Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Willow, Weep For Me

Willow weep for me, willow weep for me,
Bend your branches green along the stream that runs to sea,
Listen to my plea, listen willow, and weep for me.

Weeping willow tree, weep in sympathy,
Bend your branches down along the ground and cover me,
When the shadows fall, bend oh willow
and weep for me.

There is one who wept for us all, and his plea is that we know him and come to him. The willow knows.

"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion.
Upon the willows in the midst of it we hung our harps." Psalm 137

"Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes."
Rev. 21

Note On "Willow Weep For Me": This song was written by Ann Ronell in 1932. At the time, she was romantically involved with George Gershwin, and speculation has always been that he really wrote this song and gave it to her as a gift. There is no proof, but there are amazing similarities to his writing style. Check it out and decide for yourself by going to YouTube and listening to this controversial and haunting song. There are many versions, I prefer the Chad and Jeremy one, because that is what I listened to growing up.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Neat pictures, Ginny, of the weeping willow trees.... I have never heard that song --or if I have, I don't remember it. I'll try to go on You Tube and listen to it...

I do have a question... I have heard all of my life that where there is ONE Weeping Willow, there is always another one... Is that true??????


Karin said...

Those are such gorgeous stately trees! Enjoyed your post! Willows are such useful trees - just don't grow a willow near the house. It will send its roots into the foundation, I understand. Until we had the synthetic aspirin, I believe that the sap of the willow was used for painkiller - really hard on the stomach! I've never heard the song either and should go check it out!

Reanaclaire said...

Hi Ginny, I have never heard of this song.. but the tree does indeed look sad and willowy..

Kilauea Poetry said...

Really Ginny, this is terrific. First of all, I just have always been intrigued with those beautiful trees! Were your gorgeous photos taken in a park? We used to have an Umbrella tree in our front yard growing up that I'd climb. Don't think I've never heard that and will check it out! What incredible lyrics as well as the background! I can't believe the verses you selected- so fitting- and love the way you set this off with your little narration!!

RoeH said...

I love weeping willow trees. All of my life I've wanted one in my yard.

It may have to be the next life. :)

George said...

Thanks for the pictures and the memories. I definitely remember the song and I enjoyed your beautiful pictures of these wonderful trees.

srp said...

One house in our neighborhood has a weeping willow in the front yard. In the three years we have lived here they have cut it at least twice and it grows so fast.... lovely tree.

My favorite tree is the black gum tree..... scientific name Nyssa sylvatica. It is beautiful in the fall with red and yellow and even speckled leaves, it has blue berries that birds love and it has the same first name as my daughter... Nyssa. Hoping to plant one here.

Rose said...

i have always wanted a w. willow tree. They bow down to the ground, but still have beauty. rose

SquirrelQueen said...

The second I saw your post title I thought of Chad & Jeremy. That was my favorite C & J song.

Willows are beautiful trees, I love to see them blowing in a gentle breeze.

Jane said...

Those are beautiful trees!


From the Old InkWell said...

Good morning Ginny, I love willows. We have one off the back deck though that's proving to be very messy. We are constantly sweeping the leaves. Love the song posted, beautiful words!

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, as a child I thought willow trees were made for boys to have a natural "hide-out" or get-away place to hide from the world. Good pictures and fond memories today.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have never heard the song before and do not know who chad and jeremy are. the song makes a nice poem. i do love the photos of the trees, i have not seen one in about 50 years now.

From the Kitchen said...

I love the sound of the wind in the willows. My mother always said it was good luck to have a weeping willow in your yard but bad luck to plant one. We didn't have one. Great photos.


Dawning Inspiration said...

Those trees are so beautiful. I love coming across those - there is something so dramatic about them!

Stephanie V said...

Very beautiful trees. We have the water for them here but I think I'd need a huge estate for such a big tree. I remember the Chad and Jeremy version, too!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

These pictures are gorgeous.I too love the looks of a healthy Willow.We have a very old one growing right at the back of our lot,and it is not that beautiful anymore.

Doris Sturm said...

I have always loves Weeping Willow trees. We had them on our property where I grew up in Germany and whenever I see one, I remember "home."

I also have never heard of that song before.

Jeanne said...

I love willow trees too. We had one in our yard years ago and it just grew too big for its location and we had to cut it down. I sure hated that!

Unknown said...

I stopped to see a weeping willow
Crying on its pillow...
Maybe it's crying for me....


ruthi said...

Oh so that is what you call that amazing tree. I see a lot of those around here and I am always fascinated by it. Too bad I don't have my camera with me when I see one. Nice song too.

Glenda said...

Love, love your photos of the beautiful, graceful willow trees! And the info about the song is so interesting! As always, I learned something new reading your blog!

You asked how long the peanuts will last. If stored in a cool, dry place, they'll last all winter. Some people freeze them in bags, so they last even longer. Some farmers just move the shock into a barn. I failed to mention that the shock has cross bars underneath it to keep the peanuts off the ground and to allow air to circulate.

Your comments are always so encouraging, and I can tell you put thought into them. Thanks!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Well Ginny, I heard several versions (even with a nice harmonica) lol)..so I came back to see which one you'd suggested again, then played the old video..so different. Reminds me a bit of Simon & Garfunkel, which after looking at Rest in Peace, (also by C&J)..I heard a live version during the same time of Sound of Silence- thanks, this was really neat! Oh, I liked reading the lyrics first on Weep, Willow Weep For Me together with those awesome trees, thanks-

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...