Monday, September 19, 2011


In the store the other day, I passed this display of fun erasers. They look like licorice or Twizzlers! So I picked up a couple for our granddaughter. I gave them to her last night when we were all out to dinner, and she loved them. But they were more than erasers to her. She hung them from her daddy's head making long earrings (notice the little boy behind us, he is looking at us like we are nuts!). She put them on my head giving me bunny ears. In the car we played baker and she made them into pretzels. And at home, she turned one into a bracelet! And here I thought they were only erasers! Anne calls them re-rasers, which I think is an even more accurate name. Here is the most wonderful erasure ever!!

"He erased the certificate of doubt, with it's obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross."
Colossians 2:14


Joanne said...

I have seen these before. They are alot of fun. have you seen the ones that look like food or even tiny furniture? My son loves collecting erasers. right now he is loving the goofy head ones I bought him for school.
Blessings, Joanne

Annie Jeffries said...

Sooo cute. Seems like the imagination for making everyday items FUN, is bottomless.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Amen to the verse, He has..
I think they are great erasers and they do look like lollies.

SquirrelQueen said...

Those are just cute, looks like Marie really enjoys them. Now why didn't they come up with stuff like this when we were in school.

Ginny, the little Bee Fly is very tiny and fuzzy. They are so cute, no need to run from these little critters. They look so soft it makes me want to pet them but their too fast.

Anonymous said...

Anne Marie is beautiful dressed in pink and I love those fun erasers! Mr. Maple Lane's favorite candy is Twizzlers.

Cindy said...

These are just too much fun.

Reanaclaire said...

hey..those look like fun! Erasers? wow.. that would take a long time to finish... how much are they by the way?

Sharon said...

What fun for her! I have a little 3rd cousin who would just love those! I thought they were rolls of colored clay at first!

Great candid shots! Have a wonderful day!

Ann said...

Those are the most fun erasers I've ever seen. Just goes to show that with a little imagination you can do anything. Anne Marie has a good imagination :)

From the Kitchen said...

Those looks like a lot of fun--for adults and children alike. Well, maybe for all but the little boy in the photo who seems a little discombobulated!


Ruth Hiebert said...

I saw a similar display at a locale Staples the other day. Very fun erasers.

Marie said...

Those look like fun! And such pretty colors. Your granddaughter has a fun imagination and she looks very pretty!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've never seen those before - what fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thank you Lord for the biggest eraser of all time, your Son. He can erase our wrongs and make us right and it is our choice.
these erasers are amazing, in the header I thought Candy, as in peppermint in colors. these are all new to me, when i am in the stores i don't see things for kids, because i have none, so i miss a lot. maybe i should wander through and check out the toys.

Darlene said...

I've never seen those, but they look like fun. I think that littl boy is jealous that he doesn't have those cool erasers! (I like the verse you shared!)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Love the imagination of a child to see beyond what things are used for. What a blessing to have little ones around the house and experiences life through their eyes.

DawnTreader said...

I'd be tempted to eat them...!

Fred Alton said...

Thank God for his great big RE-'raser! I love that! And your ability to tie things to the truths of Scripture is such a gift! Thanks Ginny.

photowannabe said...

Love how you worked that bible verse into your post today. Praise the Lord for Erasures...
Love those Erasers. I thought they were candy at first.
I can see how kids would have a ball with them.

Reena said...

Those are so cool! Kids can come up with the most creative things!

S. Etole said...

Getting to see all of these fun things is part of the fun of having grandchildren!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny - you have the answer to living life few have! I may grow old, but I'll never grow up. Your granddaughter is sooooooooo beautiful! Did she get her hair highlighted?


Glenda said...

You have such a cute and creative granddaughter! I have never seen the erasers, but I will be looking for them for my grands. I have a difficult time keeping up with so many "new-fangled" things!

Hope you are having a good week

LC said...

The erasers in the header are beautiful and look delicious. Guess I won't be sampling them!

Melanie said...

Those erasers look good enough to eat, Ginny!
I'm so thankful our sins are erased and we can have a clean slate!
Hope you're having a wonderful week. :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Did you ever have long hair? I kept mine long twice, long hair doesn't suit me, so I am keeping mine short.

Deborah said...

I love these! I would have bought them too! You have the cutest granddaughter, she is growing up!
Have a great Wednesday!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

A child's imagination is wonderful! Anne is adorable and it is so nice you all let her have fun!

Regina said...

I just found an eraser works pretty good for a touch screen camera (hope there is nothing bad I don't know about that). I like the idea of a clean slate..
wishing you a lovely day tomorrow-

Nature Rambles said...

Love these re-erasers! Fun pictures!!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So Cute!!

Rose said...

I bet the boy behind you wanted to join the fun! I bet my Lorelei would really enjoy your granddaughter!


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