Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grandparents Rock!

This week is grandparents week at our granddaughter Anne Marie's school! And any day this week, the grandparents can come and eat lunch with them. This was a big deal for us, because Anne just started kindergarten. We went yesterday, and here are my pictures from the day. We were really made welcome with many volunteers, and they had these pretty centerpieces on the tables. Anne's mom sent a fish shaped sandwich in her lunch! And I couldn't resist taking a picture of this little girl's beautiful hair!! Who is the mystery boy? Well, that is Anne's new friend who just HAPPENS to be a boy!!! Notice I did NOT use the word boyfriend! After all, Anne is only five! Though she does cover her face and blush whenever his name is mentioned!!! This should be a very interesting year...Here is one student who was a perfect teacher as well.

"After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him, they were astonished...and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."
Luke 2


From the Kitchen said...

All three of you look really cute!! And I love the little friend who is a boy. I also want a sandwich on fish bread. And, I'd love to have the nerve to do my hair in many colors.


Arti said...

How touching! Must be so special for the children as well as for the grandparents...
I remember waiting for the vacations to start so that we could go and stay with our grandparents for weeks during the school days...
Last pic is one for the album:)
Have a fabulous week ahead Ginny:)

Jeanne said...

I know she was very proud having you both there to have lunch with her. She is such a cutie!

George said...

It's neat that you could have lunch with Anne-Marie and her friends. Does she always get such artistic sandwiches?

Regina said...

A special time all of you will remember and Anne will have to look back on! The photos are absolutley precious.. Happy Grandparents day to you two Ginny!

pam said...

So fun that they do this for grandparents to come to school. And YAY that you live close enough. That girls hair is so fun. Kindergarten is such a fun year. So many adventures now that school years have begun....many things for a grandparent to attend. Have fun!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a wonderful idea for the school to honor grandparents. That is a great photo of the three of you.

The friend who happens to be a boy is cute, I can see why Anne reacts when his name is mentioned.

I like the little girl's colorful hair style.

Anonymous said...

How very special for all of you! Wonderful, fun photos and that sandwich is cute too!

Melanie said...

That is so sweet, Ginny. Glad you had a nice time with Anne. Wonderful pictures! :)

Our Journey said...

Thanks for posting pictures. I'm so glad I could see the day. I'm so glad you all got to go. She was SOOO excited!! And what's funny .. that "boy" is actually NOT "our" boy... heee.. that's another boy in her class. I wonder if hat means she has two crushes?? Heeeee. I'll have to point our "F" boy out to you!! :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is such a wonderful thing for the school to do I wish they did that here.

Karin said...

Thanks for sharing this special event with us. It would be great for something like this to spread all over! There is so much the generations can learn from one another. At our nursing home, we have classes of children visiting, toddler visits, and high school students visiting - and they all do activities one with another. Our grandparents can't go out any more, so the grandchildren come here!!

Such fabulous photos Ginny!

LC said...

What a precious memory. I love the verse. That was a frquent prayer of mine for my 2 boys as they were growing up, that they would grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. I figured if it was the Father-given growth pattern for God's beloved son, it was good for my beloved sons, too.

Sharon said...

With the schools stopping so many special things, I am glad to see they are still doing this! What a special day and Anne looks so delighted!

That boy that is a friend is very cute! Love the hair of many colors!

Grandparents do rock!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

another wonderful pilot light of memory set of photos. when she grows up she cam come back here and jog her memory of the fun she had with you and Phil. every one looks so happy and the decorations are great. so glad you got to visit. hope ella is ok, did she go with you

Remington said...

That is so cool!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

How touching! I look forward to being a grandparent someday....

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

She must've felt so special having you come eat lunch with her!

Pierce rides the bus every day next to a little girl named Jayden. She's 5 and sounds like drama, LOL. She's always talking on pink cell phones and eating candy. Pierce absolutely adores her.

Fred Alton said...

Loved this post, Ginny. You and Phil are wonderful grandparents, that's for sure. Anne is very blessed to have you. One of our grand-daughters had "Grandparents Day" at her school one day last week. It was such a treat for the children - to say nothing of the treat for us old folk.

Chatty Crone said...

You two are the very best grandparents ever - I'm serious. That looked like so much fun! sandie

Nikki (Sarah) said...

you guys look wonderful....and that's such a cool concept...grandparents day!!! Love the girl's hair....looks colorful and total fun.

Ann said...

oh how fun. Anne Marie looks happy as a lark to have the two of you there.
Love that little girls hair, so colorful

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny! I couldn't wait to come over and see your fun day at school at Grandparents day! Annes beautiful smile says it all!! I love the sandwich.. and that little girls hair is awesome.
We were sitting my a boy who didn't have grandparents there, and Gary spent a lot of time entertaining him... It was fun! That's great that you can go and eat with them anytime..
Beautiful Pictures!!!

Reena said...

Such proud grandparents you are! It is such a treat that her school does this for grandparents. Such a cutie pie!

Mary Bergfeld said...

How nice of the school to do that. The picture of the three of you is a treasure for the memory books of all concerned. I hope you have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Anne Marie is so lucky to have both of you. Did you get permission from your computer to go?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

That lovely hair, is it her own or extensions? Share will you this story. This tanzanian student was crying to me, her mum had shaved off her head, and kids teased that she was a boy. I comforted her, but could do anything.

I asked an African woman in a woman's refuge what to do, because it could be very inbsenitive to talk to the mum about this.

After the summer hoidays, she had multi braids and was very happy to show to me.
One day, i talked about shaving hair. an she said she no no problem about shaving her hair.

I suddenly realised that her hair grew so fast. A colleague told me it is hari extensions.

Shug said...

This is such a special time...I think it is wonderful that the schools set aside a time to honor grandparents...I could tell that Anne Marie was so happy to have the two of your there...She is all smiles..
Glad you had this opportunity to spend some special time with her...

Marie said...

How wonderful for the school to acknowledge Grandparents! My son is very close to his grandparents! Grandparents are wonderful!

photowannabe said...

Isn't being a Grandparent wonderful? I love your pictures with your sweet one on that special day.


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