Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Nothing Like The Sun

Sunset April, 2011

Oh, how sweet the light of day, and how wonderful to live in the sunshine! Even if you live a long time, don't take a single day for granted! Take delight in each light-filled hour, remembering that there will also be many dark days..."
Ecclesiastes 11:7


Chatty Crone said...

So Ginny -how many hours did you watch that sun to get all those beautiful pictures of it setting? sandie

reenawalk said...

Love your sunsets!

Karin said...

Amen to that quote from Ecclesiastes! What a beautiful ball of fire in the sky!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Great pictures of the sun... I love to feel the sun on my skin ---especially this time of year.

Reanaclaire said...

Looks like a white ball in the red background.. so awesome!

SquirrelQueen said...

Gorgeous shots Ginny. I am amazed at the color of your sky. We don't get colors like that in the summer unless there is dust or smoke in the air and even then it's rarely that rich of a color.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

God creates some awesome sunsets and you capture them so well. The last one is my favorite.

FilipBlog said...

Very nice pictures, did you photoshop them? They are so red.


Alice said...

Very beautiful!

Unknown said...

Lovely, lovely pictures and the scripture is perfect and all that is needed to accompany them, thanks for this great way to start the day!

Savannah, Chloe, & Tyler said...

Beautiful pictures. You posted the sunset today and I posted the sunrise. :) Both with bible quotes. I do believe we are alike.

Neal said...

Very nice. Sunset pictures are special to me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are gorgeous, stunning in fact. did you notice the ring around the sun in some of them. it is glowing with colors. fantastic, really

pam said...

Living not just surviving, not just existing. Living fully by His Spirit... Beautiful pictures Ginny!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful sun photos, Ginny! Love the color of the sky.

Fred Alton said...

WoW! Great shots, Ginny. I love sunsets.

Remington said...

GREAT shots, my friend!

Nature Rambles said...

Truly amazing sunset shots Ginny! Made my heart sing!:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Each of the pictures of the sun is different and quite beautiful. I think it is hard to take pictures of the sun and you did a great job! Have a good day today!

From the Kitchen said...

Ah, the sun! Where would we be without it? Great photos, Ginny.


Deborah said...

I love this post! Your pictures are beautiful!

Marie said...

These are amazing! I've never seen the sky that color...so pretty.

George said...

These are great pictures of the sunset. You did a great job in getting these shots.

S. Etole said...

What unusual colors in the sky ... and that quote from Eccl. so perfect.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm going to miss the sun when we get more gloomy days!

Bobbie said...

There you are with those great pictures again!! And I love the Bible verse!

Joanne said...

What gorgeous pictures! Didn't taking them hurt your eyes? Yes wouldn't it be great if we all appreciated every single day?!!!
Blessings. Joanne

Sharon said...

Do you use a special filter? They look super!

Ann said...

you always manage to get the prettiest sunset pictures. Just lovely

Rose said...

Sun, Sun, Sun!
Here it comes!

And I love the verse you chose to share.

Lynn said...

You captured some powerful sunset. The sky is so dark, the ball of fire setting stands out. I only lived in VA for 3 months and it was from Nov to Feb so I don't remember the sunsets. Did not realize that you had that much color but they are spectacular. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Great balls o' fire!!! I need my sunglasses to look at these!! :)

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