Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Foxy Ladies

“Then you must protect me from the foxes, foxes on the prowl, Foxes who would like nothing better than to get into our flowering garden.”
Song Of Solomon 2

The foxgloves are blooming now, aren't they beautiful? I wish these were ours, but I found them in other gardens. According to legend, the fairies gave foxglove blossoms to foxes so they could wear them as gloves and not get caught raiding the chicken cops. Although they look beautiful, every part of this plant is poisonous. It is also the source of digitalis, the most valuable heart drug ever discovered. It's other name is actually digitalis. Here is the best way to protect your heart.

Just know that I am God and the keeper of your heart
I will bring no damage to your heart
I will never let go
Yes, I will allow tragedy, hardships, frustrations and hurt
But I will never let go of your heart
I will hold you together even when you feel it is broken beyond repair
When the wounds seem to overtake you
Remember to call on Me
By Kath Brinkman

"If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there; if you're kicked in the gut, he'll help you catch your breath."
Psalm 34


Hootin Anni said...

I did NOT know the legend behind the beautiful foxglove. How very interesting.

Hope your Thursday treats you kindly.

Anonymous said...

Okay Ginny ... you have made me lust this morning....OH I WANT SO OF THESE FLOWERS FOR MY GARDEN....

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

These are beautiful! I wish I was better with flowers.

Remington said...


Linda said...

How gorgeous! What a beautiful way to start my morning. Thank you so much, Ginny! God bless you.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful post, words and flowers, this is one of my favorites, I had quite a few at my house,

for some reason your posts aren't coming up on mu blog list, I must investigate!

Mary Bergfeld said...

These are beautiful photos, Ginny.Fox gloves grow readily here and they are lovely when in bloom. Unfortunately, they look like dried corn stalks when they are spent. Ah, well! Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are AMAZING and I SEE YOU in the droplets. beautiful and never heard the story before. i know they used them in murder mysteries to murder people, but there are many plants like that. stunning photos

Shanda said...

wow..I love the shot with the rain drop. So beautiful. I also wrote on the heart today.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love your photos of rain drenched foxglove flowers, Ginny! They are such pretty flowers even though they can be deadly if ingested. The Song of Solomonpassage and poem were perfect!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

They are gorgeous! Foxgloves, I did not know their name

Connie Arnold said...

Those are beautiful and unique! Thank you for sharing about them and the beautiful words and photos.

Lady Jane said...

I love foxglove. I need to move it as my dog is always in this area of the garden sniffing it. I had forgotten it is poisonous. Seems nutty that a heart drug is made from it, but that is so true of many drugs. Beautiful photos...

S. Etole said...

How very beautiful. I always enjoy the stories you share with us.

Rose said...

These really are beautiful...I keep meaning to get some but never do.

Anonymous said...

So interesting to know that bit of story about these blooms. Your photos are simply stunning!!! The ones with the droplets and the them!

LC said...

Beautiful indeed. and i do love the closeups of the droplets on that wonderfully poisonous but healing blossom. Thanks for those "heart-healthy" words by Karh Brinkman. Have a wonderful weekend!

Deborah said...

The flowers are so beautiful and I didn't know they were poisonous...
Have a nice weekend!

George said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. It really doesn't matter that they aren't in your yard. Your last photo -- with the water drop -- is stunning.

Hootin Anni said... the # of posts on main page with new blogger interface...

So far, it's been working for me....

Settings > Posts and comments > Posts > 3 on main page> SAVE settings [right top corner]

Wanda's Wings said...

This is the first time I've been to your blog. The legend be hind the foxglove was very interesting.

Tracy said...

Ginny, I love the post...what a nice reminder; keeper of the heart! I love it...and about those flowers; I just bought myself some light purples becuase they are so beautiful and unique~

Jayanthy Kumaran said...

looks lovely...beautiful captures..;)

Tasty Appetite

momto8 said...

thanks for this new information! how beautiful they are. really after looking at those flowers, how could anyone doubt?!

SquirrelQueen said...

Those are gorgeous blooms, I would like to have those in my garden too. Great captures of those beautiful water drops Ginny.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

love these.

I don't use the scanning machine for 2 reasons, one to protect the workers' jobs and two, I am not technical and always worry about making mistakes.

BlueShell said...

Foxy ladies? I do not know the name people call those here, in Portugal...but those are so LOVELY and BEAUTIFUL.


DawnTreader said...

Such beautiful flowers - and I especially love the photos with the raindrops. I don't think I knew foxglove was the same as digitalis. Our Swedish name for it would translate 'thimble flower'

Bobbie said...

These are beautiful, Ginny! They don't look like they could be poisonous... wow. Who would know?!
I hope you're having a good weekend! I haven't seen Rissi yet to give her the butterfly. She stayed at her other grandparents last night. I can't wait... I know she'll love it! Take care. ... hi Phil!

Annie Jeffries said...

Good morning Ginny. Lovely story and I seem to recall seeing illustrations of fairies wearing foxglove blossoms as little hats.

Unknown said...

Ginny - this is such a beautiful post, pictures, Scriptures, quotes, EVERYTHING about it - I love it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I sure do learn a lot by reading your interesting posts. Nice pictures of the Foxgloves! Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow!

Marie said...

Such pretty flowers! Would love to have some in my yard. Hope you are doing better Ginny!


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...