Friday, September 2, 2011

Shelter From The Storm

 I came in from the wilderness a creature void of form
"Come in" she said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".
Bob Dylan

We live just a few minutes from the Wildlife Center Of Virginia, where they rescue all kinds of injured birds and animals, nurse them and return them to the wild. I went on a tour there once, very interesting. So when I saw this picture in the paper, I knew I had to snap it and show you. The Center has over 100 baby squirrels that were blown from their nests in the recent hurricane. They range in age from one to three weeks, and most haven't opened their eyes yet. They need to be fed almost all day, and the workers must refrain from talking baby talk to them, because they want them to grow up scared of people, like they should be when they are released in the wild.

"Oh, that I had the wings of a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest-
I would flee far away...
I would hurry to my place of shelter
far from the tempest and storm."
Psalm 55:6,8


George said...

That is a lot of baby squirrels to care for. They must all be working overtime.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is a huge bunch of squirrels.. I always admire places who take care of the baby and injured birds and animals. Someone else recently had a blog post about saving the baby turtles on the beach in Florida. Thank You to the shelters and places who do this!!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh how sweet, that little baby squirrel is adorable. It is good to know there are people who look out for the helpless little creatures like that baby after a storm.

I love the little girl squirrel in your header photo Ginny, she is so cute.

Nature Rambles said...

The Wildlife Center is doing a wonderful job! Focusing on wild animals makes us aware of how vulnerable the young can be in times of natural calamities. Usually I tend to think about destruction on a larger scale like buildings and bridges. I mean to say that it's the first thing that comes to mind.

About your question on my blog...yes, that's my table.:)

Arti said...

Really wonderful to know about people who still care for shelter and protection of these innocent and lovely creatures. Your tour must have been pretty interesting as well, I am sure, would myself also love to be at this place some day..

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Sad and sweet at the same time that these babies were blown from their nest but they will have a chance now.

We had one as a pet, found it as a baby and raised it. It thought dad's leg was a tree when he was wearing shorts. We knew when Peanut's climed one...we could hear dad yell.

Karin said...

Mixed emotions here - sad they are orphaned but glad they are receiving help! Like Betsy said, A HUGE THANK YOU SHOUT OUT to the folks who do this kind of thing! God bless them!

Karin said...

Oh, and the little guy in the header - is so cute too - good capture!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a sweet little baby squirrel!

Rose said...

Oh, I so wish I had one of them...I would talk baby talk to it though.

I had one here for four years...a wild one...that would eat out of my hand and follow me till she was bumping my heels if she had not seen me in a while. And she started getting in my lap to eat sometimes. She raised 7 liters of babies right here beside our house and at one time one of them would eat from my hand.

She must have died...last year the last time she came, she was skin and bone...and I hardly saw her last year. I still miss her.

Fred Alton said...

That is a HUGE undertaking! Sustaining that many wild lives at once must be a very demanding thing. It's worth it though - just to feel the joy when they are released back into the forest.

Melanie said...

What a great thing to do, Ginny! It's so sad to see anything suffering whether it's a person or an animal.
Hope you have a great Labor Day weekend. :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

It is great to see that all the animals are being looked after.These poor babies would die if no one took care of them.

Reanaclaire said...

oh so cute... they must be helpless when the storm came upon them.. thank God for those who love animals...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i really don't think i could feed one without talking baby talk, i started to talk it looking at the photo. bob says that guy in the header sure is fat, our squirrels are skinny and small down here, not nearly as big as northern squirrels. that is a lot of babies to save and a lot of man hours involved. i wish them luck with it.

Stephanie V said...

So sweet. Interesting about the 'baby talk' the helpers shout and make loud noises?

Mary Bergfeld said...

I'm just jumping in to say a quick hello and send good wishes for a great long weekend. Take care. Hugs and blessings...Mary

Marie said...

Adorable! I've fed many baby squirrels and it is very rewarding. My son and I watched a mama squirrel move her babies during Hurricane Charlie. It was amazing! She rolls up her baby into a furball and carries it in her mouth. Thanks for sharing this Ginny. Have a wonderful weekend!

Deborah said...

WOW, I'm glad you shared that with us! I never thought about baby squirrels. Also, I thought of you the other day when they announced another earthquake in VA. Very scary if you ask me...I hope that one wasn't close to you. Happy Labor Day!

Lynn said...

What an interesting post. I did not realize there were places that took in the squirrels. I would not be able to feed them or work there because I would want to pet it and talk baby talk to such a small little creature. It is the mother instinct in me. Thank you for sharing this. Do they come from other states or just VA?

Beverly said...

Squirrels are cute, but they can be mean. I'm glad these babies are being taken care of, though.

Anonymous said...

So thankful that there are dedicated folks to do this work. Cute pictures.

Have a blessed weekend.

Dawning Inspiration said...

How hard that must be to not talk to them... they are so cute!

Judy Royal Glenn said...

Your header photo made me laugh! Too cute!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are cute and rescued! Good thing to rescue them

Chatty Crone said...

Man they are so cute - but I sure wouldn't want them at my house! sandie

Regina said...

Precious..boy, I'm so guilty of talking baby talk to my animals! I'm sure I sound rediculous!! A couple we know..said they each have their own deedle dee they say to their dog..anyhow, the words are lovely and comforting now..but I so long to be home too! I have to go to town but will be back-

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh how sweet. There's a wildlife center maybe ten miles from me. Fascinating place. Love visiting there.

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