Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This post is dedicated to my new follower KIM, whose blog is touching, funny, and frank. One thing we both have in common is arachnophobia, or fear of spiders. I have posted about my spider fear before, how it came to be, the problems it has caused me, and the ineffective way my mother used to try to kill spiders. To read that post, click HERE. You will also find out what kind of webs spiders weave on sleeping pills, LSD, and in space. This is the Garden Of Spiders at the Louis Ginter Botanical Garden. Some of my followers may remember I posted a few of of these pictures last year. But here is what struck me about these. I took the pictures without a flash and with a flash, experimenting to see which looked the best. Without the flash, they are truly scary spiders. But look what happens when my brighter light from above flashes them. It shows them for what they really are, and takes away all the fear! The bright flash shows that they are nothing more than many tiny lights inside a housing. One of the first things I thought of was how powerless things of the dark are when faced with the light of God. The light of God exposes things for what they really are, which is merely paltry in his great plan for us!

"He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings deep shadows into the light." Job 12:22

"I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant..." Psalm34:4



Reanaclaire said...

I fear spiders too but they are seldom seen by me...

Kilauea Poetry said...

You always snag something different! Well these photos are fascinating..I see what you mean. You know me-fearless (hope I don't get bit (lol)..I'm wiped out so I'm coming back in the morning to finish and look at your link..

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, A wonderful analogy tonight. I hope you will rest well and have a great day.

SquirrelQueen said...

I like your shots of the spiders made of lights, the dark one is wonderfully creepy.

We won't talk about how close my camera lens has been to various little eight legged creatures.

Anonymous said...

So glad these aren't real spiders. Really liked your post - the light of God really does take away our fears.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh I would not want to visit there. I hate spiders as well! Their bites can be quite venomous. I know a few ladies who had to go on antibiotics because of spider bites this past summer. My daughter has a real hatred of them!

Anonymous said...

Nice photos! Must have been a fun place to visit. I also checked out your link about spiders and found the story about experiments interesting! You're right about the broom part...not at all effective;)

From the Kitchen said...

My mother was bitten by a black widow spider when I was a teenager! Fortunately, she was not allergic to it's toxic venom and was fine (had a lot of pain and stiffness in her foot and leg for about a week). She continued to let them live, even after the bite and didn't fear them. I like your spiders much better!


Fred Alton said...

What a powerful sermon! I love it and, with your permission, may use this in my teaching soon.

RoeH said...

Very nice! Hate spiders but love those pictures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a spider on LSD? what were they thinking? YIKES. is it arachnophobia when I see a spider and yell loudly for my weapong of choice? that would be hubby. he too hates spiders but is not so afraid that he will not step on one. i get far a ways and let him stomp it.
here is something for those of you who suffer from arachnophobia
At age 10, we visited my grandmother here in Florida and she had these giant about 3 inches across spiders in her house. she would not let us kill them, she said they ate bugs.
Outside on the front porch, i spied one and stepped on it. about a gazillion little spiders round out all over the porch, she was carrying them with her. I have never ever killed a spider since then, I just yell for help or LEAVE TOWN

Melanie said...

What great verses to go with your post.
I'm afraid of spiders too. Anytime I go to the garage to look for something I carry a can of bug spray with me!
I killed a black widow spider at the church not too long ago... creepy!
BTW, we took the school kids to Natural Bridge yesterday. The weather was perfect and we had a great time!

Hope said...

I love this post.. I to don't care for spiders at all..
but what you said about the creatures in the dark.. don't have anything they can hurt you with.. once the light shines.. and with God's grace.. His light does shine..
hope your day is wonderful..
God bless and keep you..

Remington said...

Cool post! We like spiders they are just cute little things....

Chatty Crone said...

You are right - whatever we are afraid of - God is with us. That is so good to remember too.


Karin said...

I'm simply fascinated by spider webs, glistening in the sunlight, dripping with dewdrops, holding fast in the wind. I've marveled at how fast a spider wraps its prey for later consumption. BUT, they should stay outside and not come into my house. A girl has to draw the line somewhere!!! Great Scripture that in the fullness of God's Light we do see things for what they really are, and then I've laughed at some of my fears!

Bobbie said...

I'm with you Ginny. Terrified of spiders!! (thanks mom). When hubby and I first met we were getting out of the car to go to a shopping mall in Indiana one day and I screamed "SPIDER"> my knight in shining armor rushed to my side and flicked the hanging spider from the car to inside my pocket-book. If he had not had so mnay other great qualities our relationship may have ended there. LOL. This post ended so beautifully > THANK YOU for this today!!

photowannabe said...

Perfect illustration Ginny. God's light shines through.
Frankly I don't like spiders either.

DawnTreader said...

At first I thought: What on earth has she been taking photos of now. Looks like giant spiders out of some sci-fi movie... I expected them to turn out to be something totally different. I guess they were, and were not, at the same time! What on earth are these man-made monsters doing in a botanical garden? I tend to get a bit hysterical in the company of spiders, too.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

For some reason spiders do not scare me. I actually respect their skill of building beautiful webs and their apparent intelligence.

Of course I would not wany to see one the size of the one in your photos!

Together We Save said...

I love these pictures... I don't however like spiders!! Yikes.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Ok..left comment on your older post, and as I said, you manage to find some interesting subjects! My husband doesn't like them (his mom didn't either) but he's much more tollerant now..

Debbie Taillieu said...

I just step on them, when I see them! LOL! Wouldn't want one crawling me ya know!
Great shots!
Have a fabulous day!

Joyful said...

I love those mechanical (lighted) spiders, lol.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I much prefer the spiders you have photographed to the real thing. I also love your analogy to the light of God. You were meant to be a preacher. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

George said...

I like the analogy you drew about the dark and light from these spider photos.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh----I'm not crazy about spiders either, Ginny... They make me shiver when I see them, even the little ones.

Your thoughts on light and dark could be a fabulous sermon....

Thanks for sharing.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow, thanks for this post! I agree with the spider fear. You do make a great point! Again Thanks!
ps sorry I was late getting here, had a busy day


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...