Monday, September 26, 2011

Straw Roof

One afternoon we were out driving around with Ella, and she said she wanted to eat lunch at the place with the straws on the roof. What? Visions of a straw thatched cottage came to mind. But when we passed McDonald's, see said this was it, and so it was! See the straws on their roof? And if you think the straws are big, look how huge their drinks are now, you can't even fit them in the building! The header is our old Mcdonald's, but my other pictures are from our new fancy one. Gone is the big arch sign. Inside modern paintings are hung along with a flat screen T.V. A stylish cafe bar with stools and stone wall interior. But know what? The food isn't near as good as our old McDonald's! Some has been in such bad shape I have had to throw it away! The atmosphere may be all prettied up, but the food is no good, so I'll continue going to our old one. The last picture shows Ella's use for a Happy Meal! I read somewhere that the average person eats fast food about three times a week, how much do you? What is your favorite fast food place and thing to eat? Mine is Chick-fil-A.

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness."
Matthew 23:27


Joanne said...

I Totally see it! What an imagination she has! I will always see them that way from now on. I agree about the food though...I do however like their smoothies!
Blessings, Joanne

photowannabe said...

I really try to stay away from McD. but somehow keep returning.
Ginny, can you believe it? I accidentially deleted my entire ABC post. I have tried to put it up again. Just thought I would let you know.
Thanks for your comments. Very much appreciated.

Marie said...

I love the way their minds work at that young age. You are such fun grandparents! I can see the straws.:) My son drags me to McDonalds, but I try to stay away from there. My favorite fast food is Chick-fil-A! Yummy! That's my son's and hubby's favorite fast food as well. Our favorite restaurant is Long Horn Steakhouse.

Reanaclaire said...

So Mcdonald has a straw roof here.. hahaha... looks like straws to the kids, really...
I havent been there for a long time, there are a few McD near my area but I don't really go for fast food when I can have asian rice and dishes.. lol..

SquirrelQueen said...

I had never noticed the 'straws' on the roof before but from now on I will think of Ella when I pass a McD.

I can't even remember the last time I was in a McD. We get fast food once every week or two. Our favorite here is Subway. There are no Chick-fil-A's in our area, I really miss those little sandwiches.

Regina said...

The last time we ate at one here we were pretty disappointed. I try to cook at home mostly so I can watch what I eat better. I cheat sometimes. Funny now that you mention it, I can't remember when I ate at taco bell last (ha ha).

Flavia Galasso said...

Your blog's name is fantastic...make me start a ne w day better and with a large smile, hugs, Flavia

Anonymous said...

Ella is so cute! I like McD's mocha frappe but not their food. Like you, I enjoy Chickfila about once per week.

DawnTreader said...

Your title made me expect a thatched roof as well ;) and certainly not MacD! I don't eat that kind of fast food very often. MacD a few times a year perhaps, usually in the summer. Take-away pizza a few times a year as well. A hot dog on the street sometimes if I get hungry while out shopping. Most days I eat what you might call home-cooked fast food... Some days I spend a bit more time on cooking and then I freeze portions which can be quickly heated in the microwave another day.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

She is a doll and that meal lives up to itsI hh name, "Happy Meal"

Now, I wonder what they do with the water from the rain barrels?

I have not eaten fast food for several years, each time I do I get so sick and it all comes up within minutes. I wonder if its the oil they cook with or what?

So fast food to me is how fast I can cook something.

Jeanne said...

Well they do have straws all over the place don't they! I never noticed. I agree about their food but I do enjoy getting a cup of coffee in the drive thru every now and then. My favorite fast food is Whataburger but I don't go very often.

From the Kitchen said...

I sometimes grab a Happy Meal (yes, you are reading this right) on my way to a meeting or something but not often. Andrew never eats fast food. Chick-fil-A is my favorite and we are finally getting one. Oh, did I mention that when in Roanoke, we always pick up a limeade at Sonic? We don't have a Sonic either.

Love Ella's way of describing things.


Ruth Hiebert said...

I am fascinated to see how children see things. I would never have thought of the roof design as straws,but it does look like it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wendy's is our favorite burger joint, burger king a close 2nd and I also love Chik-F-La hubby does not, so when I want that we go to the mall food court and he has Charlies Philly Cheese steak. BUT all that was in the past, we used to have one of those once a week, but last Thanksgiving we gave up eating out except every other Sat and Wendy's only comes up one time every 6 weeks and we have not had any of the other for 10 months. the good thing is our blood work for both of us is NORMAL in every thing that was high. we gave up fast food and went to whole grains and fruit and veggies and of all things Peanut butter.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say, love the straws AND the big drinks.

Chatty Crone said...

You know what - our MaC's redid the entire place. It gray stone on the outside and very grown up on the inside. Almost like it is not for kids anymore.

And out food isn't as good either!


Your little granddaughter is so cute!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---like so many small businesses, Mac Donald's has expanded so much that they have lost their quality of food... We went to MacDonald's once on our trip just to get a snack... We got something they had advertised called a Caramel Apple Parfait... Sounded good, don't you think? WELL--that was the worst thing I had ever eaten. It was some kind of horrible tasting yogurt with a few green apples on top... NO caramel... TERRIBLE!!!!!

We seldom go to MacDonald's --and that latest trip just made us more determined not to go there again.


Sharon said...

I am always amazed at the observances of a small child. We, as adults, don't even notice such things - unless pointed out to us by the wise ones (children).

We do not eat at McDirty, but have used it for a 'pit-stop' when absolutely necessary.

George said...

I think it's too bad that businesses think they have to 'go modern'. The Golden Arches are iconic and instantly recognizable. McDonalds would be better off improving the quality of their food. We also like Chick-Fil-A.

Remington said...

That is cool! I also think I will go to McDonalds and put a Happy Meal box on my head....looks like fun!

LC said...

I'm with Jeanne on Whataburger, but fast food is a rarity since doc put me on a 1,600 mg sodium daily limit. One FF visit can put me over for the day.

Now FF is mostly how fast hubby can cook. He was our chief cook even before my stroke in April!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I wish I didn't, but I do love some McDonalds!

Regina said...

I just opened my laptop this morning and I'm in your comment section! Well I didn't say that I'd seen the straws and you asked what my favorite was- I think burger king! Hope you have a good afternoon-

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

It is funny how kids see McD's place...It has become a staple in our society

Fred Alton said...

Last time I ate at McD's it was very good. (Maybe that's because it's been awhile?) Or maybe because my taster is broke? We do love Chick-fil-A, especially the breakfast burrito. Frances always asks for the grilled chicken burrito - while I'm having the sausage one. And the best thing there is the peach milk shake!!! Love the way the granddaughter was able to call your attention to the straws on that building! ☺

Pam said...

Of course they look like straws. God bless kids!!! Say it isn't so with the new McD's design! Good grief! The first McD's franchise is by us in Des Plaines and one of the first five is in Crystal Lake, still looks the same inside and out. And of course, my fave fast food is a Big Mac!
Ella is adorable and loved for sure!!!

Ann said...

I guess those do look like straws on the roof don't they.
Fancy restaurants aren't any good if the food is lousy. We rarely do fast food but occasionally we get McDonald's breakfasts

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I have not fallen off of the face of the earth! I just went to California via a lot of different states! A long vacation does one good. I will be posting on my own blog with lots of pictures of different wildlife that I took pictures of while out West (and up North). I like your fun post about McCafe or McDonalds! Have a wonderful evening tonight and a great day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I have not fallen off of the face of the earth! I just went to California via a lot of different states! A long vacation does one good. I will be posting on my own blog with lots of pictures of different wildlife that I took pictures of while out West (and up North). I like your fun post about McCafe or McDonalds! Have a wonderful evening tonight and a great day tomorrow!

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny! I think it's so neat how kids remember detail and use that to get their point across. I love the picture of Ella!!
Our McDonalds was rebuilt as well.. and same... the food was icky. Big and fancy doesn't mean better!
I'd say one of my favorite fast foods would be Chik fil a as well. I don't do fast food but maybe once every few weeks now maybe. It used to be a lot more. But the older I get, the more my body reacts negatively to junk food. :-(
I hope you're having a great week, Ginny..

Lynn said...

Love Ella's imagination. They now will always be "straws" to me because they truly look like them. Hubby like Mickey D's, I have the ice cream cone. We do stop in for the cones more than anything. We do mostly Subway, but I don't really consider that "fast food" because it is healthy (the ones we eat anyway) We need to try Sonic sometime, but they keep going away. Reminds me back in the day the Hires Root beer stands after a football game at school. Thank you for the great birthday wishes. Went to Cracker Barrel for lunch with Terry. Family party on Sat with all three kids and grands.
Thank you also for all the comments you have left, sorry I have not responded to each on. Yes, I would love to see upside down snow at The Blowing Rock. I will take any kind of snow, actually! Blessings,

Nature Rambles said...

When I saw the title of your post I imagined a thatched roof, the kind that we see in most of our villages here. For most kids, "straw" would definitely mean these!:)

Rose said...

Sometimes we do eat three or four times a week, but other times maybe none or once a week. I suppose my favorite is Hardee' their thickburgers.

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Anonymous said...

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