The Spinning Wheels

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