Monday, August 2, 2010

Without Light

Those first two pictures look like the end of the world, don't they? This is what we drove under and through this evening as we were on Afton Mountain heading home, down into our little valley. No rain, no wind, nothing but this fearful vision looming ahead. But soon this hole formed in the clouds, with wonderful light peeking through. And the hole got bigger, and lighter, until the whole sky was finally alight with pale blue and sun, as if nothing had ever happened. All just a bad dream, a momentary hitch in time, a reminder: Where would we be without the light? It means so much more when you've been through the darkness.

"Do you know how the clouds hang poised, those wonders of him who is perfect in knowledge? You who swelter in your clothes when the land lies hushed under the south wind, can you join him in spreading out the skies, hard as a mirror of cast bronze?" Job 37:16,18


Together We Save said...

Those pictures are amazing!!

SquirrelQueen said...

I love stormy skies, at least I do when I'm not on the road and there is no danger to anyone. Your clouds look a lot like those we had last week but ours did bring lightning and some rain.

srp said...

I think your last picture is the perfect capture of the saying "every cloud has a silver lining."

From the Kitchen said...

Awesome! I have driven Afton Mountain in so many ways. Some travel was just amazingly beautiful when the mountain was draped in color. Some not so beautiful in the snow, ice and fog of a late January when my father was hospitalized at UVA. That mountain drive holds a lot of memories for me--including a gift shop that I think is still there but I can't recall the name.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

You captured a true "moment in time" never to be seen exactly the same a gain. I do love holes in the sky like this, the first one is scary and i am listening in my head to what you were saying as Phil drove you home. You know what i mean C.L.

Stephanie V said...

Words and photos are perfect. You've captured it just right.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, your photos are just stunning, but the verse you quoted is most powerful. Thanks for sharing both with us. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

S. Etole said...

I really like that verse ... so applicable with your photos.

Kilauea Poetry said...

The elements at play serve as the dramatic backdrop for the day..the first is my favorite..very moody series!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful pictures of the stormy skies, Ginny... Glad though that you all didn't get caught in a huge thunderstorm....

Your post really shows the difference between DARKNESS and LIGHT.... And it makes me want to tell everyone that with God in their lives, there is NO darkness...


Remington said...

That is certainly true, my friend.

Anonymous said...

rofl I am with you, I ate half this bag rofl ack lol

George said...

One of the nice things about stormy skies is that the light always comes through. It may take a while, but there will be light again and it will spread. You did a wonderful job of capturing that idea with your photos.

RoeH said...

Those are cool photos. I love the hole in the sky.

Glenda said...

Great pics; I love cloud/sky photos. To me, they speak of God's power and majesty! You are so right: light is so much more meaningful after being in the darkness.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...