Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ladybug Ladybug, Fly Away Home

Ladybug ladybug fly away home,
Your house in on fire and your children are gone,
All except one and that's little Ann,
For she crept under the frying pan.

I have quite a few ladybugs in my life. I found this ladybug on a sunflower petal, isn't she beautiful? And my one special ladybug is our granddaughter Anne Marie. Anne is from China. And the little Chinese girls who are adopted and brought to America are called "Little Ladybugs". The name is taken from the old nursery rhyme above. In fact, the population of the real bugs is declining in America, and scientists don't know why. Ladybugs are considered good luck in many cultures. And they are very good luck for farmers, because one ladybug will eat up to 5,000 bad insects a year. European farmers gave the ladybug it's name. When pests ate their crops, they prayed to the Virgin Mary. Ladybugs then came and ate all the invaders, so the farmers named them "Beetle Of Our Lady". It was a good thing.

“God spoke: "Earth, generate life! Every sort and kind: cattle and reptiles and wild animals—all kinds." And there it was: wild animals of every kind, Cattle of all kinds, every sort of reptile and bug. God saw that it was good.”
Genesis 1:24


Anonymous said...

Anne Marie is so sweet! Love all your lady bug photos and the interesting info. Guess what: I saw a set of Tiara Chantilly plates/cups at the thrift store. I'll be on the lookout for blue!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a sweet blog post. I love seeing those precious pictures of Anne Marie.

Glad your header worked... I was worried after Sandra said that hers did not... Hope she got her fixed.


Mary Bergfeld said...

She is such a sweet child I smile every time I see her. I have loved the rhyme and ladybugs since I was a litlle girl. I did not know they had religious significance in past years. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Joanne said...

I call my niece Ladybug because my sister- in- law waited nine years for her and right before she became pregnant she saw lady bugs everywhere! So her baby shower theme was lady bugs and so was the baby's first birthday. I have grown to really love lady bugs...did you know you can buy them by the hundreds in bags at the garden nursery? Pretty cool! As always your photos are awesome!
Blessings, Joanne

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Ginny, I love all of your lady bugs but the one named Anne is my favorite. The lady bugs in my garden are so helpful each summer, I try to take good care of them.

♥ Helen said...

Beautiful ladybugs in your life :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Ann marie is so cute in her ladybird rain coat. I take it that lady birds are her favourite. I teach my students this rhyme.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Ingots are like gold bars. This aladin shaped lamp used to be the shape of the currency that ancient China used to us.

Kanak said...

Lovely post, Ginny. I love the pictures you've posted. Anne Marie is such a darling...and I love it when you post her photos!

Ladybug party invites said...

I really adore them for making such a wonderful cakes and cookies like ladybugs!

Alice said...

I love it. Anne Marie is a doll and the ladybugs are adorable.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Anne Marie makes a great ladybug!

I love your pic on the sunflower - so beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Oh the lightheartedness from your blog today..thank you! What a sweet ladybug you have there....all smiles ...and I think the Ladybug art is precious

Reena said...

Interesting about the ladybugs! And you have one cute one!

Lady Jane said...

Anne Marie is simply adorable. I love that rain coat she is wearing. Just the cutest lady bug ever. LJ

Tanna said...

Those are all exquisite ladybugs, but especially that one with the cutest little smile!!! Anne Marie is a doll! blessings ~ Tanna

Gloria Baker said...

Love lady bug and your sweetie is lovely!! love the pictures

My twins are adopted too and now have 17 years!!
are a blessings like your grandaughter!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you whole blog is shining a light today, love the background the bug on the flower and most of all that big smile on your sweet and very personal lady bug. the blog looks gorgeous today, and is so bright and happy looking, made me smile when it opened. great shot of that lady bug on the flower

Doris Sturm said...

I love ladybugs too! That is an excellent photo you took of the lady bug on the sunflower. What kind of a camera do you have? Mine's just a cheep little Fujifilm Finepix and I could never get a shot like that.

The bees are declining, the ladybugs are declining, pretty soon all we'll have left is the cockroaches because they can survive sad!

Sorry I've been absent. I still have a hard time blogging because I feel like I'm revisiting Gizzy's place and it still makes me cry to think of him being gone. I'm not handling his death well at all...

RoeH said...

Ahhh ladybugs. I love them. I never see one anymore. I guess the desert living is too hot for them.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my goodness...what a beautiful girl!! She's just precious. And goodness, gracious, I did not know ANY of this [except that they eat the other bugs - I like to see them on my roses 'cause I know they love aphids!!].

What a great, informative post and fabulous images shared.


Reanaclaire said...

hahaha...ladybird..or ladybug? Your Anne is really adorable!!

Chatty Crone said...

I love all your lady bugs!!! Especially Anne. She is so sweet and happy.
I do like the one your caught on the flower too.
Wonderful post Ginny.

Karin said...

Have always loved the little ladybugs! Yours are especially pretty - especially the one called Anne Marie.

Stephanie V said...

Working with kids in schools, daycare or Brownies all my life - I have always referred to them as 'ladybugs'. And I call my granddaughters that.

Unknown said...

Such a sweet post - I love your most special ladybug, so..... cute!

Ann said...

a sweet selection of ladybugs but I think that the sweetest of all of them is Anne Marie.
I didn't know that about how they got their name. Quite interesting

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, this blog was very informative. First time I knew that ladybugs ate other insects. I think most gardeners that I know think of them as pests - not helpers. I'll be telling my friends about this in the spring.

Your Anne's pictures always bring a smile to my face. We have friends who have adopted a little Chinese girl and it's the cutest thing to me to hear "Hillbilly" talk coming out of that face! ☺

Marie said...

This is fabulous post! Every pic and every word is wonderful! Anne Marie has the sweetest face. You can't help but to smile seeing her. :) The picture of the two of you is so sweet! On the frame, is that Anne written in Chinese?

Glenda said...

Anne Marie is a precious little lady bug! I think tiny, shiny lady bugs are so pretty; God must have smiled when He made them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, So cute! I like the looks of that dessert. I enjoy seeing Lady Bugs in the garden. They are so useful at getting Aphids and several other kinds of unwanted insects gone. Have a super nice day!

Anonymous said...

These photos are adorable, love them all! Happy faces! Thank you so much for sharing! Enjoy your day! Big hugs x

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Ladybug on the sunflower is very pretty,but so is your own special Ladybug,Anne Marie.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love this post, Ginny! Your little Anne Marie is the cutest ladybug!!

DawnTreader said...

Anne Marie is no doubt the cutest ladybug ever!

Actually I'm not too fond of the real ones because when I was little another child put a handful of them down my back under my clothes and they give me a creepy feeling ever since! And about 20 years ago a friend and I were visiting a beach where ladybugs were swarming, they were everywhere and covered absolutely everything, which did nothing to cure me of the creepy feeling!

FilipBlog said...

I have a friend who also is a fan of ladybugs. Good pictures.


Annie Jeffries said...

My daughter just adored ladybugs when she was young. I'm going to send this particular link to her. I know it will make her smile as much as it made me smile. Love. Annie

George said...

Anne Marie is a very cute ladybug. I also like the ladybug you've pictured in your header.

S. Etole said...

All kinds of cute ladybugs around there!

{That was the same squirrel, Ginny. The photo was a gradient of two photos}

Rose said...

Oh, Gee, Anne Marie is adorable...and I enjoyed the entire post.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your grand daughter is the sweetest little girl --she is alwasy smiling and looks so loving. She makes a darling "ladybug"

Lynn said...

Anne Marie is the most delightful, charming little girl with such an infectious smile. She is always happy, very happy. Bless her heart. The pictures are beautiful and the concept at adoption is lovely. My grandmother used to say that poem all the time. We were in NC and I believe in the hotel in Boone they ask you not to kill any ladybugs but to put them outside and if you have a problem, someone from the front desk will come and do it for you. We have not been on a trip since NC so it must have been there but not 100% positive. Thought it was very interesting aspect though.

nannykim said...

She is so cute! I didn't know they called them ladybugs.

Sunday Sunset - Squiggles & Lines

 I snapped these just a few days ago.