Monday, May 7, 2012

The Comeuppance Of Chuckie

Well well, what have we here? Do you remember my post about our son's partly feral cat, Chuck, biting Phil? If not, HERE is the link. Chuck is my header today. Chuck continues to bite and scratch Phil and anyone who tries to play with him. But I think he may have finally met his match.  My son and family got a new seven month old kitten, Berkely! He is a stray and is named after our granddaughter's school, where he was found. They came over to show us, and Phil couldn't resist a little snuggle. Unlike Chuck, Berkely loves people and is very sweet. He is also energetic and playful. He has unrolled the whole toilet paper roll, and jumped from the floor to the drapes, shredding them on his way down. He also chases Chuck all over the house, till Chuck retreated to the basement. Now Chuck, ears flattened, watches his new sibling only from a safe distance. I think if he could choose a bible verse right now, it would be this one:

Job answered:
"If my misery could be weighed,
if you could pile the whole bitter load on the scales,
It would be heavier than all the sand of the sea!
Is it any wonder that I'm screaming like a caged cat?”
Job 6


Joanne said...

LOL! He has definitely met his match! Poor Phil!sorry he got attacked. :O( Cats can be so tempermental. Such a great thing Your Son is doing bringing and adopting these strays. No doubt they will be getting a lot of love!
Blessings, Joanne

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

heheheh, Ginny, imagine we wives have to bail our husbands out, may be we even have to write a character reference. Men funny, I kept asking him to go to the desk and tell them. So when eventaully he got tired of me nagging, he went, and then he thanksed me. i said, could have saved a lot of embarassment.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

He ain't heavy, he's my bro. Are the cats spayed? I am told when it is done, they don't have the hromones and become a tame pussy cat.

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw, Berkley is so cute. Ginny, I'm still worried about Chuckie. He is acting like a cat under stress which isn't healthy. Running into things isn't normal. A visit to the vet to have him checked out would be good. If he is physically fit the vet might give him something to calm him down.

Reanaclaire said...

I think the cat is fierce because it wants to protect itself.. the other day my friend also brought her pet cat to my house and the cat kept snarling at my poor Labrador.. :)

Remington said...

I agree with Squirrel Queen....I think there may be something wrong with Chuckie. Maybe he is a cat that needs special care....or a very quiet sad that we don't know what is going on with them, don't you wish they could tell you?

Alice said...

Cute kitty:) I hope Chuckie starts acting better.

From the Kitchen said...

I like the "jumped on the drapes and shredded them on
the way down" part!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

well maybe the new guy in town will teach the old guy how to act, sounds like this one might be a little wild to. love the title and the scripture verse is sooo perfect.

Anonymous said...

Oh that first pic looks serious...I would not want to reach out to those "fangs"...wink wink

Karin said...

Sure glad you have a heart for cats!! Enjoy!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

He sounds like a great addition! Awesome Bible verse pick!

pam said...

Sounds like he got put in his place. lol. That first picture is crazy and shredded curtains....whoa.

Anonymous said...

oh thats so funny, maybe he will change his attitude now, !!!!

Marie said...

Cute pics! Hope they will get along.

Unknown said...

hilarious! i guess I'm feeling a bit sorry for poor old Chuck! :)

Linda said...

Sounds like a great match to me! Thanks for sharing, Ginny...and I love your header!

Arti said...

I do remember reading and commentating on the earlier post. And we usually meet our match, love breeds love, so lets hope things are in for a change!
Hope you have a fantastic week Ginny:)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Oh the joys of owning cats! Our Stormy can go from being sweet into attack mode in a split second, depending on who is around. She loves us, but let someone she doesn't know walk into the house and the hissing begins with claws out! She doesn't like other cats, either. We had thought to get another kitten so she would have a companion, but when we brought the kitten home we feared for its life and took it back to its owner. Spaying didn't make a bit of difference as another commenter has suggested. At least, not in her case!

Berkeley is a cutie! Hope Chuck will soon calm down and the two get along! Great story and the bible verse fits perfectly.

Have a wonderful day!

RoeH said...

LOL! Funny post. The joy of cat ownership. Hank bites but it's play-biting. Until he does it too hard and then the play is over with. I get to win then.

FilipBlog said...

It is certainly a beautiful cat.


SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Ginny, me again. If you do order the MyMemories program don't forget to use the code STMMMS64879 to get ten dollars off.

Chatty Crone said...

I hope that works - my son and DIL have a feral cat and he is TERRIBLE. sandie

Becky Jane said...

Too funny! We had a cat the same way...but, when she got to be about 14 years old, she changed into just the opposite. We were finally able to snuggle her without getting bit.

Your scripture is so perfect!

Ann said...

I love how you matched this post up with that verse, it's perfect. Poor Chuckie better watch out for

Rose said...

This is hilarious! Defeated by a younger sibling!

Shug said...

Scared Me!! ha! We have never had a cat, for some reason...I don't think my sweet love is fond of them..
Guess we just have never found a good ol' tame one...

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Nice kitty! I like tuxedo colored cats and have had a couple myself in the distant past. Chuckie will likely behave a bit better but that is still up in the air. Ha! Have a great day tomorrow. That verse was excellent for your post today!

Lynn said...

Very clever Ginny how you matched Chuckie's story and the new kitten to the Bible verse in Job. Impressive to say the least. I would be concerned that Chuckie would hurt Anne Marie. Maybe the newest family pet will keep Chuckie in line. Let's hope so.

Reena said...

Sorry for Phil. Chuckie must be feeling quite stressed. I hope he improves! So glad you love kitties!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I remember that post about Chuck biting/scratching Phil. It must be a joy to have Berkeley around.

About your question on my blog, no we didn't go inside the temple because there were hundreds of people in front of us. And in that heat with children, we decided to move to another venue.

Annie Jeffries said...

Hah! Even kitty cats are sent trials and challenges. LOL


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...