Friday, August 6, 2010

Flower Of The Gods

The Crape Myrtle is one of my favorite trees of the summer. They have so many different colors, and they bloom for months! We have all of these around here now, plus many more. According to English folklore, myrtle will only grow if a woman plants it. This may have something to do with the legends about it. The Greeks and Romans believed that myrtle was favored by the goddesses of love, Aphordite and Venus. It was referred to as the flower of the Gods, and also associated with immortality as well. We've been meaning to plant one in the front yard for years, but never got around to it. I still can't decide on a color. Any suggestions?

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed." Isaiah 55:12,13


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Your header photo is common here in New Zealand and one that I am used to. But the white is exquisite. It is interestng that only females should grow it.

Has any man dared to defy it?

Yes, those red herbs, the one in New Zealand looks fatter, but then, very often, plants grow very well in our climate.

Was it you who asked the taste? It has a little sourish taste, but with brewed with the honey dates, the concoction is sweet,

Reanaclaire said...

wow...Lovely beautiful summer!! yes, all God's awesome creation..

Arti said...

They are all so pretty!!
Have to be..After all they are the 'Flower of the Gods' ..
Have a wonderful day :)

Melanie said...

They're one of my favorites too. :)

RoeH said...

You're so lucky to have all those beautiful flowers. In the Arizona desert, you take what you can get and what you get probably has a thorn. Even bushy flowering plants.

From the Kitchen said...

These were my mother's favorites. I have photos of her and her with my dad standing under one in their backyard. And, she was the one who planted them.

Pink--the vivid pink would be my choice for you.


Mary Bergfeld said...

It is a beautiful shrub. The red ones grow in profusion here and are breathtaking when in full flower. The white you've shown in your photo is also exquisite. Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

Very beautiful. Nice to have a shrub so full of flowers in the middle of summer. I've never seen crape myrtle - maybe a visit to VA would help?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I vote for the dark burgundy ones. we just recently saw this color, all i had ever seen were the whites and pinks. they are all beautiful, be sure YOU plant it

DawnTreader said...

Never heard of it, but your photos are beautiful. What colour I suppose may depend on what else you have in the garden.

srp said...

We have bought one called Dynamite.... my brother wanted one of the darkest red ones they had... with no hint of pink or purple in the blooms. They are supposed to bring it and plant it in the back yard at the same time they do the japanese maple.

A neighbor has two in her front yard next to the sidewalk and she cautions NOT to plant them there. I think she has to be out daily sweeping up the fallen flowers and berries. She is going to have them moved to the back yard where the mess won't matter.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Wow..this was a beautiful post -love the background and verse! My favorite - hands down!! I have maybe the third or so down (dwarf)in that shade and you know, the giant of the same color! What I've been meaning to get is that red one- how striking! Really, all of them are stunning though. Funny, I took a shoot (with little roots) from a friend and that is how I got my dwarf. Very hardy- lovely captures and pretty header Ginny-

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, The Crepe Myrtle are also some of my own favorites.

I am having problems with Blogger not accepting my openID from Wordpress. That is why I am sending this comment under Anonymous. Have a splendid weekend! Yours, Wildlifewatcher

SquirrelQueen said...

They are gorgeous flowers, I remember seeing them everywhere when I lived in Georgia. Occasionally I see one here. They are beautiful in any color but the white is my favorite.

We have had no rain in awhile so my water droplets are coming from the garden hose. It's a good way to practice until the rains come plus you can do it in the sun.

PinFeathers said...

Absolutely gorgeous. I can almost smell the blossoms. Nature is so inspiring.
Thank you for sharing!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Yes---the Crepe Myrtle blooms are gorgeous. We saw tons of them along the way on our trip to your area. SO pretty...

I remember how pretty the Crepe Myrtles were when we went to Charleston in June one year...

Thanks for sharing so many pretty ones.

Annie Jeffries said...

Crape Myrtles are so pretty. I have two trees in our front yard and a former tree that died and reincarnated into a bush (thanks to one surviving - I will not DIE - root. The first time they were cut back, Don just about died from shock. I told him they would be back better than new come spring/summer and they were.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...