Friday, August 13, 2010

A Bumbler And A Bumble

I am such a clumsy bumbler. And the other day, this bumbler stumbled onto a bumble. I'm really so clumsy that I'm like Mr. Magoo, remember that old cartoon? I always have bruises from walking into door frames, door knobs, and furniture. How clumsy am I, you ask? Many years ago, I ended up in the E.R. from an accident trying to put on my underpants. It was a slow day in trauma and they laughed themselves silly. So I was pretty pleased with myself for taking these pictures the other day with no mishaps. When the bees come flying around little Ella, she goes running to my husband shouting "Phil, save me from the Bumbles!!" But on closer look, this really appears to be a Carpenter Bee, which look like bumblebees. They are very gentle and won't sting. To read more about them, you can click HERE to see my earlier post. A carpenter bee is what I would bee if I were an insect, because they are very clumsy fliers, and are always bumping into walls. But though I may trip, stumble, and fall, I take comfort in what king David said so long ago.

"If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand." Psalm 37:23,24


Anonymous said...

Well, we have two things in common addition to no longer hula hooping I am also a bumbler! You really took some great photos of the bees.

Glenda said...

Love the great pic, Ginny! And the Scripture is so comforting! I, too, am a stumbler and often have bruises.

Glenda said...

Me, again! Your header and your background are beautiful!!

Karin said...

You sure take beautiful photos! Also love your header - what a striking crisp color! - As I'm getting older my bruises don't heal as well - but God is good!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Have you head of the joke " Mum wants me to put on clean under pants, just in case I get to ER and the nurse doesn't say, you mum didn't give you cleans and holeless under pants"

Talking about going to ER, my friend, a big fifty something woman, decides to clean the toy house which she had sold. The ladder collapsed and she tried to grasp anything she could which were rusty corrugated iron roof. she has her 4 fingers sliced, and a bruised arm and back. She had stitches to her 4 fingers at ER. A week later, she was admitted to hospital for cosmetic stitching. In jest, we joke that she has beautiful fingers now.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hey Cutie, We can be bumblers together... I never ended up in the ER from an accident trying to put on my underwear... BUT---I've had my share of bumbles.....

Cute post... Hope you had a good day. We went to Hendersonville to check on G's folks. They seemed tired and feeble today... Bless their hearts... If I make it to 98--I'll probably be tired and feeble also!

Okay Bumbler Friend.... Let's both be a little more careful.... ha ha ha


DawnTreader said...

Well at least your MIND seems to be always agile and alert and noticing the small things around you... ;)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Excellent photo of that bee! He looks so healthy too on those pretty blossoms! Ginny, (lol) ya well I haven't been hospitalized for anything like that but I'm just lucky I guess, because I'm the same! Lovely post..and your header is absolutely gorgeous!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ginny, I just kept zeroing in on the one..but excellent photos- all!

SquirrelQueen said...

What beautiful shots of the bee Ginny, she is a beauty. I am starting to see a few bumble bees here but no carpenter bees.

Be careful today, no bumbles or tumbles.

Love your header shot.

Jane said...

These are really great photos!


From the Kitchen said...

Oh Ginny, I can hardly type from laughing. Sorry, my friend, that your "underpants episode" landed you in the ER but I just couldn't help laughing at your telling of it!

You certainly haven't bumbled your blog--the background and header is beautiful.

Be careful.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the scripture is perfect. and I had no idea it was a carpenter bee or that they are clumsy. lookes like bumble to me. i was going to say how brave you are , but then thought no she must have known it was not dangerous. another great post by my sista

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I'll start at the top,the header is gorgeous.I love flowers of all sorts and I love bright vibrant colors.The Bee pictures are super,I have such a hard time getting good focused shots of them.
Now,you don't really want to know about my clumsiness.I will find bruises and don't even know what they are from.
The assurance is that God still loves me,clumsy as I am.Praise His name!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Ginny, I always love your photos and the scripture you use to accompany it. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Stephanie V said...

Your bee macros are wonderful! Those bees are so hard at work in the flowers. It's a miracle they can fly when they appear so clumsy, isn't it?

Arti said...

Another great post..lovely pics... The quote at the end was beautiful.. Have a nice day:)

Anonymous said...

I love Mr. Magoo. I'm still laughing thinking about your trip to E.R. Isn't it wonderful that God's E.R is as close as our mouth?

God bless you, ~Ron

Anonymous said...

Nice post today Ginny! I have only seen 2 regular honeybees since I have moved here to TN from CA a year ago - imagine that! We do have yellow and black bumblebees though. Nice pictures and wonderful connection to Scripture. Great post!

S. Etole said...

There's always something to learn when I come here ... and great photos.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Yowza - those look like some big bees!!

Fred Alton said...

How perfectly you made this post into a testimony of the faithfulness of God. I like that! A lot. The whole thing is just close to perfect.

BTW - thanks for the kind remarks on my blog about the grand-daughters.


ruthi said...

what a great macro shots Ginny. great details, great composition, great depth of fields. And most importantly great words of wisdom. Have a wonderful week ahead. Take care.


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