Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Crowded Apartment

Since my last post was The Painted House, I thought that today I would post The Crowded Apartment. No, they don't paint the front. But they crowd in as much stuff on their teeny porch as they can. I posted this for other holidays, and here it is this Christmas.

There are gems of wondrous brightness
Ofttimes lying at our feet,
And we pass them, walking thoughtless,
Down the busy, crowded street.
If we knew, our pace would slacken,
We would step more oft with care,
Lest our careless feet be treading
To the earth some jewel rare.

Rudyard Kipling


DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful photos of these decorations and I loved the Rudyard Kipling poem. Happy day to you Ginny.

roentare said...

Jam packed goodness in the building

CheerfulMonk said...

I don't decorate any more, but it warms my heart that people like them do. ❤️

Reanaclaire said...

Wow, they really put all the deco up front, I wonder what the inside looks like! Nice one, Ginny!

Ann said...

I love all the snowmen. It does look a bit cramped there though

Mari said...

Oh my! They really do pack it in. There's some cute things, just a little much for me!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see they also included the grinch, and we all KNOW a grinch does not reside in this house. and the poem fits the photos i took this morning when bring beau back from a walk, i will borrow them from you to use with the photos that when bob saw them said, WHY did you take those? Really Bob? i like the ice skate on the sled. cute idea. in Florida we could use, floats and flip flops. ha ha ha

Inger said...

I image many children must live in your neighborhood and their families go way out to delight them with all these decorations. And painting. I mention you on my new blog today,since you brought snails to my attention.

Jeanette said...

WoW! The did cram a lot of stuff on their porch!

DawnTreader said...

I keep being amazed at the decorations in your neighbourhood!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Love the decorations and the lovely poem.
Happy New Year!

photowannabe said...

Wow, some people sure go all out!!
I do love that red truck the most of all.
Glad you are back blogging again.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I wondering where they put all this stuff after the holidays. Fun for the children and those who walk past.

Billie Jo said...

That is a lot of stuff! Wow! You always share the neatest things, Ginny! So happy to see you back!

Red Rose Alley said...

They are really into the Christmas spirit. It looks like their porch is spacious to be able to put all their stuff out. I like the ice skates and snow flakes. Thanks for sharing these interesting houses in your neighborhood, Ginny.


Linda said...

They have me beat!

HappyK said...

There's so much stuff it all blends together.

LC said...

Not the first time I've seen a packed yard of Christmas decorations. One I visited years ago with some teenaged relatives.
It tore my heart that they made fun of the display that included a old manger scene tattered reindeer and other Christmas related yard art. The owner 's taste lacked any hint of sophistication or wonderful artistry. What it had in abundance was a simple love of all things Christmas.LC

Shug said...

You just have to wonder where they store all this stuff. And...I wonder if they collect all year long to add to their already huge amount of stuff.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That was quite the collection, Ginny, and if the homeowners enjoy it all and it makes them happy and others as well, then it’s not an issue. I was wondering if decorations were put out for any other holidays other than Christmas. And, to answer your question i. The comment on my post about our snowmen decos. Yes, they are all mine and there are a few more indoors as well.

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