Friday, January 19, 2024

The Gecko

 What a cool surprise I got in the mail a couple days ago. A dear Blog friend sent me this Gecko! I love his gold toes, tail tip, and nose.

when I perched him on the windowsill, he became iridescent!

My header is his beautiful tummy. Can you help me think of a name for him?

Did you know that Most Geckos Can Detach Their Tails and Regrow Them

Here are some other cool facts about them:

·       Geckos' Amazing Toes Help Them Stick to Any Surface Except Teflon

·       Geckos' Eyes Are 350 Times More Sensitive to Light Than Human Eyes

·       Geckos Are Able to Produce Various Sounds for Communication, Including Barks, Chirps, and Clicks

·       Some Species of Geckos Have No Legs and Look More Like Snakes

·       Most Species of Gecko Don’t Have Eyelids, So They Lick Their Eyes to Clean Them


HappyK said...

We used to see many Geckos when we lived in Puerto Rico. They were all over the place. I think they were common dwarf ones. They were kind of cute.
Your colorful Gecko is lovely!!

CheerfulMonk said...

How sweet! I had to look up lizards here in the New Mexico mountains. They don't mention geckos, but we have horned lizards and apparently whiptails and skinks. I've seen a lot of the horned lizards, not aware of the other two. Thank you for this post!

Mari said...

I love your gecko! SO cool that he becomes iridescent too.
My granddaughters have a gecko and are really enjoying him. My daughter always tells them to be careful that they don't scare him into losing his tail. :)

Terra said...

Your gecko is beautiful and I have one likely made by the same company; I bought a 2d gecko so he has company. They are on my redwood fence outside.

Ann said...

What a pretty gecko that is. Cool facts about them. I didn't know most of those.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love his colors, and I knew most of this because we are lizard lovers here, Bob and I. we talk to ours in the back yard, and name them too. Since he is colorful, he is probably male, so needs a name that starts with G.
I think Gabriel, Gabe or Gideon. Gabe Gecko. hummmm

Shug said...

Such a sweet gift. Very lovely and I think it is so cool how the color changed in the window. I must admit, they kinda scare me. (the live ones). Can you imagine living in Countries where they get huge? This was so kind of your blogger friend. Have a great weekend Ginny

Red Rose Alley said...

What a cool gift from your blog friend. It's so colorful and pretty. Yes, I did know that about the gecko's tail. Jess has had a pet gecko for many years, and his name is Miles, if you want to use that for yours. That is a HUGE gecko in Australia. Can you imagine seeing that when you opened your front door?


Jeanette said...

My son had a gecko years ago and it was pretty interesting to watch! His name was Mr. Zog! We could never let him out of his aquarium though because he was super fast and we could never catch him!

Chatty Crone said...

My niece had them in her house in Hawaii!
I had two beautiful gecko decorations when we had the house - I can't think of what we did with them when we moved - lol.
I did not know that Most Geckos Can Detach Their Tails and Regrow Them - that surprises me.

DeniseinVA said...

That's a sweet gift and very pretty. I have seen the green geckos on holiday, cute little things. Not so cute but fascinating the one in your last photo, yikes! I don't know what I would do if I came across that on my doorstep. Probably run very fast in the opposite direction :)

Linda said...

We love geckos! Yours is gorgeous!
In the summer Louis Dean and I watch them on the screens of the gazebo as they stalk their prey!

Reanaclaire said...

Oh, my house has geckos, they feed on insects outside on the porch walls..we called them lizards over here...
Ginny, I am on high blood pressure meds, concor is the name, I am taking only 2.5mg each morning, it helps with the palpitation of my heart too. Now my pressure is way too low, 100/60 but heartbeat is still around 70-85. I have to tell my doc, is it ok to continue with the meds. I am taking cholesterol pills too, Lipitor is the name, once a day. Other than these two pills, I am taking supplements such as fish oil, multivitamins daily.

photowannabe said... on the Australian "geckos!!! haha
What a lovely gift from your blogging friend. I love how it shines on the window sill.
Didn't know about the lack of eye lids ..interesting.

Miradas desde mi lente said...

Excelente motivo decorativo. Luce muy bien en tu casa.

Que tengas una feliz semana.

a spirit of simplicity said...

It's very pretty and I love that it changes color. No thank you to Australia!!

Willow said...

I love geckos. Many memories of them from our years of living in Papua, Indonesia.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a beautiful gecko. Love the colors, and his feet look like jacks (from when we used to play jacks years ago).
Enjoyed reading the facts about geckos as well.
You certainly do find a lot of interesting things to share on your blog.

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