Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Whites

Through the dark green curtains
The snowbright dogwood floats
As a cloud of butterflies
Above the damp sunlit slope.
Heather Z. Hanna

In my last post I showed you the pink dogwoods, today I will show you the white ones. And something very special, this picture of one that is BOTH colors! And also look what I found...a chocolate dogwood blossom, yum!! What is your favorite, the pink or the white? American Indians used to make their arrows from dogwood. There is an Indian legend about a native princess. She was killed by a man she rejected, and as she lay dying she used dogwood petals to dab the blood from her wounds. The myth says that is why there is a small bit of red on the petals.

“Taking the chalice, he gave it to them, thanking God, and they all drank from it. He said, This is my blood, God's new covenant, Poured out for many people.”
Mark 14


Shug said...

Hope you are feeling better...
Gorgeous picture of the dogwoods. Sometimes the pink dogwoods will revert back to the white...I had one that did this and it eventually turned solid white.
Take care of yourself...big hugs!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos and beautiful story,

momto8 said...

aren't they so pretty? love the story too..

Mary Bergfeld said...

I have to go with the white dogwood. The pinks can often be jarring , but the whites are serene. Have a great evening, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Annie Jeffries said...

Yesterday pink. Today white. I want to move.

S. Etole said...

These tree are absolutely beautiful.

pembrokeshire lass said...

The trees are lovely. I never knew that they looked like that! I love the story as well.
Can I have the chocolate one...plllleeeez?

RoeH said...

Reminds me of DC in the spring. I was there last year when everything was blossoming. Love spring!

Remington said...

Oh the beauty of spring! GREAT shots!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well duuhhhhh, the chocolate dogwood is my favorite... HA HA. between the pink and white if i were planting one I would plant the pink. they are both beautiful and the one together is gorgeous. i have seen white dog wood but not the pink.

Alice said...

I hope you are feeling better. What a sad story about the Indian princes.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Pretty pics, Ginny. I hope you are feeling better. I've been thinking of yoU!

Lynn said...

Hi Ginny, Love your header. Hmm my favorite depends on my mood. When I am dreamy and romantic, always will be the pink dogwoods. When I am more "cottage and simple beauty it will be the white. Since in any given day, I meander through each mood several times, your header truly works for me! I will take both, as together they take my breath away. Blessings.

Becky Jane said...

Usually I prefer the pink, but white can be so stunning. I wish dogwood would grow out here, it's such a beautiful tree. Lovely pictures my dear!

Linda said...

Hi Ginny,

A very beautiful and inspiring post. I also love your header!

photowannabe said...

Hope you are feeling better Ginny.
Gorgeous blossoms in your photos.
All our trees were finished blooming a long time ago, but oh my...
The pollen count is so high this whole last week.
Everyone has allergies like crazy.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you aren't well Ginny. Hope you feel better soon. Your pictures are stunning! I love the whites and the ones in your earlier post. I can imagine how the area must be looking now...

ZielonaMila said...

Fantastic photographs, beautiful trees. I am greeting

Ann said...

I think I like the chocolate one the best lol
They sure are pretty. Interesting legend to go with it

LV said...

What breathtaking sights of those gorgeous dogwood trees. I love them. When I lived in East Texas, we had so many of both colors. Here, never see them. Thank you for your sweet comments. I needed a break and too, I am trying to use the new version. I am making a little progress or my post would not have worked today. Thanks again far being so kind.

Jeanne said...

Love all the springtime pictures that you've been posting! Dogwood has always been one of my favorites. We have mostly white ones in our area so if I were to buy one I would look for the pink just to have something different.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Both are beautiful.The white ones look like pure lace.

Joanne said...

These pictures are gorgeous, but quite honestly since I am on a diet I am gravitating toward the chocolate! LOL!
Blessings, Joanne

Rose said...

my pink dogwood was injured when it was young...the flowers are always almost pure white when they open but they will normally get pink...this year they stayed white.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...