Wednesday, May 16, 2012


What is this strange contraption
All full of gears and wheels
With pretty brightly colored paint
Atop some cold hard steel

So take a guess if you dare
Tell me what you think is there
Machine or gizmo, which is it most
I'll tell you on my very next post.


SquirrelQueen said...

Well it is definitely one very shiny and colorful contraption. With the plexiglass windows it looks like you can watch it do whatever it does. I have no idea on this one Ginny, can't wait to find out.

DawnTreader said...

I think it must be a gizmo because I've never heard that word before! (LOL) A time machine, perhaps? Part of a clock?

Tanna said...

VERY attractive contraption!! Can't wait to hear what it is!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Looks like one of those things that imprints an image on a penny!

P.S. - you can tour Polyface Farms every day of the week but Sundays. You just show up - they have an open door policy.

Melanie said...

Very interesting. I have no idea, but I'll be waiting for the answer! :)

LC said...

No idea but look forward to the post!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting indeed ;)

Shug said...

I'm guessing a machine...I am also guessing that it is a very old machine and that you are at some museum. Can't wait to find out what kind!!
have a blessed day

Stephanie V said...

No idea. I'm sure it's a machine but I can't figure out what it would do. I love the red!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

its a machine, to large for a gizmo. waiting to find out. i see YOU in the plexiglass snap snap snapping away. just like ME and great poem to go with the whatchamacallit

Lady Jane said...

Yes Ginny I have another blog and I am hoping you will visit me there at for the love of minis. You are at it again with the gizmos lol... I like what Lisa said about the pennies... Otherwise I havent a clue... LJ

S. Etole said...

Looking forward to your answer.

Ruth Hiebert said...

My brain is quite foggy today because of a late night yesterday,so I won't venture a guess.

Glenda said...

I don't have a clue . . . but it looks like something from the past - maybe.

From the Kitchen said...

It certainly is a contraption. I'm wondering if I need one. Can't wait to find out.


Nikki (Sarah) said...

lol...a machine that spits out something awesome that's shiny and bright and neat...but not sure what. :) can't wait to know what it is

Ann said...

what a clever little poem. Of course I am totally clueless as to what that is. It's in some kind of display box and it looks like it has a chute for something to come out of it. I'll take a wild guess and say it's a fancy gum ball machine. :)

Linda said...

A very interesting and clever post, Ginny! I am not sure what it is...somehow it made me think of the boiler room on the Titanic.

Becky Jane said... clue what it is, but I know my grandson would love it! Very fun poem!

Carol............. said...

I'm totally clueless! LOL

Chatty Crone said...

Okay you put 50 cents and a penny in it - and some thing rolls over the penny to stamp on it and then shoots it out? Sandie (I have no idea).

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gosh---we've been gone to Tullahoma ALL DAY (to see Dad) ---so my brain is on stop tonight (not that it is ever functioning well).. ha ha

Have no idea... Definitely some kind of machine.

Marie said...

I believe this machine will turn your pretty penny into a souvenir. My son has a bunch from trips we've taken over the years. :)
Hope you're having a great week!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

We have a book week in school every year, culmulating with a parade. It was fun. Some of the younger teachers had a Snow White theme. I didn't take photos because I wasn't allowed to blog studenes. The two principals were tweedle dee and tweedle dum. Of course the kids LOl when one introduced the other as Dumb.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...