Thursday, September 1, 2011

Having Dinner With The Dinosaurs

When we went on the drive-thru safari, these were just some of the ostriches that came up to the car wanting food. I couldn't decide whether they looked goofy or mean. How would you like one of these sticking their head in the window demanding food? Or actually pecking on the window to be fed?? Not ME, I cowered in the corner and took pictures while my family held out their food buckets. They somehow looked like they were about to fly off the handle at any moment. The ostriches, that is, not my family!

It is true that ostriches were used for pulling chariots in ancient Egypt, but that never lasted because the ostriches had such a bad temper. Ha ha ha, just the thought of this fills me with hilarity!!! Don't their faces look primitive? They are real dinosaurs, dating over 120 million years ago. In fact, ostrich tissue is very similar to what is found in a T-Rex dinosaur! Ancient creatures indeed!

", O Lord, are our Father,
our redeemer from of old is your name."
Isaiah 63


Arti said...

They look scary to me!! I am much better feeding the monkeys and the cows and the elephants which I encounter during my travels...
A fascinating post, Ginny!
Have a wonderful day:)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

And they make for good eatin', I hear they taste like chicken.... snort..

The farmers market here has some and the meat is on the red side like beef.

Cute pics, I would be where you were, last time I was near one it pecked a button off my shirt.

Shanda said...

Haha. My internet is really show and it too a long time to load the photos. I saw dinasaor and was thinking a kids toy would appear. Then that face came up and I had to laugh out loud!!
I rode an ostrich on my honeymoon. For about 5 seconds!!! Like a bull ride.

SquirrelQueen said...

I think they are fascinating creatures but their size is a little intimidating. It looks like you might have also seem some emus too. Your last photos remind me of the emus we used to see down in CA.

DawnTreader said...

I agree they don't look very trustworthy ;) We have some in our zoo as well, on the savannah with the giraffes and elephants and zebras and whatnot.

From the Kitchen said...

They may look silly but they are quite tasty. I had some years ago when a friend of mine called, heard my mother and I were having fried green tomatoes for lunch, and came right over with ostrich. Mother was a little reluctant but I was game. They were the texture of veal scallopini and had a mild taste. Great photos!


Anonymous said...

They look really cute in your close shots but I'd never be want to get so close and personal!! I once read about a man who was attacked by an ostrich in Reader's Digest. That was scary.

Jeanne said...

They have kind of a cute little face in your pictures but I know I wouldn't trust them enough to get very close. A kind of cute but very serious little face!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Kind of looks like they're singing a duet!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there faces made me giggle, each time i scrolled to a new one, i giggled more. they are UGLY and ADORABLE. i do so wish i could ride through this place. something i would LOVE. i will trade you one beach for one zoo ride... LOL

Fred Alton said...

Hmmm. Ginny, Ostrich meat I have had for dinner...but can't remember what the T-Rex tasted like. Next time I get a T-Rex steak I'll compare and let you know! ☻ ☻ ☻

Lady Jane said...

Hey, that Fred guy is kind a funny.

No t-rex or ostrich for me,lol...

Stephanie V said...

Oh, my, I thought maybe you were the lunch LOL

Melanie said...

I wouldn't want them near me. They look scary to me too! You did a great job with the pictures. :)

Sharon said...

They do make great dinosaurs! Don't believe I would want one looking through the window at me! Nope!

Love those huge chairs!

So nice to see you on my blog! I am not real formal here, but "Hello!"

Annie Jeffries said...

Yeah, I have to agree. Ill-tempered and to be respected - from a distance.

Interesting about the Egyptians. First ostriches and then camels. I guess camels are more even-tempered. LOL.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am with you.Staying safely behind the glass of the window is where I would want to be.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Neat, Ginny... I like to see Ostriches --and you got some great photos of them. Had no idea they were 'kin' to the dinosaurs.... See what I learn by Blogging...

photowannabe said...

I think they look Goofy. Look at that smile!
I have eaten ostrich. It is so lean and great tasting.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

your pics cracked me up...they do look funny and scary to me. I don't think they would hurt anyone unless attacked or at least I think you Ginny...that I totally love your posts.

S. Etole said...

They certainly had an eye for you!

George said...

These are great pictures. I'm glad you got these pictures while you were cowering, but I'm not sure I would want these ostriches banging on our car window demanding food, either.

Ann said...

Interesting about the ostriches. I don't think I would want one sticking it's head in my window though. I'll just admire them from your pictures :)

photowannabe said...

Hi Ginny
The flower you asked about is a hydrangia.
It really was blooming wonderfully until the temps. got too hot and it soon shriveled.

Chatty Crone said...

They look like they will hurt or peck you! A little scary to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm with YOU, Ginny(!) I'd rather be in the corner with my camera -- and then get an up-close-and-personal look later when I put the pics on the computer! ha!

Great photos -- and also very interesting facts that I did not know.

Enjoying your blog so much! :)

Marie said...

I really like animals, but I think I would have just taken pictures. They look a bit crazy in the eyes! LOL!


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