Sunday, August 8, 2010

George And Betsy

A True Friend Is One Who Thinks You Are A Good Egg Even If You Are Half-Cracked-Unknown

I may be half-cracked, but I'm so glad my friends only see a good egg. And I have two new friends now. Actually, they have been my friends in blogland for quite a while. But I finally got to meet them! I think quite a few of my followers also follow either George or Betsy's blogs. And when George told me that they were driving through our area on Betsy's birthday trip, I was excited! We arranged to meet and spend an evening together. You cannot imagine how exciting it is to be able to finally meet a blog friend in person the first time! The first night I knew about this, I could not get to sleep till 5 A.M.! I had a tiny birthday cake waiting for Betsy, and when they pulled into our driveway, the first thing we all said was "You look just like you do on your blog!!" And from then on, it was as if we were all old friends who had known each other forever. Betsy had burned a special C.D. of wonderful music just for us, I will think of her whenever I listen to this beautiful music. Betsy's blog "Joyful Reflections" only gives a hint of her. This couple is so full of the joy of life that they positively radiate! They are warm, interested in everything, and have such a great sense of humor. We spent most of the evening laughing, then took them on a tour of our church. Most of these pictures were taken by George or Betsy, as I was in such a dither that I had forgotten my camera! So here's to you, George and Betsy, thanks for a great and memorable weekend!

"Friends are relatives you make for yourselves." Eustache Deschamps


Dawning Inspiration said...

How cool is that!!!!???!!! So happy you all got to get together. I'll have to check out their blogs!

From the Kitchen said...

Oh my goodness, I know Betsy and George. I've gone with them to waterfalls and visited their gorgeous gardens--virtual visits, of course. I'll just have to go right over and wish Betsy a happy birthday. Did you save me a piece of cake? What fun!


SquirrelQueen said...

How wonderful that you got to spend time with Betsy and George. I love the photo of Betsy blowing out the candles. We knew George was taking Betsy away this weekend for her birthday but didn't know where. Now we know part of the story.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are so fortunate to know George and Betsy in person. I like George and Betsy too.

I don't like fogs in the morning, because I have to drive slowly, and I don't want to be late. It was still foggy this morning, ( it's Monday here)

Re: Sky Tower. there is a hotel but I don't know what floors they are. There are restaurants and my uncle took us up where the rounded part is.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shots, i can see the fun from here. you KNOW i am jealous. betsy looks like she might blow the icing off the cake, i ike the surprise picture of Betsy. good ot see you all together

Our Journey said...

How sweet it that!!!!

RoeH said...

Isn't it fun to meet bloggers? So glad that you guys could get together. In my case, except for four cousins, friends are better than relatives. Or..the old can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives. :)) If I ever come through that area, I'm stoppin' at everybody's house. I seem to lucky enough to have quite a few blogger friends from that neck of the woods.

Glenda said...

How sweet and thoughtful of you to have a cake for Betsy! I know the four of you enjoyed yourselves and made lots of great memories! I like your closing quote about friends! What would we do without them?

Have a blessed week!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

How nice that you were able to spend time with new found friends.

DawnTreader said...

When I first just looked at the pictures - having no idea who Betsy and George were - it seemed to me it must me a reunion with old friends. Guess it was, even if you had never met before...! :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how sweet, Ginny... Thanks so much for your nice words... I do feel as if we are truly FRIENDS FOREVER now... This is the wonderful thing about blogging. We get to meet our special friends in person.

Thanks again for everything (the love, the hospitality, the cake, the church, etc. etc. etc.)... We only needed about 100 more hours together to catch up even more....

Love to both you and Phil,

Arti said...

Oh... How lovely!
The pictures are really telling the entire sweet tale...
Friends are really a very special gift of God...
I too hope our friendship blossoms in this blog garden:)
Have a nice day:)

Stephanie V said...

Isn't it wonderful to meet blogging friends? Happy Birthday, Betsy!

Doris Sturm said...

I like that"friends are relatives you made for yourself" - it's so true! I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your friends. That cake looks fantastic! Happy belated Birthday to Betsy :-)

Doris and Gizzy

Beverly said...

I glanced quickly at your blog this morning, but didn't read it all. How nice! Isn't it fun to meet people you've met through blogs? The ones that I've met have just been super. When you start talking, you sort of pick up right where you left off.

Sarah and I got home around 1 o'clock this afternoon. We had a good, safe trip home. It's good to be here while I was I was there.

Remington said...

Great friends....did I see cake....yummy!

Kilauea Poetry said...

How exciting- the cake looks decadent! I'm so happy you could meet your blogging friends!! You are very special Ginny and I'm sure they enjoyed the reception they got! Fun photos- hope you get some sleep now (lol)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Nicely done! I am so glad that you both enjoyed your time with Betsy & George. They seem to be very nice people. Have a wonderful week! - Wildlifewatcher

srp said...

It is so much fun to meet people you talk to on the blogs... I have managed two so far... both fabulous ladies!!!

ruthi said...

Awwwww.... this is awesome. I am so excited now too because in December I will be going to California and will meet two of my blogger friends too.

Ginny, friendship is versatile. You don't have to be closed to one another to be called friends... distance is immaterial what is important is the sincerity of the heart. And since you are both bloggers you think the same somehow. I am so happy that you finally met one of your blogger friends. I hope someday I will be able to meet you in person too.

George said...

Thank you, Ginny, for your wonderful hospitality and kind words. I have a feeling that we will be back in Virginia in the future.

Together We Save said...

Oh that is awesome!! I just love her blog too.

Rose said...

Saw your blog title from Betsy' blog. read some of your posts. i think it was great you got to meet Betsy and her husband. that was sweet to have her a birthday cake. plan to follow Rose

diane b said...

that must have been a very exciting day. They sure sound like loads of fun to know in real life.

Annie Jeffries said...

I think friends, no matter where you find them, are one of life's greatest gifts.

Rose said...

I just came from Betsy's is so good that you two got to sure made her birthday special. I have been reading your blog all the way down to here and have certainly enjoyed it.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Ginny
It was so nice to read about you on Betsy's blog! I can see why she likes you so much.
You have a lovely and thoughtful blog!

Shiny Sundy

 Here are more of the C.D.'s that people hang in their gardens to scare the birds away. They are so pretty when the sun shines on them. ...