Monday, May 21, 2012

Mother's Day

My family came over to celebrate Mother's Day with me yesterday, a week late, because our schedules did not allow for it on the real day. The first picture is me with my son. And GOSH, in every Mother's Day picture I look shorter and shorter compared to him! Anne Marie came over in her new dress, and was so excited to be wearing her first pair of grown up wedge shoes!!! And look what she made me, she chose these flowers and made the pot herself. She chose and embedded each thing into the pot sides!! The shells are from her trips to the beach, and she bought the other things. And right in the middle, she spelled GRANDMA! If you think I posted too many pictures of it, you should see the others I didn't post! I hope you all had a great Mother's Day!!

“Good friend, follow your father's good advice; don't wander off from your mother's teachings. Wrap yourself in them from head to foot; wear them like a scarf around your neck. Wherever you walk, they'll guide you; whenever you rest, they'll guard you; when you wake up, they'll tell you what's next. For sound advice is a beacon, good teaching is a light, moral discipline is a life path.”
Proverbs 6


BlueShell said...

I did, thank you!
You are not short...he is tall...LOL...
And the shoes are really nice...the pot...OHHHH...the pot is magnificent!!! Congrats to her and to you! May God Bless you and your lovely family!

SquirrelQueen said...

The flower pot is so pretty, Anne Marie really worked hard on her gift to grandma. I really like those shoes. She is getting to be a big girl.

DawnTreader said...

Quite an artist your Anne Marie, and what a special gift. I'm glad you posted pictures of all the details.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Noe Ginny, don't you go and use that pot. Be a good girl, and put it in the display cabinet.

You are so blessed.

The day my kids grew taller than me, I celebrate.

Tanna said...

That is the most beautiful pot ever, Ginny!!! Oh, so sweet! Your little Anne Marie is a little angel. xoxo ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

That is a lovely pot from Anne Marie and she looks very fashionable in her wedge shoes. Looks like you had an extra special Mother's Day.

From the Kitchen said...

Although my children now select wonderful gifts for me that I love, none are as dear as those they made for me as children. The flower pot is so sweet!


Alice said...

What a wonderful gift. I will have to hint to my kiddos about that one.

Melanie said...

So glad your family came to see you, even if it was late!
Anne Marie is so her shoes!
What a cute flower pot. That's a great idea! I'll have to remember that!

Fred Alton said...

What a lovely post, Ginny! I'm so glad you have the love of your son and the grand child...who, by the way, seems to be following her grandma's creativity!

George said...

I'm glad you showed these pictures of the flower pot. Anne Marie did a marvelous job making this, and you should be proud of her and showing her work. It sounds as if you had a great Mothers Day, even if it wasn't on the official date.

Parsley said...

Such a sweet flower pot. You will treasure that FOREVER! God has blessed you with a wonderful family.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, What a wonderful Mother's Day gift from your granddaughter. There's just nothing better. It's AWESOME.

Great set of photos and I love seeing Anne Marie in her new shoes and dress. What a grown up little girl.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you and I are shrinking rapidly. your son is so handsome and of course Ann Marie is so adorable in those shoes. the flower pot is a great idea, do you know what they used on the pot, the white stuff to make the things stick? i might try this myself. happy late mothers day and you gave me a scare, i thought a year had passed. LOL

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, this is so special!! I love it! I can tell that a whole lot of love went into making this and the flower is beautiful just like Anne Marie and her Grandma!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, You are blessed! Your granddaughter is quite artistic and very loving. Excellent! Have a wonderful day!

FilipBlog said...

So it was a bit Mothers and Grandma day.


Jeanne said...

That is the cutest flower pot I've ever seen! So very thoughtful of her.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I just LOVE your pot Ginny! So cute - and she looks adorable in that dress.

Karin said...

As I've often heard around here, "Every day should be mother's day and not just once a year." Your son takes after his dad - taller than you! And yes, we do shrink every year, lol! Your little Anne Marie is very creative and has good taste too! Love her outfit! Enjoy!!

Annie Jeffries said...

Happy Mother's Day EVERYDAY, Ginny. Tell Anne Marie her shoes ROCK. And, her gift is so filled with love. You can practically SEE the love radiating from each treasure she placed there for you.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh no,never too many pictures. Something that beautiful and special needs to be shared.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What a perfect Mother's Day ya had there my sweet friend!

That little Anne Marie is some awesome little artist. What a treasure she created!!!

God bless ya sweetie and have an amazin' day!!! :o)

Becky Jane said...

Your flower pot is a priceless treasure. She did such a good job...what did she embed them with?

photowannabe said...

Terrific Mother's Day for you.
We drag things out like that all the time...more fun anyhow.
What a precious gift from Anne Marie. Its full of memories.

S. Etole said...

What a very special gift. She did a great job.

Ann said...

I love Ann Marie's shoes and that flower pot she made is so cute.

Joanne said...

I love the picture of her little shoes...precious! One can tell that Anne Marie worked really hard and put alot of thought into your's beautiful!
Blessings, Joanne

Chatty Crone said...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! It doesn't matter what day it is celebrated on. Your little granddaughter is so precious. And I love her shoes. So tell me what she used on the outside of that vase to make things stick and then dry? I would love to make one.

Glenda said...

First of all, I LOVE Anne Marie's shoes! And her gift to you is a treasure!! Beautiful!

Shug said...

Such an adorable pot and I know that Anne Marie worked so hard on it...Isn't that what makes it so special? the way, tell her that I think those shoes are adorable!!

Glad you enjoyed this special time..

Nature Rambles said...

Lovely shots again! Anne Marie, bless her, adorable as ever! Love her shoes! And her gift to you is precious...pretty work!

LC said...

What a special Mother's Day. And what a delightful creation from Anne Marie. I know you will feel joy everytime you see this flower pot through the years. She is a creative delightful young lady in the making. Happy late mother's day, Ginny.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...