Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Dimming Of The Day

The soul would have no rainbow if the eye had no tears - American Indian saying

You pull me like the moon pulls on the tide
You know just where I keep my better side
When all my will is gone, you hold me sway
I need you at the dimming of the day

From the song "Dimming Of The Day" by Richard Thompson

We both had a trying day today. At least four appointments, one of which messed up, and a dinner I made that ended up in the trash because of a mistake. It seemed that we just ran and ran, and finally settled on the couch at about 10:00 P.M., almost comatose. I have also been dealing with some other worrisome issues. But here is what God gave me at the dimming of the day. He KNOWS. All these pictures are what I saw this evening, an onslaught of affirmation. I have remarked in my blog before that it continues to amaze me the way God will encourage me at just the right time, and I'm so blessed that one of those times was tonight.

"And God said "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind." Genesis 9


Karin said...

So sorry that you've not had an easy day! The day may have dimmed over your way, and also here at my place, but thank God His love never dims and His SON always shines! I've always loved that quote about the soul having no rainbow if the eye had no tears! There have been times when the rainbow didn't want to go away - but God is in those times in a special way. Hugs!

Rose said...

the rainbow and other photos are fantastic. Sorry the day was tough. God is with you . rose

Reanaclaire said...

when times are difficult, that makes us strong.. so that God will use us to comfort those who are undergoing bad times too..

Take care..

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

beautiful moments you catch!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that you both have had a difficult day Ginny. Your photos are so pretty. Praying that you will have a better day.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Well I just lost my entire comment!! Oh where on earth was I?! I've never seen a prettier rainbow- its so fat!! This was a moment that these captures would be your confirmation (yet you have eyes to see it) and our inspiration! Lovely words and quote here with the verse. (Lol) I've had a meal end up in the trash- that's rough, oh boy..its best you get some sleep. I'll be praying for you guys!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Ginny, sorry to hear you had such a bad day. I hope this one is better.

I don't think I have ever seen a rainbow with such distinct colors, it is beautiful. And that sunset is just magnificent.

Jane said...

Good morning Ginny - I hope that today goes much better for you. Cyber hugs!


From the Kitchen said...

The photos have made the beginning of my day! Lovely.

I'm sending a little prayer your way for whatever you need right now.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Hope you havea better day today, a day of rest and peace. the rainbow is one of the best photos of one i have seen, the colors all show so well in it. i have not seen one this brightly colored, the few i have seen are really muted. and the sunset is for sure a blessing and i Know it helped you at the end of a bad day.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these are beautiful...especially the rainbow....praying today will be so much better for you.

Fred Alton said...

Fantabulous Photos Ginny! What a wonderful and powerful creator to spread these views before us - and just at the right times to remind us of his love and care for us.

George said...

I'm sorry you and Phil had such a trying day, but I'm glad that you recognized God's presence and assurance through it all. Hopefully today will be a better day.
Thanks for your wonderful pictures.

Stephanie V said...

Sorry for your unfortunate day. And to have to throw out a dinner that you had no energy to cook must have been so disheartening.

I hope that your cares rode that blazing red sun right under the clouds and the morning comes bright and new.

srp said...

Almost everything I cook has a lot of mistakes. I know it is hard to put all our worries and problems in God's hands and let Him take care of them. Sending you best wishes.

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Isn't that just like our Father to give you such a beautiful promise at the end of a trying day?Praise God. I too pray that today will be a better day for both of you.I know how difficult some days can be,but I also know how God sustains in those day.

S. Etole said...

God knows just the best ways to encourage us, doesn't He? Beautiful photos.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I hope the trials of yesterday can be put aside and you enjoy this glorious new day. Your photos capture such beautiful moments. Blessings...Mary

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My--I am sorry to hear you had a rough day, my Friend. Hope today will be better... My love and prayers are with you..

Love the photos. God does give us so much JOY, doesn't he??? Love the sunset, the clouds and the rainbow... GORGEOUS!!!!

Love that indian saying about tears and a rainbow in our soul... That is fabulous.


photowannabe said...

You know Ginny, the Lord did the same for me at a extremely trying time in my life. When things seemed to be in shambles the Lord said your baby will be like the rainbow. Its the sign that things will not be destroyed and that God has it all in his control and I would have peace. I clung to that and its so true. It is a lasting covenant.

Together We Save said...

Oh... I am sorry to hear your day was not a good one. Praying today is better.

I have to say your pictures are amazing, that rainbow is beautiful.

From the Old InkWell said...

OH MY! WOW! Your shots are just gorgeous. That is one of the prettiest rainbows I've ever seen! Sorry you had such a bad day. Truly hope today is a better one. From reading your post, I know you have the right perspective.

Glenda said...

Ginny, isn't that just like our loving God? And His affirmations are priceless! Hope the days ahead are less stressful for you . . . but even if they aren't, you have these special reminders of His care!

Gorgeous photos!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

How very true....Your pictures are just breathtakingly beautiful and have truly just made my day!

God bless ya and have a wonderful day!!!

gary said...

spectacular shots and nice verse that goes with them. thanks for sharing.

ruthi said...

Oh Ginny... I love the rainbow picture. I never get the chance to see rainbow here. I want that shot too. I'm so jealous.

Unknown said...

Ginny, these are so brilliant! I'm sorry you had a not-so-great day. I hope that tomorrow will be better for you!

betty-NZ said...

Great shots despite the troubles.

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...