Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Walking The Walk

These are some scenes from last night in our small city. Every year on Halloween eve, between four and six, downtown opens the stores so the kids can go inside and get treats, a very safe way to celebrate. The streets are lined with kids in their costumes, and police direct the intersections and patrol the sidewalks, dressed in costumes. There are also costume contests, and this year Anne Marie's friend won the prize for best costume in her age range! As the participants head home in the twilight, walking up the hill past the church, not even one looks back.

"But one thing I do; forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:13,14


Anonymous said...

Oh Great Photos .

Reanaclaire said...

So interesting! Last time my nephew in Sacramento used to dress up for the tricks or treats.. now he is 17, he wouldnt want to do that anymore.. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

They all have great costumes. I noticed that Super girl was popular this year, I had two at my door. The most popular costume was the princess, I stopped counting at about ten. But they were all so cute.

We have a downtown celebration too, I did not get a chance to go and get photos.

Walla Walla means many waters in the dialect of the local tribe.

RoeH said...

What a neat idea. Small towns rock!!! Adorable pictures.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That is so fun! They do that in Vinton, which isn't far from here, and we've been a couple of times.

Tanna said...

Aren't they just precious!! blessings ~ tanna

Ruth Hiebert said...

The little ones are so cute,all dressed up.

Sharon said...

The times have really changed, haven't they? As a child, we would put on our (mostly homemade) costumes and we went out - just as the sun went down - just in groups of children.

Very cute pictures of the children!

Cindy said...

That is a great idea the stores have and looks like many take advantage of this opportunity. Thanks for sharing all the costumes and dress-up with us.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what fun, i am surprised Ann Marie did not win, she should have,her costume was amazing. Ann Marie and Ella bella were so cute. I saw Ella on her grand mothers Facebook. your town has the most interesting things to blog about. i wonder how much is in our town that i don't see. no kids to find all this.

Shug said...

Children having fun! These are great random photos Ginny...Great expressions of the halloween evening..

George said...

What a wonderful way to help keep kids safe on Halloween.. I love your photos.

Joanne said...

What a fun town you live in! Every year My son's school has a halloween parade and all the parents line up to see them. It is quite a big deal. if you are late there is hardly any parking even in the streets!
Blessings, Joanne

Stephanie V said...

The police dog is hilarious. And the Supergirl Mom with her Superman (boy?) son. That is precious.

Lady Jane said...

They do Halloween up right dont they. All cool costumns but I liked Anne Maries the best the nite before. Hugs, LJ

DawnTreader said...

Some great photos there ;) As I've said before we don't celebrate Halloween here as much as you do.

Annie Jeffries said...

Love that supermom with her superboy.

Priyanka said...

Great shots :)

Chatty Crone said...

It is awesome what your city does to help the kids and keep them safe - small towns are wonderful like that.

Some nice costumes there.

FilipBlog said...

Funny pictures.


Ann said...

what a nice way to celebrate Halloween. Cute costumes

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Fun costumes and families enjoying the Halloween or Harvest festival celebrations. Have a great Thursday tomorrow!

Marie said...

Fun for everyone! Great photos Ginny!

Glenda said...

You find such interesting pics, Ginny! Love the scripture: "press on" . . . we must!!

Bobbie said...

I love seeing the little ones dressed up. So cute!!

Nature Rambles said...

Love them all! How wonderful to see all these sights and also get a feel of the festivity in your country!

Fred Alton said...

Wow, Ginny! I've never heard of such a generous community before. What a wonderful idea!

Rose said...

These are great captures...

Mary Bergfeld said...

How wonderful that your town does this. It really is a wonderful idea. I hope your granddaughter had a great time. Blessings...Mary

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I was told they are power poles, but the lines have not been attached yet.

Nice fun costume, none of the ghosts and witches type.

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