Friday, September 9, 2011


Meet the Frizzle chicken from Asia, The Philippines, and Java. And it does look like this bird has had a bit too much java, doesn't it? I read somewhere that it looks like he took a shower and stuck his beak in a light socket. His feathers look like that because they curl instead of laying flat, and he is deemed to be a rather rare breed. He was nearly extinct at one time. The poor frizzle has the misfortune of not only looking comical, but being flightless. His wings just won't make it, so he is doomed to strut around looking frazzled all his life. It must be wearisome.

"Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:30,31


Joanne said...

I think he's kind of cute. I keep telling hubby i want chickens and he says with all the raccoons and possums here they wouldnt make it through the night!
Blessings, Joanne

Reanaclaire said...

oh..looks like a spitz .. so cute.. never seen such hair on a hen before..

SquirrelQueen said...

The Frizzle is just too cute but he does look like he could use a little styling gel or something. I haven't heard of this kind of chicken before.

When you get your Galaxy let me know how you like it. I can't make up my mind so it will be awhile before I get one.

Yep, Annabel Lee!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I had not seen both grandmas for almost 10 years, so when I saw them with permed hair, I couldn't get used to it. Both of them must have made a pact, forget the old feudal custom, and permed their hair at about the same time.

When i asked her why, I cried and said I like her with her bun, she said I won't understand. she had to groom her long hair every evening and morning. In the end, I think she was thinning, so she took the plunge, and cut the hair she had for 70 plus years. All the freedom!!!

You chicken like my grandmas had a perm? LOL

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I had not seen both grandmas for almost 10 years, so when I saw them with permed hair, I couldn't get used to it. Both of them must have made a pact, forget the old feudal custom, and permed their hair at about the same time.

When i asked her why, I cried and said I like her with her bun, she said I won't understand. she had to groom her long hair every evening and morning. In the end, I think she was thinning, so she took the plunge, and cut the hair she had for 70 plus years. All the freedom!!!

You chicken like my grandmas had a perm? LOL

Regina said...

Oh I think I can relate (ha ha).
I had a big white hen and a rooster once. Sadly, the Rotti I had decided she couldn't wait for chicken?

Bobbie said...

He looks like he needs a little conditioner. lol. Cute!!

From the Kitchen said...

That chicken is having one bad hair day!! Reminds me that I need to make a haircut appointment.


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

In the photo it looks like the wind is constantly blowing from the backside the way the feathers are curled.

Melanie said...

Those are so funny looking. Talk about a bad hair day! They look like they stuck their feet in a light socket! :) They are kind of cute though.

Judy Royal Glenn said...

Made me laugh! Love his feathers:)

Sharon said...

Till I read about it, I thought he had been in a fight... and lost. Interesting that they breed these.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Now that is the worst of a bad hair day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well he sure will not win in beauty contests, but he is interesting to look at. wonder if they eat them or eat the eggs. also is the header head the frizzle chicken or another one.

Jeanne said...

I think that's one of the cutest chicks I've ever seen!

S. Etole said...

Somebody certainly ruffled his feathers all right!

Marie said...

How funny to look at!

LC said...

One of my favorite Scripture passages, and I love the frizzled chicken and your photos of this rare bird! The red of his comb is brilliant and even the white of his fluffy white feathers shows uo wonderfully. Good job on introducing us to Mr.Frizzle through facts and photos and ending with an inspiring truth for the day!

DawnTreader said...

It does look like someone had tried to dry him with a hair-dryer... ;)

Shanda said...

God definitely has a sense of humor on that one!

Chatty Crone said...

Hey when my hair gets wet and it is humid - I look a lot like that! sandie

LV said...

Looks like it might neede a little feather trim.

Fred Alton said...

Funniest chicken I ever saw! My oh my.

Karin said...

Frizzled, frazzled, deep fried rooster! Would the Colonel's herbs and spices make him taste better than he looks? - Just trying to be funny - probably not succeeding, lol!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

He is so cute, even if he is frazzled!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Ginny you always make me feel good when I come here. And the chick is sort of cute. By the way enjoy the iPad...We have one and love it

Rose said...

That is one weird bird...I had never heard of them. Another instance of learning something totally new while blogging.


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