Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cents And Sensibility

"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
Carl Sandburg

Here is the answer to my contraption guessing game. This was a penny smashing machine. They seem to be everywhere and are very popular. And for the life of me I can't figure out what is so special about a smashed flat penny! Here is a picture of three that I have. My friend went to The Titanic replica and bought me this Titanic smashed penny and a pen. Did you know it costs one and a half cents to make a penny? More than it is worth! Many people want to get rid of pennies, but some say that it would drive prices up by rounding products up to the next highest price. 76% of people have said they still bend over to pick up a penny. I am not one of them, valuing my back more than one cent. Do you think we should get rid of pennies, and do you pick them up? Here is a special Angel Penny I found, supposedly angels throw them down when we are feeling sad, that would be worth picking up.

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5


Annie Jeffries said...

I love these pennies, Ginny. I've collected a few of them over the years. Now if I could just get them all in the same place.

BlueShell said...

Absolutely amazing!!!
I'd never seen such thing! And it is beautiful.
I came from Sandra's and I read that you've never went to a beach...(well once...a long time ago). Here I live by the mountains and the nearest I have is about 1 hour and 30 minutes driving!
Sometimes I go there and stay for a week or so,... But now ... with my hubby disease we don't because he can get too much sun.

I send you an email...
Hugs and May God Bless you, dear!

SquirrelQueen said...

I would never have guessed this was the purpose of the machine. Pennies are something I have too many of most of the time until I need one or two to keep from breaking a dollar. I don't think I would miss them.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh Ginny....I have seen these machines around here and I must confess I've had some made...but they were never 51 cents, I'm pretty sure around here they're a dollar. I may be wrong. LOL

I have a Titanic also, from when the movie's memorabilia was in the San Diego Harbor when we were there.

And some from the Old Western towns in Arizona.

And, yes,........I pick 'em up. I especially like and have SAVED the ones that are nearly indiscernible. Maybe I should post about them. First off, I'd have to find where I keep them. LOL

Tanna said...

I do pick them up... reminds me of "in God we Trust" everytime.

I'm going to have to keep my eye out for a penny smasher! blessings ~ tanna

Alice said...

They add up!:) We like to keep all our spare change and it has become my Christmas money more than once.

Bobbie said...

I've put a few pennies into machines like these, in the past. I would not stop to pick up a penny. Ever since on day - a friend of mine did this (going by the saying-see a penny pick it up, all the day you'll have good luck). Ugh! It's supposed to be good luck if it's heads up. She picked it up and later that night a horrible thing happened in her life. So no, I never pick pennies up... though I'm not really superstitious, I'm not really interested either.
Have a great weekend, Ginny!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm excited I guessed right for once on one of your puzzle pictures!

From the Kitchen said...

I knew that what it was (really, I did)--well, I strongly thought so. I've heard that penny minting might halt in the near future. I think it already has in Canada.

Have a great weekend.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the angel penny would make a nice necklace. and i do pick up pennys, all of them, i picked up 3 penny's at the YMCA today, i put them in the coffee kitty. we save our penny's and i have bought many things with them. i used to roll them, but found i rather pay a little and dump them in the roller at the grocery store. but i don't have much change since i use debit card 100 percent now. did not know these contraptions existed, have not seen any here. the only smasher for penny's i have seen is the railroad track.

Unknown said...

I had a feeling your previous post was from a boat ;) nice pictures. Have a great day!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I pick up pennies! What's the old say...a penny saved is a penny earned? I like how the penny looks after the smashing...neat!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Marie said...

Yayyy! I guessed correct! My son always loved those machines. We have a bunch of those souvenirs around I just need to get them all in one place! I pick up all pennies. Hubby and I were starting to research coins. I think that may be a new hobby for the future. Pennys made in 1982 and earlier have copper in them.
I just read that you have never been to the beach! I've heard that VA beach is beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend Ginny!

Chatty Crone said...

I guessed it too - we have gotten a great many for Andy. He has a nice collection. Very interesting. And yes I pick all coins up. sandie

Chatty Crone said...
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photowannabe said...

Yes, I do pick them up. I collect them and spare change.
We have been able to buy several special things with the money we saved.
Our kids at church collected pennies and other change and are able to fully fund a huge BreakAway (like VBS) in the Inner City. All the kids will be able to go to camp for free. Now that's what I call, Worth Every Penny!
I do have a whole collection of smashed pennies from Disneyland. They are a great cheap souvenier.

George said...

I've seen those things many times, but haven't used them. I usually don't carry change in my pockets, so I haven't picked a penny up in quite a while.

FilipBlog said...

I have seen many of these machines but never tried it. One time as was tempted in Dubai at the Burj Khalifa where they did this with real gold. It was not just a souvenir but an investment.


Karin said...

I would think there would be a market for this machine in Canada. We've minted our last penny a week ago and I'm sure people would want to have some of these flattened ones as mementos! I leave pennies for others to glean! Interesting machine!!

DawnTreader said...

Well no wonder I couldn't guess what it was since I've never even heard of it!

LC said...

I have seen them, but had no clue about the photo. I have in past picked up pennies. Not now. Balance is a bit of an issue for me right now, although improvement continues. I appreciated the quote.

Ann said...

Oh yes I do pick up pennies. I just picked one up yesterday when I was on my lunch. I kind of see them as little gifts. You know pennies from heaven :)
I really like the one with the angel on it.

Anonymous said...

This was a real mystery and a fun post, Ginny.
Have a nice weekend.

Deborah said...

HI Ginny,

I loved this post. It's so true. Before I pick up a penny, I say a prayer. I stop and pray, then I pick up a penny and read, In Gods name we must have heard that too. I do that! crazy

Thank you for visiting.


Dawning Inspiration said...

I pick up pennies in honor and memory of my Dad who used to do it ALL the time. I like to think they are my own "angel" pennies and always thank God for the memory of my Dad when I see one (and pick it up!)

Ruth Hiebert said...

I do pick up pennies and they all go into a large jug for my granddaughter. Canada will be doing away with the penny shortly.It will certainly make prices look different,no more 99 cent deals.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

where do you go to make the angel penny? We went somewhere in USA with the kids, and they made some.

Linda said...

What a fantastic post, Ginny! I also love your header.

Melanie said...

Yes, I remember now! I have several pennies like that. :)

Rose said...

We used to put pennies on the train, Lorelei gets flattened pennies at the zoo.

Yes, I do pick up pennies...they add up.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...