Friday, November 11, 2011

Buy Em? We GREW Em!

This house in our neighborhood has fascinated me. They have these HUGE pumpkins and gourds in the yard. One day when I was snapping pictures, a lady came out the door, wondering what we were doing. You can see her in my header. I told her I was taking pictures of her giant gourds. I also told her they must have cost a fortune, and how did they transport them to her yard? She laughed and said "Buy em? We GREW em!" This flabbergasted me, so she continued to tell me that her father had grown them all in the backyard! Well, around to the back of the house we drove, and here is all that was left of their pumpkin garden. One smashed pumpkin laying on it's side, and a huge pile of all the pumpkin stems!!! I still want to know how this man and his daughter managed to transport these enormous gourds to the front yard.

"When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd. "What a huge harvest!", he said to his disciples. "How few workers..."
Matthew 9:35


SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, those are huge. I hope they had a forklift to move those. That was nice of her to show you the backyard where the garden was. I really like the design of that house. It would be gorgeous with a little work.

Joanne said...

I wonder if they enter them in contests before they display them. It is amazing how fast they grow!
Blessings, Joanne

Anonymous said...

Those are HUGE! I love the photos you have shared. Have a great Saturday.

Reanaclaire said...

gosh... they are so enormous!! They need some kind of a "giant burrow" to take them to the front, right?

Christmas-etc... said...

So special to grow things... it's becoming a lost art and... it isn't really an art at all but something we all should learn to do again...

Arti said...

They are hugeee... Never seen such big Pumpkins. She must have been shocked to see someone clicking pics in her garden!!!
Have a fabulous weekend Ginny:)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I say it every year, I am going to try and grow some and I will this year. The only thing is the stink bugs love gourds and we have too many squirrels.

LOVE her house, the A frame roof over the front door.

I too wonder what she used to carry them, I am certain it was a wheel barrel but getting it into the wheel barrel?

Anonymous said...

Huge indeed! Thank you for sharing these pictures. I like your header too and the verse. So apt! Find myself nodding in agreement.

Enjoy your day! And thank you for your comment on my bees.:)

Ruth Hiebert said...

My question would be,why would you want to grow these huge pumpkins? They don't look as nice as the smaller ones,interesting,yes,but not pretty.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

wow...amazing. Hope you have a great weekend Ginny. I always love coming here and reading your neat posts.

Karin said...

Very interesting story! If I started taking pictures of people's places around here, I'm sure someone would call the cops, lol! I suppose pumpkins that large can be rolled and definitely not lifted!! Maybe that's why they are so bruised. There's a community in northern Alberta that grows THE largest pumpkins ever - and they grow them solely for the contest!

Melanie said...

Wow, those are some huge pumpkins! I like the different colors. Your verse goes very well with it. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---did you buy one??? They are huge... Looks like the father has a talent when it comes to growing big pumpkins and gourds.

That poor house needs some TLC, doesn't it?????


Sharon said...

How they moved them - was my first thought! Lovely old house, it would be beautiful if it had some paint and care. I understand that it is an expensive ordeal though and physically challenging - wonder if they would allow a neighborhood clean-up party and a paint crew? I'm sure a lot of people would chip in for the paint. Idea????

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my first thought was forget the pumpkins or gourds and I want that house. i LOVE LOVE LOVE the House. i am with Ruth, what good are these? small gourds i know they make things from them, can these be eaten? is a gourd different from a punkin? what on earth does one DO with the giant sized gourds. sorry i have to leave I feel the desire to google gourds... great post and did i say I LOVE THAT HOUSE.

George said...

Those are some of the biggest pumpkins I've ever seen. Those people definitely have a green thumb!

DawnTreader said...

It looks like something out of a fairy tale!

Jeanne said...

What a charming little house.
I'm wondering what they will do with that many pumpkins!

Stephanie V said...

Wonderful big pumkins! I wish they weren't just left to rot in the yard, though. There's a lot of food here.

From the Kitchen said...

Awesome! And, with a little TLC, I'd love that house!

To answer your question: That's real bricks and real mortar (actually, concrete). The library should be completed in late summer.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I prefer that tree with red leaves in the background, just because I don't eat pumpkin.

I was told many Americans don't hold a passport because USA is so big, has everything that you don't need to go abroad.

I like to go on a helicopter, but after the Tiger moth, I am not too sure, it is rather loud and boring after a while.

Marie said...

Those are HUGE! That house is adorable!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I have never seen such huge gourds! Unique sights in the neighborhood...

LV said...

Now that is some big pumpkins. I noticed the pretty pink tree blooming as well.

Ann said...

wow those things are huge. I can't imagine trying to move those.

Bobbie said...

Woah... those are big ones! And that's a good question Ginny!

Chatty Crone said...

So how did she move them, what are they being used for, and why are they growing them??? sandie

Rose said...

I always love pictures of pumpkins--they are so photogenic. I love your header shot.

Lynn said...

Boy are they huge! Like boulders, probably as heavy. I love the house with the sloping roof. I would love to see the inside. Do you think you could take your camera down the street and ask for a tour? Kidding, of course. However, the house reminds me of a Hanzel and Gretel type cottage. There was a house on the street I grew up on outside of Albany, NY. That house was stone with the same kind of sloping roof. Do you know what style that is? Wonder if they gave the pumpkins away or sold them or made tons of pumpkins goodies. Thank you for sharing this unique post.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Wow! Huge pumpkins! Cool! What a fun way to meet new people!

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