Friday, May 25, 2012

King Size Minis

Can someone please explain this to me? The bag is tiny, so no king size there...and the candy was not big....if the bag was mini, the candy was sure not big...I'm just plain confused, maybe I need some sugar!

Jesus sent his twelve harvest hands out with this charge: "… Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here…”
Matthew 10


S. Etole said...

An oxymoron no doubt! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Ginny.

Joanne said...

It is a bit confusing. Now I want rolos! Maybe it's like "Jumbo shrimp"! Now I want Rolos and Shrimp!UGH! Have a great Weekend Ginny!

SquirrelQueen said...

It's all marketing, the package shrinks and the price increases. What was King Size a decade ago is now a mini bag. What was the giant economy size in now the same as King Size. Confused? I know I am.

RoeH said...

YES! Oxymoron. I couldn't think of the word. :(

DawnTreader said...

I love how your mind works, putting that picture together with that Bible quote!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Don't question. Just eat ;-)

Alice said...

I agree with Joanne, Rolos and shrimp sound good now;)

Parsley said...

If I remember correctly, Rolos used to come in a little stack of 8. So, I guess this is King Sized compaired to that? LOL

Happy weekend!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I would just not worry about the wording,open that bag and enjoy.
Hope your weekend will be fantastic.

Tanna said...

Doesn't matter to me what size... I'd just love a Rolo! LOL! blessings ~ Tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maybe it is for tiny tots and it would be king size candy to them? it really is a mystery and i have no idea. but they do taste good. hey, i just thought of what it means, eat a bag of these a day and you will become KING SIZED

Anonymous said...

I agree with SquirrelQueen...King Size price for all the mini...they shrunk for you....LOL Happy Memorial Weekend Ginny...appreciate you so much...

Anni said...

LOL....the art of advertising these days is boggling to be sure.

But, I LOVE the rich creamy caramel inside these rolos.

Ginny, thanks for leaving such a positive and encouraging comment in my bird photo blog!!! Much appreciated.

Tracy said...

It's kind of an oxymoron...King Sized minis? rolos are good melted on top of a pretzel and a pecan on top...yum!

Marie said...

Rolos are yummy! I believe it's all marketing. They will say a product is the best, but then they sell you a new and improved version! LOL If it were the best how could you improve it? That's what I would like to ask them and they usually raise the price, but you get less per ounce. :) I stay confused! Have a fabulous holiday weekend Ginny! I love all your posts. :)

Connie Arnold said...

I can see why you are confused, Ginny! I'm confused so often. Thank you for sharing Jesus' comforting words. Have a wonderful weekend!

Ann said...

That's just as bad as those little tiny candy bars they call fun size. I think they need some new people in charge of candy :)

Shug said...

Gorgeous header!
Maybe they mean that it is a king size bag, because it has one extra rolo in it!?!?!?
Oh my...the packaging these days is terrible and we all buy it!!
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I agree oxymoron! I love these, yum!

Bobbie said...

haha! Ginny, I think you need sugar... as a matter of fact, I might need some myself. Hope you and Phil are having a great weekend.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay - does it have more in there then the other bags? Lol sandie

Terra said...

Odd packaging wording.
I came over here from another blog, where I saw we both like the hymn "Mighty to Save." I am your new follower.

Linda said...

LOL Ginny! I think sometimes the manufacturers like to confuse us. I love your header!

Arti said...

Hehe:) Maybe they meant about the taste!!
Have a wonderful sunday Ginny:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

yes, Merly Streep acted in Azaria. I watched it on TV. God is faithful, this year, her mum was cleared.

Fred Alton said...

What about that? "King" Size - just in a "mini" bag!

LC said...

Priceless, photo, that is. Your observations are priceless, too. But Rolos? Pricey, regardless of size labeling, I suspect.

Lynn said...

You are so cute Ginny. Marketing has to put a "new spin" on something each month, it seems. I truly believe the whole idea is to confuse us consumers just so we buy more! Love the verse. Jesus never confuses. He has always been, always will be just who and what he says he is. PTL.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...