Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Watchers

It's that time of year again, the Canada Geese have had their babies. They are always so cute to watch as they walk across the street. Mom and dad always do a splendid job of protecting them, never letting them get far away. One is always watching the babies, and the other is always watching for danger.

Under His wings I am safely abiding,
Though the night deepens and tempests are wild,
Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me,
He has redeemed me, and I am His child.
William Orcutt Cushing

I am taking off Monday, see you on Tuesday!!


Marie said...

Oh Ginny, I love your header! This family of Geese is so beautiful and sweet looking. Great photos!
Have a nice Monday.

SquirrelQueen said...

The little goslings are so cute. Those fluffy little feathers make me want to cuddle them. Of course mom and dad would not approve.

Ginny, I love the close up of the goose in your header. That is a great shot!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

precious little babies. love the FACE in the header... must be the watcher, since he is watching you and us.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Geese seem to be very good parents. I love the song you quoted.Have a good rest of the weekend.

Karin said...

Very interesting post! These geese mate for life I've been told. We had a couple on top of our tower where we used to live and now in our new place there is another twosome! They honk us awake every morning at five!! Haven't seen the babies yet. It's interesting to know that some stay around your place and others come way up north! God's purpose for each one is different! Love the song! Have a lovely day off tomorrow Ginny!

From the Kitchen said...

I always love the sight of new goslings under the protection of their parents.


Shug said...

Adorable pictures. Would love to see these. Hope you have a blessed Sunday. Hugs

Nikki (Sarah) said... cute. love spring. Love to see the babes. Enjoy your time off.

Unknown said...

Very cute :-)
Have a lovely Sunday!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love seeing the Canada Geese especially this time of year. The little ones are so cute --and both parents are such good parents... We saw some recently at the state park here.

Great pictures.

George said...

These are great pictures of the Goose family. The babies are definitely cute, and Mom and Dad are doing a great job of watching over them.

Enjoy your day off.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, A very familiar scene for me! Ha! Glad you feet to see the little family - so tender. Have a fine day!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh when the screen opened up that goose was looking me right in the eye! Wow what great photos, beautiful!
I know they are messy poopy birds but they are still beautiful creatures,

Hootin Anni said...

Awwwwwwwwwww, now THIS is my kinda post. I so enjoyed viewing the parents and their goslings. Sweet. I can almost hear them chattering to their loved ones.

SHADOWS AND SUMMARIES is a link to my newest post for the day! Hope you can find time to view...and, have a super glorious Sunday!!!

Stephanie V said...

They are lovely families, aren't they? The other day, we saw some by the side of the road with a fence between them and the waterfront. Not sure how they got themselves and their babies so far from water. But the mom and dad were doing a very good job of keeping them out of harm's way.

Bobbie said...

Hi Ginny... Aww these babies are so cute.. Great pictures! Have a relaxing day... say hi to Phil.

Mary Bergfeld said...

These are wonderful photos, Ginny. The gosslings are really darling at this stage of the game. Enjoy your day off. Blessings...Mary

FilipBlog said...

Top series and again excellent header picture.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

We had a pair once on our pond and they had 3 babies. Sadly, only 1 baby survived. It was fun watching the baby grow up, tho, and seeing how his mama and papa took care of him. Loved your photos and your header pic!! Have a lovely day!

Linda said...

What lovely, delightful photos! I also love your header, Ginny!

Chatty Crone said...

God puts us under his wings just like the mama's do for their baby ducks. Do they have their babies there when they come back? sandie

Tanna said...

Such precious little goslings!! Great photos, Ginny. Have to admire their parenting skills. blessings ~ Tanna

Dawning Inspiration said...

Babies!! I missed seeing them this year... thanks for sharing them!

LC said...

Endearing baby pix! Enjoy your day off.

Ann said...

What a wonderful time of year. They are so cute

Thistle Cove Farm said...

I love watching Canada Geese and their hatchlings; perfect Bible verse, Ginny...perfect!
I used to live across the river from Maymont and ride there on my bike. In my crazy youth, I RODE my bike ACROSS the Nickle Bridge...although last time I paid the toll it was 25 cents.

Anonymous said...

Very sweet photos, Ginny.

Unknown said...

Sweet pictures, even sweeter Scripture, thanks Ginny!

S. Etole said...

You got some great shots!

Annie Jeffries said...

I can't decide which are cuter, Canada babies or swan babies. I've seen both this week. I vote for . . . . BOTH in equal parts.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I was going to ask if the Canadian goose is edible, then I remember Gordan ramsay going shooting for them,

BlueShell said...

So tiny and fluffy!
Love them

have a wonderful week dear!

João 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life..."

Anonymous said...

Guess I am going to have to find me some water...these are excellent shots of the Geese Ginny....guess I will go to the Dam which is about 40 miles away ...will make a nice day out ....loved your photos

momto8 said...

i love your pictures!!! maybe we humans can take some tips from geese!!

LV said...

Those are some of the cutest pictures ever. Yes, mothers of any kind tend to always protect and love the little ones.

Becky Jane said...

Love these cute little fluffies.

My computer died and I've been absent, it's so good to be back and lovin' your photos!

Glenda said...

The goslings are just so cute - and well cared for it seems!

Tracy said...

Oh Ginny, what sweet sweet it and the verse fits perfectly!

Lynn said...

Oh Ginny, I do believe watching a family with little goslings trailing along behind mother is one of God's most precious sights this time of year. You have a wonderful close capture of the goslins in the grass. You just feel the fluffy feathers and the blades of grass. I love that one! Blessings.

Nature Rambles said...

Such cute little goslings! Loved going through all your shots Ginny!

Rose said...

Well, Ginny, I have not commented on very many posts, but I have come back to where I last saw your blog. Hoping I can get back to regular blogging, but I won't believe it until I actually do it.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...