Thursday, November 10, 2011


"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men."
Herman Melville

Do you recognize my first picture? It's from my post of a couple days ago about the split tree. Some of you were very curious about that little squished brick house in between the condos. So I went back there today and checked it out. Even though this is practically in our back yard, I had never noticed it till my observant followers pointed it put to me! Turns out it is not a little condo at all! It is in the middle of two condos and kind of connects them. There are no front doors. As you can see in the third picture, each side of this little porch has the front door to it's side of the condo. Here are some images I saw in the few minutes I was back there. The river is in their back yard. And despite the Bartlett Pear tree splitting, they still have some very large and pretty trees left! The picture of the river was taken by Phil, as it was too hard for me to get to.

"Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ's body we're all connected to each other, after all."
Ephesians 4


SquirrelQueen said...

That is odd looking. I wonder is that is a shared garage with the entrance around back? That river is so pretty and it looks like you have a lot of color left in your area.

You know I like the pretty calico kitty.

Joanne said...

Maybe it where all the mail boxes are? or some kind of comminty room or maybe just a hallway. Now I am really curious. any way you can find out for all your curious followers? LOL!
Blessings, Joanne

Unknown said...

That is so cute, maybe it's a condo for little elves or hobbits! :)

Tanna said...

It seems we are more connected than we ever truly realize... as through blogland, too. blessings ~ tanna

Nature Rambles said...

All my attention was on the split tree so I didn't notice this! But I'm glad others asked you about's most interesting!! I love your header photo and the trees in autumn blaze!

From the Kitchen said...

I wondered about that myself but didn't ask. However, I do want to know what river is running through your neighborhood!!

Have a great weekend.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Good for you for investigating! Love getting to hear more about little squished house ;-)

Fred Alton said...

Beautiful pictures, Ginny. And Phil got a nice shot of the river. I don't remember ever having seen a condo joined just like that - but I like the idea. Similarly, cyber-space is a new way of bringing people together that is somewhat strange to me - but I like the idea! Thanks, Ginny and Phil.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I had noticed that little space,so thanks for investigating this. That whole place looks very neat and well cared for.Yes,we are all connected and that can be a good thing.

Mary Bergfeld said...

The photo of the river is really beautiful. It seems to have a lot of water in it, probably snow melt from the storm. As to the structure separating the two condos, I'd guess it to house two bathrooms, one for each of the units. Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you did a great job of showing us what is does, i am thinking maybe each side has half as extra storage. great shots,love the kitty and i can see they have a common porch to shelter their front door. do you think Phil could knock on the door and ask what is inside? JUST KIDDING PHIL.... thanks for the river shot. a beautiful place and glad they still have trees.

Marie said...

It's looks really pretty there where you live. Nice photo of the river. Have a beautiful Friday!

RoeH said...

I loved the little house space. Makes me want to come out and see it in person. And the kitty? Well, you just know I love that photo! Somewhere I saw on somebody's blog (Maybe Millie's in NYC) of a tiny little house built between all those big rowhouses that was for sale. I'd have bought it in a minute.

Reanaclaire said...

The tree right in front of the house...FYI, asians esp. the Chinese will not want the tree at the centre.. hahaha...blocking the good scenes, so they say..

George said...

Thanks for the explanation of an unusual architectural style. I'm glad that there are still some big (and pretty) trees left after the storm.

FilipBlog said...

I indeed recognise the three but the cat is also nice.


Remington said...

That is very cool! Thanks for sharing! Have a fun weekend!

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Ginny.

I missed the first post about the tree, therefore the mystery of the condos too. That was a pretty dramatic split.

The little connection looks like good design. Hopefully that isn't a TV wall and it works out to be a relatively quiet connection between the two residences.

Anonymous said...

That is quite unusual architecture! I know those residents are happy to have other big, colorful trees that were not damaged. I love the picture of the kitty!
Have a very nice weekend.

Regina said...

I like the Christmas tree and the way they connect. Too bad that it was a fruit tree that split..a pear at that! The cat looks kind of rugged..he along with your Autumn images of the river and trees are pretty Ginny!

Sharon said...

I noticed that in the other post, thought it gave the place some character!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

It is cute...but never seen a place like it.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am looking hard, is that the back and front? The connecting part or did they cut down the pine tree?

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Thank you for being a great friend.

Ann said...

You are like our roving reporter getting the scoop :) It looks like a nice place and I like the river behind it.

Shug said...

was that a bradford pear tree? My husband grows thousands of these trees each year...They are beautiful trees, but so easy to split into.
The little brick porch adds character to the buildings..

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Hi Ginny, What a tiny cute little home. I bet the sound of the river lulles them to sleep. You should knock on their door and introduce yourself. Love that bright orange tree.

Savannah, Chloe, & Tyler said...

Beautiful pictures. I think the condos are rather neat myself.

Chatty Crone said...

Nice photo's - you and Phil need to be hired out as private detectives! sandie

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