Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Good Scissors

Someone recently mentioned on their blog that they were doing a bit of fall house cleaning, and it made me think of scissors. Any major housecleaning makes me think of scissors, and this is why. Growing up, our house was clean, but very cluttered. I was the only person in the family who seemed to care about this, and I was a bit neurotic about being neat. Clutter distressed me. It was hard to find anything. Whenever company was coming, there was an immediate rush to put all the newspapers and magazines under the couch and chair cushions. And to this day, I clearly remember the constant frustrated cry of my mother as she ran around the house, "Where are the good scissors? I can never keep anything nice in this house!" She would usually find them after an eternity of searching. The good scissors were apparently black as iron, weighed about five pounds, needed two hands to use, and though they were huge, never able to be found when needed. This would be why I have so many scissors now. Here they are, for your viewing enjoyment. They are scattered all over the house, so you won't ever hear me yelling what my mother did. But wait, I've just discovered that I need to go shopping for another pair!! Yes, we have two 4 year olds who spend time here, and I have no child's blunt ended scissors. And if they can't do crafts with me, that would be the unkindest cut of all. Here is the kindest one.

"He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron." Psalm 107:14,16


Reanaclaire said...

Yes, sometimes when we need something, we couldnt find it there and have to search the whole house for it.. and then suddenly it appears out of nowhere.. :)

Anonymous said...

So funny, because my Mother had "good scissors" and they were always hard to find too!

SquirrelQueen said...

Why is it the "good scissors" are always hiding when we need them?

I have a collection of scissors too,they are all over the house but for some reason when I need them none can be found. Great post Ginny.

DawnTreader said...

Now are you sure you found them ALL for this picture and that none were left out...? (LOL) Very good post. I dislike clutter, too. And I probably have quite a few scissors myself if I was to start counting.

From the Kitchen said...

I don't see any pinking shears. I think you definitely need pinking shears!! I can so relate to your scissors story. When my sisters and I were young, we used to sit at the dining room table and create elaborate Christmas decorations out of various household items. We had to share a pair of scissors. Sometimes we almost came to blows over who had the scissors. They were always missing even though we had not left the table. That happens to me frequently when I'm gift wrapping. I can't find the scissors and I'm the ONLY one at the table. So, there are scissors "gremlins" on the lurk!


Jane said...

I would not have a clue where to purchase a decent pair of scissors. I have been buying mine from the dollar store, so you can imagine what they are worth and how long they last!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My pair of sewing scissors, I would scream if my kids dare to use it on paper. This is what my aunts tell me, cloth for cloth scissors, and paper for paper scissor and never the twain shall me. I always keep mine in my sewing kit.

Guess what happened the other day, I search all over for my kit, in frustration, I rang my daughter who had since moved our to flat with her friends. She said, it's in my wardrobe of my old room.

But when we were kids, you never could find the scissors when we needed them.

I added more info on Folole Muliaga, the woman who died from the power cut. The court found the contractor who cut the power supply guilty.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Re: Wu Lei, you can say I started her career in Singapore, an unpaid marketing agent.

She came from China and didn't know anyone. I put her ad up, my daughter became her student, and got distinction for grade 8. That was the best testimony for her CV, and soon she started having so many students and putting on concerts.

I believe this is God's gift for me, to be able to connect people and also help them, Christian or not.

I also posted this comment on Mildred's site.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh my, i just did a count and i only have 4 pair in the house and bob has 2 in garage. never thought to count them and i have more than i thought. get out there and get those snub nosed ones quick. i just remembered , i have a pair in the drawer that is used to cut off bandages, they were my grandmothers, she worked in a hospital. and just think i was thinking WHY would you have that many and here i am with that many also. great post. do NOT miss Brenda AZ today she is our sister.

Our Journey said...

Ok -- I just had to crack up - 1st off -- WOW! Way too many scissors! And 2nd I have a "good pair" of sewing scissors & had to sit mike down to make sure he was aware that they were NOT for "regular" use! heee

Heather said...

Ginny, what a great post!! And a clever way of displaying your many scissors. I can relate to your upbringing ;) I have lots of scissors too...

Fred Alton said...

Very good reminder that the Lord's "scissors" are always sharp! Psalm 129:4 "The Lord is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked."

Melanie said...

I have lots of scissors too!
I remember my mom being very protective of her 'good scissors'.:)
I can see now why she didn't want us using them to cut off the tops of our freezer pops!

srp said...

I keep my pair of heavy Ginghers hidden away... only used on cloth. But you are right... scissors are always needed somewhere other than where they are! Oh, I bet those four year olds would like some of those blunt end scissors that do all sorts of fancy zig-zag and crinkle edged cuts......

Karin said...

Just hate clutter too! I usually have a place for everything - so if you want the good scissors I'll tell you, "they are in the top little drawer, in the kitchen, to the left of the stove." Unless you want the cuticle scissors, they are in my make-up bag, where I have all my nail care items. If you use either one, please put it back! Oh, and if I sewed, I'd have another pair in the sewing kit.

Loved this post and what a lovely picture of all your scissors! Yes, so glad that the Lord cut the chains and brought us out of darkness!!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Many of your scissors could have been taken from my supply. I am not a neat freak,but do like to have things somewhat in order.My friends would say I am very organized.I guess to a degree I have to be in order to find things.
Blessings,Ruth ✿

Stephanie V said...

Everybody who knows me knows about my 'good' sewing scissors. No one is allowed to use them - not at all. Like you, I have many pairs of scissors around the house but it's so mine stay safe.

I have this lovely image of the family flying around hiding newspapers under cushions. Funnier now than then, I'm sure.

George said...

You've got quite a collection of scissors, some of which look very familiar. We don't have any children's scissors either. Although I did bring a pair home from China on one of my trips. Those scissors are very good.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We have scissors everywhere ---and none are the 'good' scissors.. Since I am left-handed, my mother bought me some GOOD lefty scissors when I was a teen... I kept them for years an years... Don't know where they are now---LONG gone!!!!

We have 2 pairs of scissors in the garage, one in the car glove compartment, one in the kitchen, and several pairs around in our Computer Room.

I forgot to look to see if you had newspapers under your sofa cushions... Darn!!!! Can't believe I missed that.... ha ha


Remington said...

They make a pretty picture....

Dawning Inspiration said...

Love the image you created with them!!

Reanaclaire said...

Ginny, Google ranks almost every blog.. they have a auto checker to do that.. i checked yours.. you have a ranking of 3/10, same as me.. considered good.. :p

btw, i couldnt trace your email, can u give me once again? thanks!

ruthi said...

Oh scissors. I recently purchased 1 set of different pairs of scissors that can cut different shapes and edges on paper. These are for scrapbooking and I love them. I sent them to my nieces in the Philippines and they were so crazy about them. They can cut out different shapes on the paper.

I am always in search for scissors to. That is why I have scissors everywhere so that when I need one I will always have one.

Anonymous said...

When our kids lived at home I could never find a pair of scissors when I needed them. When they all moved out and got married I didn't have a problem finding a pair of scissors until our 9 grandchildren came along. You guest it! The scissors are nowhere to be found again.

Glenda said...

Ginny,your creative mind shows in every post! Love the design you created with your scissors! Of course, you'll need child-size scissors!

I'm so glad He can cut any chains that bind us!!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh gee..I can still hear my mom echo the same words! Newspapers stuffed under the couch -too much! Sounds familiar? I use them to cut my husband's mop- because that's what it looks like by the time I get to it (anybody's guess as to who procrastinated the most)! Oh..and let's hope they are sharp because I use them to cook regularly- so handy! There is always the sharpest pair in the back of my mind too- lovely header Ginny-

Harry/Sally said...

Your post made me smile - I think we must have had the same mother!

Now, even though my house is tider than my childhood one, and even though I own about 20 pairs of scissors I can still never find a pair when I need them!

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Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...