Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August Full Moon

Snapping the full moon was not easy this month. This was why.

Some tribes named this moon The Full Red Moon. This is because when it first rises, it is red and hazy. I was able to capture this effect!

Once it got rather high, it was not red anymore. The name most well known for the August Moon is the Full Sturgeon Moon. This is because fishing tribes of the Great Lakes and other areas caught mostly sturgeon in August.

“Simon said, “Master, we’ve been fishing hard all night and haven’t caught even a minnow. But if you say so, I’ll let out the nets.” It was no sooner said than done—a huge haul of fish, straining the nets past capacity.”


Reanaclaire said...

Indeed you have managed to capture its fiery red appearance, Ginny! What patience you have...

DeniseinVA said...

These are absolutely stunning Ginny. I have always loved your moon shots. I also enjoyed learning that interesting fact about the tribes of the Great Lakes fishing for sturgeon.

Andrea said...

Oh these pictures!! And the perfect commentary to go along with! Thank you for this treat today!! xoxo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great captures of the red color, I have never seen this because the moon rise is after my bed time. I only see the moon from 4 am until 6 am.. no red there. my favotie is the first with all the spooky clouds. save this one for a Halloween post

George said...

You did a great job capturing the August full moon.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The full moon was beautiful this month. You did a wonderful job getting these outstanding shots! I agree with Sandra on the first one.

LV said...

Wonderful moon presentation. You do a super job on your photos. My moon shots never turn out good.

Linda said...

Wow! Just - WOW! We've enjoyed looking at the moon and hope to see lots of starry skies at the beach this weekend!

Tamago said...

Great captures! The haze gives very interesting effect in the sky. I especially love the 3rd photo!

Ann Thompson said...

Truly awesome photos. I tried the other night and my camera would focus on the moon perfectly but when I took the picture it was nothing like what I sw in the view finder

Ruth Hiebert said...

Once again, you nailed these shots. Great work Ginny.

Unknown said...

Very beautiful - you are amazing with these moon shots Ginny!

Carla from The River said...

I like how you shared the moon names with us. Please do that for all the moons. I love fun facts like this. And of course you are the Queen of Moon Taking Photos. ;-)
Love, Carla

Rose said...

Awesome shots, Ginny.

Nancy Chan said...

Your moon photos are always gorgeous and stunning! Love the Full Red Moon and the August Moon. Have a beautiful day!

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