Friday, November 18, 2011

High Heel Sneakers

 Put on your high-heel sneakers, child
Wear your wig-hat on your head now
Put on your high-heel sneakers, baby
Wear your wig-hat on your head
Ya know you're looking mighty good, really
I'm pretty sure you're gonna knock 'em dead
Tommy Tucker

I wonder how many of you remember this old song? Not many, I bet. It has a very catchy tune, and has been going through my head all evening! Which is not a good thing, since I never especially liked the song! We went out to eat tonight, and I met this gorgeous lady who was wearing these high heeled sneakers. I was astounded, so I had to ask her all about them! She told me that she wanted shoes that were comfortable, yet very fashionable. These fit the bill. And she even nicely agreed to let me take a picture!

"A devout life does bring wealth, but it's the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that's enough."
1 Timothy 6:6


Anonymous said...

Now those are some unique sneakers! Have a great weekend, Ginny.

Nature Rambles said...

Never seen anything like that! But they do look comfortable. Your it! I'm guessing that it's the area you live in?

Sharon said...

I don't remember the song, sorry. They sure are different! :-)

Ann said...

Can say that I've ever heard the song. Those are rather cute sneakers but I just can't wear heels any more

From the Kitchen said...

I don't know that song. Those shoes look uncomfortable to me but as long as the wearer feels good, that's what matters.

Your header is wonderful. That little scene is as lovely as any in Europe (or anywhere). The little "village" with the mountains is picture perfect!! Were you in town? Nearby? Love it!


Bobbie said...

Those shoes do not look comfortable... But if she says so...

Ruth Hiebert said...

A fashion statement for sure. I can't say that I want a pair like this,but then my age makes me think practical instead of fashionable. LOL

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the shoes and would wear them if i still could. can't wear heels because of my back and old age creaky bones, but when I coulda i woulda... I bet Ann Marie and Ella will love these. when i was 18 and got my first REAL job, i bought a pair of spike heels every week when i got paid. most probably why my back hurts now but i did love those shoes.

Reanaclaire said...

Yes, her shoes are special in a way.. like customized?

Tanna said...

I can honestly say I have never seen anything quite like those! But, they match that tune perfectly! Wonder if they are really comfortable??? blessings ~ tanna

Karin said...

Have never heard that song before! Wondering how much that pair of shoes cost! I did wear heels when I was young and cannot believe for one minute that these things are comfortable! But each to his own! Interesting that this gal let you take a picture - the shoes did get the attention!

Anonymous said...

Stuffed sneakers!

pam said...

I've never heard that song. Those high heeled sneakers look ANYTHING but comfy. Those are crazy! Glad she likes them. I quit wearing high heels 20 years ago. Nothing but flats now... (c:

Darlene said...

Can't say if I've heard that song or not, the words sound a little familiar, but I sure can't bring a tune to it! Interesting sneakers/heels! I'll bet it's safe to say that not many people could actually pull of the look. Or maybe, I'm just talking about me.`

Marie said...

I don't recognize the song. Cute shoes. I don't wear heels very often anymore. If I'm going to a wedding or holiday party I might. :)

Irel said...

Those are unique and vintage looking. I wanna see it come out again in todays fashion. It would be interesting ^-^

DawnTreader said...

Never heard the song and never saw any shoes like those! I'm afraid nothing with high heels looks very comfortable to me... ;)

photowannabe said...

Wow, that song is going back a few years. Yes I do remember it and probably would have sung it when I saw those shoes.
I love their unique look but couldn't wear them now...too old and creaky. I love their personality.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

This made me smile Ginny and very cool shoes.....

Annie Jeffries said...

omigosh! those shoes are an absolute gas, ginny.

Stephanie V said...

Cool shoes! But I'm not sure how anything with high hels translates into a comfortable shoe. Did I hear you say I was getting old?

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Well, at least the sneaker part is what I wear. Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow!

George said...

I've never seen high-heeled sneakers. I guess we live too far out in the woods. Those are definitely interesting, though.

Rose said...

They do not look comfortable to me...but to each his own. And no, I don't remember the song...

Hope you are having a good weekend.

Shug said...

Oh ginny...those are some cute high heel sneakers....I think we should all get us a pair? ha!
love this pictures....

Reena said...

Those are very unusual ... I'll take the flat kind of sneaker, thank you very much!

Regina said...

That's hillarious and of course I remember the song..don't think I've ever seen any so first time, or if I did I don't remember. They look warm too.
Well your header is beautiful!

Fred Alton said...

Well now there is no excuse for not dressing up before stepping out! Never saw the likes of those high heeled sneakers before now.

Kerrie said...

Don't know what happened Ginny but commenting again : ) I love the Willows! We had one in the yard where we raised our children and I remembering rocking my youngest daughter in a hammock and singing to her under the Willow Branches. Great Post! luv n hugs, Kerrie

Chatty Crone said...

I have never seen anything like those - I don't wear high heels anymore. Interesting though.

I remember that Tanya Tucker song!

Are you going to go buy a pair?


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