Thursday, November 24, 2011

Shout To The Lord

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Here are some images from our day, we spent it with our family at the home of my daughter-in-law's family. We had a wonderful big meal at a beautiful table, then our granddaughter and her cousin got on "stage" (the hearth) and put on a show with lots of singing and dancing. The show ended with a sweet kiss. Isn't the newest baby in the family cute? On my next post I'll show you what we were up to the rest of the day, which involved the police! And no, we were not chased again, we're innocent!

"Sing to God a thanksgiving hymn,
play music on your instruments to God...

He's not impressed with horsepower; the size of our muscles means little to him. 
Those who fear God get God's attention; they can depend on his strength."


Anonymous said...

Beautiful family photos, Ginny. I look forward to your next post!!!

Sherlyn said...

Oh that was beautiful ! The additional member of the family is adorable:)The last lines has so much depth in them, those who fear Lord can always depend upon his strength.
Check this out -
Thanksgiving Day IQ Test
How much do you know about this day?

Reanaclaire said...

Sing unto the Lord a new song.. Sing unto the Lord all the earth!
Yes, shout to the lord all the earth let us sing.. your grandchild and her cousin seems to be doing that.. having fun.. like in a live concert! lol..
Looking forward to your next post..

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That is so cute - you can just see the joy in them!

I'm so excited to 'meet' another Natalie Wood fan! Most people never even seem to know who she is (maybe they do now, since she's been back in the news, but before that).

From the Kitchen said...

"We're innocent"??? That's what they all say! Can't wait to hear what you've been up to! The girls are so cute performing.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I see that you had fun...beautiful family.
I know you are innocent! with the police:)

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny... these pictures are adorable!! I'm glad you had a great T-day. AND I can't wait to hear about the trouble you got into.. I MEAN the police event/story. LOL.

Ruth Hiebert said...

THose two girls preforming looks priceless,now if only I could have heard it as well.

Karin said...

Such lovely photos for your memory album! Family time is so much fun! Love the Scripture verse - I depend on His strength for each new day - can't do a blessed thing on my own!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now you have my curiosity bump glowing with waiting to here what happened with the police... I am trying to imagine a scenario..
the girls are adorable and I bet they are talented. so cute so sweet and a cute sweet baby. glad you had a great family dinner...

Reena said...

What a delight when they get up and perform! Look forward to more Ginny!

Joanne said...

Aww looks like you all had a very joyful day!
Now whats this about the police.........

do you need bail money? ;o)
Blessings, Joanne

FilipBlog said...

Enjoy the singing, it must be fun for the kid and the parents are proud.


Annie Jeffries said...

OMIGOSH!! Howa cute, cute, cute.

Oh, and I love the security word you told me about. BLESS. How cool is THAT??

The season is upon us. Love and thoughtfulness seems to come so naturally this time of year. Smiles all around to you, my friend.

Susie - Walking Butterfly said...

Hi Ginny, wow, thank you for coming by my blog and honoring me by asking to use my blog post! Yes, you may use it any way you want as long as a link to Recovering Church Lady is included.

My last name is Klein and my email is:

Memoirs of Me & Mine said...

Beautiful family. Looks like a very nice Thanksgiving.

LV said...

Sounds like you had a different and yet a nice holiday with your family. Those precious girls are darling. They make the best post ever. Anxious to hear the police story.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Wonderful pictures of the sweet kids. They both look like they enjoy performing. Have a great day tomorrow!

Ann said...

What cute pictures. They were putting on quite a show there and that little one looks like he's really enjoying it.

Neal said...

Beautiful family! It's always so nice to get together with family.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hi Ginny, Many don't realise singing and dancing to the Lord is a thrill. I love the old hymns also and am glad that my church has a mixture of the old and the new. You are blessed to have these sweet little ones, the photos are a blessing to you and all who get to view them.Glad you all had a lovely family time together.
Much love Crystal xxx

SquirrelQueen said...

The Police? Goodness Ginny, you and Phil have got to cut down on the run-ins with the law.

The new baby is adorable. And it looks like Anne and her cousin put on a great show. Sounds like you and the family had a great Thanksgiving. Can't wait to hear about the latest incident. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Oh Ginny what a wonderful day you had and a beautiful family!!

George said...

Those are cute pictures of Anne Marie and her cousin. How wonderful that you were able to have such a neat family Thanksgiving.
I can't wait to learn how the police got involved in your day, but I'm glad to know that you are innocent.

Anonymous said...

Such adorable photos, Ginny. Your day must have been lovely!!

Fred Alton said...

Thanks, Ginny, for sharing your wonderful family times with us, your blogging friends!

Lynn said...

Oh your Thanksgiving looked so nice, especially the "entertainment". Those girls are so cute. Yes, the little one is precious. I am always reading backwards on posts to catch up, hehe so I already know what is coming! Yes, we had a fantastic Thankgiving and extra "family" day on Sat. You can read about it on my blog today. Blessings, Lynn

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