Saturday, November 5, 2011

Playing With Fire

Last night at the Sparkles & Sweets celebration, they had a fire show. They usually have one every year. This year was rather pathetic. There were four young people doing the show, which they had to delay a long time because they were having trouble. They dropped their fiery batons frequently. They never could get the hula hoops lit, and they frequently set their clothes on fire, necessitating someone to put them out with a towel. Phil finally remarked that instead of putting money into the kettle, he was going to take some out! They did manage to bravely carry on, and I did feel sorry for them. So that is my first two pictures. Compare that to all my other pictures, which are from a previous year. There was one man, and he was amazing and stupendous!! Clearly an expert with fire, he was able to do almost anything with it. I stood just a few feet away and felt the hot air blow on my face. This man literally lived and breathed fire!

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and Godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire."
Hebrews 12:28,29

After Monday off, I will see you on Tuesday, when I will announce the winner of my giveaway!


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I always fear for theses fire players.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hi Ginny,

This was at the same spot, the color changes, so I stood there and snap the photos. I was impressed when they told me that it was solar powered.

SquirrelQueen said...

I remember when you showed us these photos last year, that was a dazzling show. Maybe those entertainers weren't available this year and the kids were trying to fill in. Or maybe the city didn't want to spend the money. At least the kids tried.

Arti said...

Gosh! This is dangerous. Exquisite and requires quite some talent and heart to to that kind of stuff...
Have a relaxing day Ginny:)

Anonymous said...

It's scary to see performers with fire. You did get some good photos. I enjoyed seeing that expert's images.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sorry they were not better performers, but they look cool in the pics!

Tanna said...

Wow!! That is a little scary (or a LOT scary to me!). Bet it was exciting to watch! Thank you for sharing, Ginny. blessings ~ tanna

Ann said...

too bad you didn't get the spectacular show from years past. I don't know how those people do that, but I imagine it takes a steady hand, nerves of steel and lots of practice

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh...these are incredible images. Wow...what a night to share with us. I guess it takes a lot of talent....something I don't possess that's for sure.

Truly dazzling to the eye.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love to play with fire and always have, but not like this, i like striking matches and watching them burn out and love love burning things as in leaves or old trash, back in the OLDEN days, we burned all our trash before it became illegal and i loved to be IN charge of it. i still like to watch things burn especially fireplaces. i would have loved this and would like to see it. great shots and it takes talent to do this. so the first two are not fire? but solar powered?

DawnTreader said...

I never understand how they dare. I have trouble just daring to hold a match long enough to light a candle!

Chatty Crone said...

Well maybe they are the only act that was willing to come out this year and they were still in the practice stage! sandie

Marie said...

Love to watch, but I stay far away from it. Fire scares me!
Spectacular photos!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm afraid of fire, so I think they are very brave. I hope they don't get burned badly before they master the art!

LC said...

Yikes! Makes great photos but I am with the scaredy crowd!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Really cool! I like that particular talent. One fo my relatives can juggle. Have a wonderful coming week!

Remington said...

Very cool to watch but we have to leave that stuff to the could be very dangerous!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

You find the most amazing things to do and places to visit. Great pictures of the performers.

Rose said...

You know what...I don't think I have ever seen a fire act....

George said...

It's too bad the show wasn't as good this year as in the past, but all of your photos are marvelous. You did a wonderful job with these.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It looks like a dangerous form of entertainment and I imagine it takes much practice and skill. Your photos were wonderful...nice action in each one!

Joanne said...

I am so afraid of fire! in fact you have given me an idea for a future post! Phil is so funny! The pictures are so cool though; I love the last few.
Blessings, Joanne

From the Kitchen said...

Fascinating! Fire eaters give me cold chills!!


Reanaclaire said...

Maybe they didnt have enough practice yet.. anyway, I think it is rather dangerous to play with fire...

Reena said...

These people always amaze me .. great job capturing their moves, Ginny!

Lady Jane said...

I cant imagine playing with fire like that. Especially if you dont know what you are doing. It is a wonder no one was taken to the hospital. WoW... Anyway I cant imagine swallowing fire what with acid reflux, ouch... Hugs, LJ

S. Etole said...

That looks so dangerous!

Fred Alton said...

What a show! Brave kids, even tho they dropped their fire. Sorry for the disappointment and hopefully it will be better next year.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a show!

I agree with your husband.

Take care Ginny and have a nice day :-)

BTW, thanks for your recent comment on My Blog :-)

Lynn said...

Wow, I hope the economy did not delegate the kids having to pick up the slack. It takes a lot of training and skill to "play with fire". Setting their clothes on fire is way too dangerous. I think the kids and their parents were really brave to attempt any kind of show. If the city was doing this for lack of funds, shame on the city for allowing those kids to do such a dangerous stunt. I bet the trained performers were awesome though.

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