Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Little Detective Work

Scene: Our local Chick-Fil-A
Day: Yesterday
Time: 8:15 P.M.
Suspects: The local police

Official Report: By now you know I love Chick-Fil-A and have done several posts on it. So yesterday, after having a hard and long day and not feeling well, we headed to Chick-Fil-A for a late dinner. YIKES, what was this?? Police cars in front of the place, with the lights flashing and crime tape all around!! Phil says "They've been robbed!". But I am thinking that someone has choked or had a heart attack. What to do, what to do? Peering inside, the customers were eating their food and seemed unconcerned!! We had been going to use the drive-through, but now this demanded a walk inside to see what was up! Inside were more policemen and a spinning wheel. Yes, the police were there to raise money for their department!!! You paid some money, spun the wheel, and got a chance for free food. I could tell them one way to get money. They had to leave the car engine running all evening so the red and blue lights could stay on and spin around! We did not play the game. They had given us a scare and I am still wondering if it was right for them to raise money in this way, what do you think????

“The police aren't there just to be admired in their uniforms. God also has an interest in keeping order, and he uses them to do it. That's why you must live responsibly—not just to avoid punishment but also because it's the right way to live.”
Romans 13


Chatty Crone said...

You know I try to teach this to grandson a little every day - you have to be responsible and make the world a little beter sandie

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Neat story, great chicken, excellent verse.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hmmmmm--interesting, but not sure they needed to have the lights on and cars running.. (What a waste of gas...)

I guess everyone these days does what they can to raise more money... Never heard of this one though...

Glad you did go inside to check it out!


SquirrelQueen said...

Now that's an interesting way to raise money. But I wonder how many folks saw this and kept on driving? I probably would have. Maybe a big sign out front would have helped with the mystery and brought more people inside.

Lynn said...

You and Phil are brave to go inside. Yes, I read that people eating inside seemed unconcerned so I get going in, but we would not have even been in the parking lot. Deafness and not hearing clearly all the time, especially in stressful situations make me cautious. When my daughter was in college she and her friends went into Dairy Queen one night around 10pm and they were the only ones there along with the clerks when three men rushed in with AK-47's to rob the store. My daughter inherited my hearing loss and reads lips as an aid to hear. The men were young, very nervous, guns were shaking and they had ski masks on so my daughter could not understand a thing they were shouting, she just followed what her friends did and jumped under the table they were sitting at. Thank the Lord, these men did not shoot inside the restaurant, but on running out the one gun when off. Don't remember if he dropped it or fired in nervousness. No one was hurt physically, but it was a horrible experience. No, never caught the men as far as I know. My take is they were wrong to use the lights to attract attention for a fundraiser. Wasteful using tax money to keep the cars running like that also. I love your sense of adventure Ginny. You and Phil should have Capes, you are delightful "wonders".

Annie Jeffries said...

I wouldn't have had a problem. I probably would have been texting my friends to tell them about it. Funding and economic cuts being what they are, I think it was pretty creative and actually was good PR with for children. They get to see cops in a whole different light. So, I say "heck, yearh, go for it."

Anonymous said...

That was a first for me...never knew the police did such things...but I suppose there's always ways to raise money.
Good post. Have a lovely Day!


Nature Rambles said...

Weird! Raising /wasting money all at one go! But interesting to know about such a thing! Love the format of your post!

Hootin Anni said...

Hopefully, it was reported on local news and on radio casts....that would be frightening to say the least to drive up and see all the 'action' which was a fake.

Around here, our fire departments, annually, have the workers stand at busy intersections [and I'm saying BUSY] collecting money in their boots for a good cause...but thing is, it really makes the traffic flow congested. That is an accident waiting to happen.

It's a shame they want to do 'good'...but in such a wrong way.

By the way....love the waffle potatoes.

RoeH said...

Does sound a tad strange. But - I guess where there's a will there's a way. Or so I've heard. :)

Bobbie said...

Great commentary Ginny! Glad to know it wasn't anything serious... I hope you're feeling better today.

Alice said...

Don't get me started on police fundraisers.

I hope you enjoyed your meal:)

DawnTreader said...

Sounds very strange in my ears; I can't imagine anything like that being allowed here, the police being a public authority.

Karin said...

You are brave! If I saw police cruisers with their lights on and sirens blaring, I would have chosen to drive somewhere else! You got a great blogpost out of it though, lol!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would have kept on driving. and also would not have played the game if i were in there. ours used to stand in the middle of the busy intersection and when cars stopped they walked up taking up money. made me firing mad. it caused a stink and now thee is a new law no one can panhandle not even the law.

Mary Bergfeld said...

I suspect they scared away many potential donors. I know they have a need to raise money, but one would think there is a better way to do it than this. Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Linda said...

Wow...what a strange occurrence, Ginny. First I have heard of something like this. Great post; thanks for sharing.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love Chick-fil-A also...raising $$ I hope it turned out good.
My kids did work at Chick-fil-A when they were teens. (My son was the cow) when they needed a cow:)

Marie said...

I Love Chick-fil-a! Actually, we all do!
I don't think this was the best way to get people's attention. You would think they would hang a banner outside announcing that people can play a "wheel of fortune" type game inside and perhaps win free food and help local law enforcement.

Marie said...

I Love Chick-fil-a! Actually, we all do!
I don't think this was the best way to get people's attention. You would think they would hang a banner outside announcing that people can play a "wheel of fortune" type game inside and perhaps win free food and help local law enforcement.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

So did you spin the wheel? We spun the wheel once at a little fair and Pierce won a free Chick Fil A ice cream cone.

George said...

I definitely have mixed feelings about this kind of fund-raiser. It's too bad that police departments and fire departments (at least in our area) need more money than taxes provide. On the other hand, it is neat that Chick-Fil-A is helping the police in your area raise money.

FilipBlog said...

If I was a cow, I would also recommend to eat more chicken. :-)


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I think the flashing lights would keep a lot of folks from stopping. Not sure that was a good way to try to raise money!

Together We Save said...

Oh wow - I don't think I would have stopped!! LOL

Ann said...

well it is a rather creative way of raising money but I don't get why they had to keep the car and lights running. I think a big sign would have been a better choice

Tanna said...

I think a big sign might have been a better way to get donors in the door. blessings ~ Tanna

S. Etole said...

I'm pondering this one! You find the most perfect verses.

LC said...

I usually ask if I can just give a donation instead of participating in games of chance. Now the use of taxpayer-funded resources for fundraisers I guess is a question that requires more info and thought. Glad the "crime scene" was benign!

FilipBlog said...

Indeed a strange way to collect money.


momto8 said...

well, I guess they have to raise money some way!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Ah Ya!!!!! ( a Chinese exclamation) you could have won if you played, a ticket to visit our Auckland prison. The city fathers want to know what to do with old ancient prison. Some one suggested a tourist venue. You would come would you? You can even have the cells as your rooms.

Rose said...

I would have been one of the ones going some place else if I had seen lights.

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 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...