Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This evening on the way to church, we pulled off the highway so I could snap this sunset. I never got a full view of the sun, parts always remained hidden. Notice the top right of the sun in most of the pictures, it is a double sun again! So even though I didn't get the full sun, or a really colorful fall sky, there was still a bonus! Here is someone who has all things hidden in him, from whom nothing is hidden, and who will reveal all things hidden to us. Now that's a mouthful!!

"My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."
Colossians 2


Doris Sturm said...

I miss watching the glorious sunsets (and sun rises) in Southern California, especially over the ocean...I'm glad I got to explore that state so thoroughly before leaving because I have some wonderful memories, no matter what people say about it! I loved it there and still do!
Thank you for sharing your pretty photos - it brought back memories!

Marie said...

I took pics of the sun today also while riding with my son. Yours are breath-taking! Congrats on the pretty pillow from Sandie!

Dawning Inspiration said...

The color in and through the clouds is glorious! I imagine how that might be someday...when He comes... ;o) Hugs

Joanne said...

I love that it was partially hidden. Alot more contrast and color!
Blessings, Joanne

Regina said...

It certainly is! Just love the Col. verse too! These are pretty Ginny..I haven't taken any sunsets in quite awhile. Don't you feel like your chasing them at times? Really pretty-

Reanaclaire said...

Over here in my area, I cannot see the setting sun lest alone take pictures of it.. so I will come over to your blog for the sunset images.. :P

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos, Ginny. Have a nice day.

SquirrelQueen said...

What a beautiful sunset. I love all the clouds, it's like the sun is playing hide and seek among them.

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous skies, the colors are beautiful. Have a great day!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

You can capture some of the most amazing sunsets and I am thrilled to see them. I dont get to see sunsets the way we are situated. Just the tops of trees. Beautiful!

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful!! Those clouds look cold--like crispy fall cold.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You always take the most wonderful sun and moon pictures!

LC said...

I am not outside right now as much as I used to be. Thanks for inviting me to tag a long and enjoy God['s beautiful world via your words and images! Ginny, you are a blessing!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Amen sister!!! You capture of the sunset is just simply breathtakin'!

Great job!!!

God bless ya and have a terrific Thursday sweetie!!!

Unknown said...

G'morn, Ginny ~ Awesome captures & share.

Ginny, I won Chatty Crones giveaway & asked for you to be the recipient ... you are receiving my WIN on the bolster pillow. I would love to see how you use this in your home when you receive it. Enjoy, my friend.

Send Sandie your address.

Have a beautiful day ~

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if you think about it the photos would not be as good if the whole sun was showing because shooting directly at a big red ball, messes up the photo. these are beautiful, just like they are. and so is Phil for being so good about pulling over for you to SNAP

Sharon said...

This is what I was talking about on my blog - we are not getting any pretty sunsets around here!

Oh, I think the doublets are from the lens. Not good for them unless you have some kind of lens cover or something, to take pictures directly at the sun. I also had "doubles" when I did my moon shots.

Beautiful pictures!

Arti said...

You capture the Sun and the Moon so very well Ginny! Its always a pleasure looking at the pics...
The double Sun might be due to camera angle.
Have a fabulous day:)

Remington said...

God gives us so many beautiful things to look at....thanks for sharing....

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures of the setting sun. I really like the color of the sky and clouds in these photos.

Stephanie V said...

Glowingly gorgeous!

Remington said...

Thank you for the info for my new iPad2! What fun!

Reena said...

Such a glorious sunset, Ginny. Never are two the same.

Shanda said...

Ginny, These are absolutely gorgeous. When you see sights like that, it is amazing that some are still not drawn to God.

Unknown said...

Oh, Ginny, I a absolutely sure ... I want YOU to have that gorgeous pillow. I am so a pinky & you will enjoy it ... just let me know when you show where you are using it.

Have a great weekend, my friend ~

Rose said...

Beautiful! I thought sure you were going to have the verse 'Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.'

Shug said...

How gorgeous. It is awesome how God paints these gorgeous paintings for our Blessings.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

this is breathtaking. Can imagine standing there and breathing it in. I think his art is the best....

LV said...

I was breathless over your header. Then seeing all the other stunning sunset shots is amazing work.

Ann said...

it may have been partially hidden but it made for a spectacular looking sky

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

A truely beautiful sunset. God is so awesome in Hs divine love for us. He gives colour at the beginning and end of the day to gladden our hearts. What a loving Father...He is much more than we can imagine, and yes, so much is hidden in Him...It will be wonderful to get to heaven and understand Him more...God Bless you Ginny. xxxx

Fred Alton said...

Outstanding photos, Ginny! And you are blessed that Phil is willing to cooperate with you in getting the pictures. ☺

Ruth Hiebert said...

Great pictures,even with a partially hidden sun.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, What a fiery sunset! Gorgeous! Have a great day tomorrow!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You always see the most beautiful sunsets in your area, Ginny. My view is blocked by many buldings.

Lynn said...

I love "hidden" sunsets. Ok, to be honest, I love all sunset. Each is a masterpiece from HIM. Love how you tied that scipture into the sunset photo. Also love how you Phil stops on the way to church to let you get the shot! Terry would love Phil. If Terry had a dollar for every time he has pulled off the road or turned around and went back and then pulled off, we would be on another 2 month road trip! lol Our husbands sound a lot alike in many ways. Lucky us!

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - I love those pictures and I am trying to think if in all my life i have seen the moon and the clouds this gorgeous color! SANDIE

Anonymous said...

Ginny, your sunset images are always so beautiful! Glorious colours of the sky!

About your question on my blog, the spice can be found in larger cities but here, I have never come across it in the shops.


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