Saturday, August 28, 2010


Tonight as the sun was setting, it was playing peek-a-boo between these two tall trees. We thought no one was there except us, but we were wrong. This one lone bird was sitting up on a pole enjoying the sunset as well. He was singing to the setting sun to make himself heard and seen. The last two pictures are Phil with our granddaughter a couple years ago. They were also playing peek-a-boo. She thought that no one could see her if she covered her eyes. But she was seen and found, with delighted squeals ensuing. Rather like our little Anne thinking no one can see her if she closes her eyes, some think that they cannot be seen if no one is there to see them. But they would be wrong. Playing peek-a-boo can be a risky business for grown ups.

"From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth - he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do."
Psalm 33:13,15


What Karen Sees said...

Beautiful warm colors and sky, beautiful grand daughter, and a beautiful quote to remmber that God is in His heavens and knows who we are!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I love watching the sun set. That's cute that the bird was enjoying the view as much as you were. Your granddaughter is adorable. Wishing you a blessed Sunday.

DawnTreader said...

Wow what a spectacular header picture. And I love your line of thought too, to connect it with the peek-a-boo game.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Ginny, these are just gorgeous images! Such a lovely sun shining so brilliantly with a striking silhouette! I think those snapshots of Phil and Ella are precious! Its so true too!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are so clever, one snap and you captured two beautiful photos. You even got the bird singing for you. The ball of fire is absolutely beautiful.

Re: Daffofil, thanks for telling me the name, I think, here people are mainly of British stock, and they just call them daffodils. These ones I took are big ones. I googled to find the difference, and it is quite complicated. The conclusion I think is if it is big then it is a daffodil, and if it is small, it is a jonquil. What do you think?

Re: Running oval.

Yes, I was high up on the 11th storey of an apartment block the university provides the staff. We chose a low rise, because Sam was 3 then. I was weary about him climbing. And elevators breaking is another story.

I was in my friend's apartment last year when i took this.

Living on campus was a very different experience. I made very good friends with two American wives. I still email them.

Was I fit? i wasn't. Occasionally I went to the gym. There was a challenge to run 2.6 km, and my daughter challenged me. She said, mum, if you can run on the trackmill 2 km, you can run. So I did. 2.6km went by, my girlfriend L suggest we try the 10 km. That's how we did, It was more persistent. I was turning 50, and I gave myself the best birthday present by having ran the Marathon under my belt.

It was good because I impressed my new students, I started with the question," The best thing I have done is....." The kids had to tell theirs and I did mine.

Of course, that was 5 years ago.

We just bought a WII game as an early father's day present for dad to be used by all. May be this will keep me fit.

Jane said...

What a great set of pictures - they really do tell a fun story!


Fred Alton said...

What an amazing photographer you are! And your observations are also simply superb!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the bird looks to me like he is laughing out lood with sheer pleasure at the beauty of the moon peeking through.
that verse reminds me of my dad, he raised me to KNOW that God is always watching me, and it kept my feet on the straight and narrow MOST of the time. thanks ginny, for your peek at the moon and your precious grand daughter.

From the Kitchen said...

I hope I'm never asked to choose which of your photos I like best!!!!! The setting sun and trees and bird are amazing. The minute I saw Anne Marie with her eyes closed, I knew she thought she couldn't be seen. Great contrasts and lesson.


Arti said...

Beautiful, Awesome... The sunset! Your granddaughter is so cute and yes, small children are so innocent...
The quote is so lovely... The god is all seeing and yes, watches over HIS children from above!
Have a nice day:)

RoeH said...

Gorgeous! And I just love your header. Silhouettes are so neat.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

The sunset pictures are superb.Of course seeing the fun Grandpa and his little girl are having is so precious.
Hope this day brings you nothing but joy.
We are off to the Corn and Apple Festival joint outdoor church service.This is always a blessing.

Reanaclaire said...

Such beautiful sceneries.. and your granddaughter is so cute!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Peek a boo!!! ;o)

Love the light on the clouds - soooo purty!

srp said...

Reminds me of the closing illustration at church today. The man was a lighting expert in film and able to create all manner of effect with his craft. He was dying and his pastor visited one last time with him and asked how he was doing. He told the pastor that in spite of the pain, he was ready and looking forward to heaven. He said, "I woke up this morning and heard God ask me... 'Joe, how would you like to direct a sunset?' "

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great photos and we love the lesson in your text.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, that is a gorgeous picture of the sun playing Peek-a-boo. And Anne Marie is just so precious....

My mother used to tell me to BEHAVE ALL of the TIME --since you never know who is watching!!!!! SO--I try to live by example --the best way I can.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

George said...

I love the peek-a-boo sun and the pictures of Phil and Anne are precious.
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Good morning, Ginny. The photos are lovely, as always, and that cutie pie is a little sweetheart. Your words are provocative. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Doris Sturm said...

What lovely photographs...oh, to be a bird and sit on hight to enjoy all God's glory from high above...

I can almost hear your grand daughter squeal with delight. Children just love to play games.

Hope you are doing well.

Doris Sturm said...

p.s. I found that turtle video on facebook where another blogging buddy of mine posted it and I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with the world - ok, MY world anyway ;-)

Karin said...

Sunrises and sunsets are just so spectacular!!! You've captured an awesome picture. It sure is fun when we get to play with our grands! What a cutie!

Glenda said...

Sunsets and birds . . . two of my favorites things! And of course, cute little granddaughters!

Remington said...

Those are beautiful pics! ALL OF THEM!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful shots of the sunset and the bird on the light pole. Anne Marie is a little doll, I can almost hear her squeals of delight at being found.

photowannabe said...

You captured such a beautiful sunset and the peek a boo granddaughter is darling. My kids thought the same thing. If they couldn't see us, we couldn't see them. They seemed to forget that Mom had eyes in the back of her head....

ruthi said...

amazing sunset. love it. and the last two photos are awesome. little Anne is so cute. and i agree peek-a-boo is a risky business. we need to be transparent.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...