Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We passed by these celosia yesterday, and they screamed at me to turn around and take their picture! The reds were so bright that the camera really couldn't capture it. The name celosia is from the Greek, meaning "burned", because of the brilliant red of some of them. But they come in all different colors. There is even one called brain celiosa, because they look like brains! To see my pictures of them, click HERE. In many places, these are cultivated for their nutritious leaves, which taste like spinach. To some, this flower represents a certain kind of foolishness, what an odd meaning!

"For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
1 Cor. 1:18


Shanda said...

I just arrived this afternoon in KY to spend 5 days with my boys and parents and these were outside of the airport. Even after spending 13 hours in airports, I had to pull out my camera and take some shots!!!
PS my surgery is Nov 11, the week I get back from India and Africa.

Joanne said...

I tried and tried to grow these in my back yard and they would bloom then quickly die. Ginny thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I think you have a great blog too!
Blessings, Joanne

Annie Jeffries said...

So, so pretty. Glad you stopped to share them with us.

SquirrelQueen said...

Seeing those gorgeous colors would have made me turn around too, glad you went back Ginny. I did not know the meaning of their name, thanks for the info.

How could anyone consider this beautiful flower foolish? Maybe it was because of the showy colors?

Reanaclaire said...

More beauties here!! Love the sweet colors, Ginny.. I cannot see these flowers over here in my area.. :(

Arti said...

Such beautiful shades and colors, the flowers are very pretty and refreshing! And to know that they have so many variations and can mean so many different things to different people is very interesting too!

RoeH said...

Those are sooooo pretty. I don't think I have ever seen them before. Although I am going to DC in two weeks and I'm sure going to look for them now.

Fred Alton said...

Outstanding colors, Ginny! I love this time of the year here in the mountains of E.TN for that reason. Thanks for the wealth of info that you continuously share.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Double WOW! the yellow is truly the colors of Fall. Like tiny Christmas trees all ablaze. Awesome!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these are amazingly beautiful and the colors are so rich....

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

These are really pretty!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I popped over the look at the other post and they are a litle creepy and a lot like brains. but pretty. the ones today are really pretty and it is very hard to get red to photograph and also bright yellow. i like the yellow better than the red, but they are both beautiful. i can say I have never eaten a flower or flower leaves, spinach? hummmm

Stephanie V said...

I love's such a cool flower. Never knew it was edible, though.

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are very pretty! Love the yellow ones because they aren't common around here.

Remington said...

I love the pics....they are beautiful!

Sharon said...

I had a pot of the yellow ones, sadly, they fell under Jill's pot wrath before I could get them in the ground. They are so beautiful! Nice shots!

Darlene said...

The verse you chose is perfect. I had no idea those flowers got that big. Your pictures are gorgeous!

From the Kitchen said...

I have some red ones sitting on my kitchen counter. Love them!

Today is the last day of summer. Tomorrow is the official first day of fall and our high today is to be 62 degrees. Yikes!


Ruth Hiebert said...

I would call it beautiful,instead of foolishness.

Together We Save said...

Oh these flowers are lovely!!

Rose said...

Oh, those are gorgeous.

LV said...

Great inspiring words. Nothing about your lovely flowers is foolishness tho.

Chatty Crone said...

I love the colors of those flowers - such a pretty pink (?). sandie

Marie said...

These are beautiful colors! The yellow is so bright and golden
Very pretty pics!

Karin said...

Such beautiful and useful flowers! I googled it and found a lot of information. So glad our Creator didn't think they were too foolish to plant for our enjoyment and use! Gorgeous photos!

Shug said...

Ginny....your pictures just keep getting better and better...the deep yellow is gorgeous...
Enjoyed this today..

Bobbie said...

Oh my goodness! They do look like brains! I always learn something from visiting you, Ginny. Now if I could just remember everything I learned... I'd be good to go. LOL. Love these pictures.

Ann said...

oh my those are pretty. Love those colors.

Anonymous said...

These were my mom's favorite flowers. She had grown one all summer one year, and my brother thought it was a weed and cut it down!!!!!!

DawnTreader said...

Red really is a difficult colour sometimes!

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Yet Another Mystery

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