Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Baby You Can Drive My Car

Do you recognize the title of my post? It's an old Beatles song, beep beep, beep beep, yeah!! The girls just love to sit in our car and pretend to drive. And in the first two pictures, they are just pretending. But last month, we really let Anne Marie drive our car! This is the last two pictures. The age for getting a learner's permit has recently been lowered to five! Just kidding...here's what really happened. When we went to the drive through safari, Anne was up front sitting between me and Phil, and she crawled in his lap, touched the wheel and looked up at him. He knew the time had come, and let her steer through the trail, through all the animals! You can see how delighted she was, no more pretend! And I'm proud to report that not a single animal was wounded or killed! Though some of the places were really rough, Phil made them all smooth by his gentle and quiet guidance.

"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn the darkness into light before them
and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do;
I will not forsake them."
Isaiah 42:16


♥ Helen said...

That is very sweet ツ

Reanaclaire said...

Looking at her sweet smile can melt hearts!

DawnTreader said...

Well, good thing Phil was there in the background with the eyes on the road and the extra hand on the wheel, I think... ;)

SquirrelQueen said...

That is so cute. I remember when my dad would let me 'drive' like that. Glad to hear the animals survived the experience.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'll be singing that song all day now! Great pictures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first thoughts on the first 2 is get them a cushion so they can see the road. LOL then i saw Anne Marie on Phil s lap and thought get a lap. that works fine. she looks absolutely delighted in that last photo. glad the animals survived her first driving lesson

Nature Rambles said...

Such adorable angels!! The joy in Anne Marie's face says it all. I think both girls are blessed to have such wonderful grandparents like you and Phil.

Fred Alton said...

What wonderful grandparents you are! And just like I can see Phil's hand on the steering wheel giving his careful support of this new driver, our Heavenly Father has his hand on the steering mechanism of our lives! Beautiful smiles on those girls' faces.

Karin said...

Great pictures of how our heavenly Father guides and leads our lives - if we let him. What tragedy if those sweet girls started driving on their own without their Guide! Such great pictures of the girls!

Stephanie V said...

They both look pretty proud of themselves!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Too Cute!!!! Reminded me of that commercial that I've seen a trillion times it seems about the Dad letting his daughter drive their car (ad was for the car) alone for the first time... At the first of that ad, it shows the daughter as a little girl in the driver's seat... Seen that one?????

Great post, Ginny.

George said...

I sure hope Ella doesn't read this -- she'll want her turn. But they both are very cute and obviously happy to be behind the wheel.

Anonymous said...

I, too, remember my dad doing the same thing! Very sweet and both girls are precious blessings.

Remington said...

Awesome post! Beth said she remembers that song.

LC said...

Brings back similar experiences with my dad. Love her delight!

From the Kitchen said...

What happy little faces! I'm going to be on the lookout for a red car with a smiling little girl behind the wheel next month!!


Ruth Hiebert said...

This is an experience she will not soon forget.That's exactly what memories are made of.

Ann said...

That is so cute. I bet Anne Marie felt all grown up when she got to drive :)

Bobbie said...

I love it!! The girls look so happy to be driving. You almost had me for a minute there, Ginny. Five?? LOL.

Rose said...

that smile is simply contagious! I bet her and Lorelei would have a ball!

LV said...

How sweet it is. I used to let my great grandson sit on my lap and turn the wheel.He assured me he knew what to do without my help. Of course, he did not, but drove very well. At least, we stayed in the road.

Reena said...

Such fun for her and glad to hear no animals were injured in her drive! LOL!

Joanne said...

Awww how sweet! You can see how happy this made her!
Blessings, Joanne

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

LOOK at that smile! IT says happiness!

That took me back to when my uncle (who was like my father) would let me sit in his lap behind the wheel and drive. Well, he held onto the wheel but it was fun thinking I was really driving. Thank you for taking me back to that early childhood memory.

S. Etole said...

Those little girls are so cute and the time will go fast and they will be driving for real.

Chatty Crone said...

Everyone wants what they get! sandie

Clovis Seeman said...

How adorable! It must have been very fun driving with a little assistant driver like that. Hehe, seems like a very productive first driving lesson.


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