Tuesday, November 8, 2011


When we had the snowfall just before Halloween, a lot of trees fell.  Since they still had their leaves, the snow weighed them down, and it was literally too much to bear. But this time, something strange happened. Some of the trees just toppled, and others were split in half. This big tree behind our house was one that split. Half of it fell in one direction, and the other half went the opposite way. When we rode by, the tree men were sawing the limbs and feeding them into this machine. In the last picture, you can see the sawdust coming out the end of the chute. I noticed the brand name on this thing, it is MORBARK!

"He split the sea and they walked right through it; he piled the waters to the right and the left...He split rocks in the wilderness, gave them all they could drink from underground springs; He made creeks flow out from sheer rock, and water pour out like a river."
Psalm 78:13,16


Joanne said...

Could you believe some people still don't have power back from that storm? I am a bit scared of what this winter will be like.UGH!
Blessings, Joanne

Regina said...

Hello Ginny, wonder what kind of tree that was? Bet they were disappointed! Looked pretty too. I've heard about all the snow and severe weather, we too have snow already! Very early for us. Wishing you a good week and stay warm-

♥ Helen said...

wow :)

Anonymous said...

The weather has been so unusual. We have been above 80 degrees twice this week!

SquirrelQueen said...

It sounds like a lot of damage to the trees, I didn't realize you got that much snow. We have had snow on the mountains but none for us so far. In fact it was almost sixty today.

Nature Rambles said...

That's strange. Not a regular storm thing, I guess. We hear of trees/branches breaking, getting uprooted, but splitting in exact halves...! I don't I've seen that!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That little house smushed between the others is funny.

Arti said...

Nice pics depicting the entire episode. The trees spliting in half is very unusual, atleast I have not seen or heard of it before...
And what a co-incidence, I have just posted about Snow over at my place too!!!
Have a fabulous week Ginny:)

Neal said...

When trees have several forks like that one they will split easily. I had a tree in my yard I knew was going to split one day because it had two forks growing and pushing against each other. Sure enough I got up one morning after a storm and one on the forks has split off so I just cut the tree down.

From the Kitchen said...

I was there for that storm!! Who'd have thought to have it in October?


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

sad to see a tree go down, they do so much for the planet.

HA! Love the Mobark...

Jeanne said...

Seems like the weather patterns are just out of whack all over the country this year! We did have a little rain last night finally so I'm very thankful for that!

caroliegrant said...

Thank God it didnt hurt anyone..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i hate to see beautiful trees fall like this one did. i love trees and the bigger the better. but when the bad weather comes, wind/water/snow/ice there are always casualties like this one. and it will take a life time to grow one that big. i have a question, the townhouse/apartments in the first photo, what is that red in the middle? looks like apartments on both sides but can't figure what the red middle is.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I think it's sad when trees fall or split --due to storms... We have so many trees around our house... IF we ever get a horrible storm---we could end up with trees ON our house... Kinda scary, huh????

BUT---I love the big shade trees and cannot imagine cutting them down.... SO----we will just pray for no big storms here.

Marie said...

That's too bad about the tree. I've never seen one split like that. When I see trees over, it's been from hurricanes blowing them over or maybe limbs broken off. I love trees and hope to see them come down.

Reena said...

So sad to lose such beautiful trees ...

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is certainly an interesting split.

Sharon said...

I hate to see when healthy trees go down from the weather. Really a shame.

Remington said...

Those storms can be so scary!

George said...

It's always a shame to see trees destroyed by storms like the one you experienced. I like the name -- Morbark -- of that chipper being used.

S. Etole said...

We had an early snow like that last year and it was so hard on the trees. This year all of the leaves have fallen and the snow has held off.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I feel sad to see the end of a tree.

Ginny Ray took the photo outback of the birds on my blog.
They are the Jabiru a large stork.
I got this info off the net to share with you and others.
The Jabiru or Black- necked Stork is Australia’s largest wading bird and our only stork. It stands 1.3m -1.5 m in height and its wingspan is a massive 2.3m from tip to tip. The head colour is an amazing glossy, shimmery, black with blue, green and purple. They have very long bright red legs and a straight black bill which is used to scoop and probe in the water for their food. Food consists of small invertebrates found in swamps and wetlands. Frogs, tadpoles, fish, eels and wetland plants are therefore its main food source.

FilipBlog said...

You made a very nice header picture of it.


Ann said...

wow, amazing what snow can do. It's lucky that it fell the way it did and not on someone's house or car.
That brand name is pretty funny

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Glad that the tree was accessible to the machinery, otherwise it would have been totally taken apart with a chain saw. Have a great day tomorrow.

Fred Alton said...

Wow, Ginny! My oh My! Looks like God has been at work in your neighborhood. Now me...I'd rather have a wood-splitter than a brush chopper. But do you know those things are expensive? Unless you were going to sell wood it looks un-profitable to me at $1,000 and more.

Lynn said...

The only time I have seen a tree split in half was if lightning hit it. That was very strange from snow. Did you hear about the horrible storm in Alaska? They said on the news that houses were shaking like it was an earthquake! Apparently there are winds 100 mph with snow. Weather is so strange all over. Glad the tree just split and fell and did not hit any homes or cars or people.
Thank you for you sweet comments on my post about Gatlinburg. I am showing Kasey's shop tomorrow. You even get to see me in a picture with her! hehe. Hope you have a chance to stop by. Blessings,

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness that tree had to be there forever - I hate to see it go down. I guess it was old and just lost it's strength - just like we do.

Tanna said...

I always hate to see trees fall... Looks like the tree guys will have work for sure! blessings ~ Tanna

Rose said...

I bet that was a real mess all over when that snow came!

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