Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Wings Of a Dove

I wonder how many of you know what this beautiful and unusual wildflower is? It is the Columbine! This plant is toxic, and can be fatal. It used to be a symbol of foolishness, because of it's resemblance to a jester's cap and bells. See those little spurs on the back side of the flowers?  The scientific name for this plant is derived from the Latin word for eagle, because they look like the outstretched talons of an eagle or hawk. They are also said to look like tiny doves, so the plant also stands for the Holy Spirit.

“The moment Jesus came up out of the baptismal waters, the skies opened up and he saw God's Spirit—it looked like a dove—descending and landing on him. And along with the Spirit, a voice: "This is my Son, chosen and marked by my love, delight of my life."
Matthew 3


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

heard of the names, not sure if I have seen any.

Now in Singapore airport. departing for my second leg of my jorney to Borneo.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have never heard of some of these things. I do love the Columbine and have several different colours in my garden.

Karin said...

We do have those around here too! They are so pretty! Interesting about its name having totally opposite connotations. When I see the plant I remember the Columbine shootings and the young lady who still shared her belief in God before she died! The shooting was such foolishness, yet her testimony such holiness!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How could such a beautiful flower be toxic???? I've heard other bloggers talk about these --and most don't have Columbine due to that reason. BUT--they are pretty. Great photos, Ginny.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty pictures, Ginny. Have a nice Saturday.

Reanaclaire said...

Brightens up with flowers! Love to see them... have a nice weekend, Ginny!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are stunningly beautiful, which brings to mind that evil can and is beautiful. the thing about the plants that are poison, is they are not poison unless we humans use them that way. gorgeous flowers. lots of new info on them.

Rose said...

I think they are beautiful, and never see them without thinking of brother. They are one of his favorite flowers.

Linda said...

Absolutely stunning, Ginny.

Ruth Kelly said...

Such a beautiful flower!

RoeH said...

I did! I lived in Colorado for four years. I think it's the state flower there but not sure.

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful!! I talked to my sister this morning and she said they were sweltering!! Our ac is chugging along day and night. I refuse to be hot!!


Unknown said...

Those flowers certainly radiate the glory of God not matter what there history is or what we call them! Just beautiful! His creation ....... and your photography!

Anonymous said...

this is one of my favorites, we had all he colors growing at our house, they just kept growing with no care, love that!!!!!

You asked how old my grandson is, he is 12, and I have a grand daughter two and a half, I have three children , 30, 34 36,, our daughter lives in Michigan, her family are coming tomorrow for a visit so my grand son will probably stay with us for a bit.
Our city is small Ginny, we do have crime but its a pretty safe city, we don't see many horrific crimes, like murder or those sorts but there's lots of the petty stuff of course, isn't there , its a pretty city but its quite far from the big cities so people don't really move here, its also hard to get doctors to come this far North, they prefer Ottawa or Toronto, always,

I hope you have a wonderful week end

George said...

These are beautiful blossoms. But since it's toxic I think I'll just enjoy your photos. I have to be careful, you know.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hard to believe something so beautiful can be so dangerous.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love columbine flowers--they are so delicate and pretty. I never knew they were poisonous! Thye are the state flower of Colorado.

Hootin Anni said...

....may be highly toxic, but what a beauty!!! And, since I have the state of Colorado so much on my mind lately, it IS the state flower.

Hope you'll have a great weekend Ginny.

FilipBlog said...

The first pictures are fantastic, when the flowers become more weak, I find it a bid sad.


Ann said...

I've heard of them but had no idea how beautiful they were or how toxic they are.

LC said...

So beautiful. I had never seen these before. It is ironic that such beauty can be deadly.

SquirrelQueen said...

The columbine flowers are so pretty. Sometimes they look like bells to me and other times like dancing ladies. So many flowers are toxic but as long as we don't eat them it's okay.

Chatty Crone said...

Amazing how something so gorgeous can be so dangerous too. sandie

photowannabe said...

Truly beautiful wildflowers.
I like the analogy of the flower looking like the Holy Spirit as a dove.

Arti said...

So many names these beautiful flowers have, so many resemblences.. And I could see them all through your wonderful photography!

Feels so good to be here after such a long time.. Wish you a wonderful weekend :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh Ginny they are beautiful...

DawnTreader said...

I was going to say I can't see the likeness to a dove but then suddenly I saw it... in the 2nd and 3rd pics from the bottom. Anyway they're beautiful.

ruma said...

Hello, Ginny.

  Attractive works.
  You are the excellent artist.

  I thank for your usual and hearty support.
Have a good weekend. From Japan, ruma ❃

Mary Bergfeld said...

I learned things about the Columbine thatI didn't know before my visit here. Your photos of their flowers are lovely. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Becky Jane said...

Even though columbine is poisoness, it still holds sentimental value for me. My mother grew it in her flower beds and they are so soft and beautiful.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Had no idea they were so deadly but to be such a beautiful flower. Great capture of this lovely flower.

Stay cool!!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Had no clue those pretties were so toxic. Love them - gorgeous colors!

Tanna said...

Those are just gorgeous!! I don't think I've ever seen a colombine. JUST AMAZINGLY beautiful!! Intesting all the differend lore that goes with its beauty. blessings ~ tanna

Shug said...

How can such a gorgeous flower be so harmful?? It really is pretty. don't think I'll plant any of them right now...
have a good Sunday.

Bobbie said...

It is beautiful.. too bad it's toxic. Ginny, you know so much about so many things! I'm forever learning here... Now if I could just retain it all. lol

Anonymous said...

I've only seen these blooms once, in a place where the climate is cooler. My goodness, your pictures took my breath away. They are stunningly beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I have never before seen Columbine flowers. They are beautiful and your photographs do them justice. Nicely done! Have a super nice coming week. I am back to blogging as of today.

LV said...

I understand these are common in Colorado and probably other states. Even though they can cause problems, they are still lovely to look at. Just do not touch.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

These are so beautiful! I didn't know this flower was toxic! Good to know.

I'll be praying that you have recovered from whatever sent you to the hospital! Stay well and I'll be looking for your post that tells us you're okay!

Marie said...

Gorgeous flowers!
I hope you're feeling better! I heard from Sandra that you're in the hospital. I'm sure you're in the best of care. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Get better! We need you in blogland! :)

Joanne said...

So perfectly beautiful!
Blessings, Joanne

Neal said...

Absolutely beautiful. That is my favorite flower. I especially like to see them in the wild.

Anonymous said...

nice posting.. thanks for sharing.

Stephanie V said...

You know I love columbines! Beautiful photos.

Jeanne said...

Simply gorgeous pictures!!I don't guess I've ever seen one of these. Thanks for posting!

Lynn said...

Hmm, never knew they could be fatal. Beautiful photos. Beautiful header. Thank you Ginny for the very sweet comments about my blog hiatus. I am reading backwards, as always when I do catch up, so perhaps you already wrote on this, but do hope you did not have damage from the freaky storm on Friday night. Happy 4th of July. Blessings.

Diana said...

Hi Ginny, You have a wonderful blog. These flowers are especially beautiful. I joined your blog and look forward to seeing more. I hope you are feeling better. Diana

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Glad I re connected. Not sure how I lost sight of you. These photos are very gorgeous. I love the plant too and they suit the words you selected so well.


 You may remember that I had a chemical stress test scheduled a few weeks ago. It had to be rescheduled because of the weather. So today is ...